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Chapter 19

Back at his residence, under the unsettling gaze of his agent, Lin Chunan calmly closed the door. "I didn't notice it before, but now, seeing him, I really want to give him a good beating."

098: "Just beating him won't accomplish the mission. Your task is to ensure he has no place to live or die."

Lin Chunan: "Let's start with a beating."

The next day, Lin Chunan meticulously disguised himself before leaving.

Seeing Lin Chunan slowly park the car on the side of the road, 098 couldn't help but ask, "Host, your outfit...?"

"What? Is there something strange?"

Listening to the sweet and charming female voice coming from Lin Chunan, 098 fell silent, finding everything strange.

At this moment, Lin Chunan had long flowing hair, a delicate makeup on his face, wearing casual light-colored clothing, a plain single-shoulder backpack – looking every bit like a youthful and beautiful girl. Lin Chunan's original features were completely hidden. Especially with that excessively sweet voice, it made people feel a tingling sensation.

"Ah!" Just as he opened the car door, Lin Chunan suddenly exclaimed.

Although 098 didn't want to pay attention to him, for the sake of the mission, it still asked, "Host, what's wrong?"

"I forgot to bring a sack."


This was an old city block with quite a few pedestrians passing by. Regardless of gender, many people cast glances at Lin Chunan.

Within half an hour, 098 had observed at least five men colliding with the roadside billboards. Yet, shameless Lin Chunan continued to flirt with everyone looking at him.

"Host, the target has appeared," 098 finally breathed a sigh of relief, watching the agent coming down from upstairs.

Then it noticed that the person who could imprison Lin Chunan until death was indeed extraordinary. He didn't even spare a glance at Lin Chunan!

"The maid is on leave today. He's gone to buy lunch for me," Lin Chunan introduced to 098 with a smile. "Let's wait for him ahead."

Lin Chunan indeed knew this ten-year-long agent well. He blocked him in an alley.

Watching the man, who was defenseless and brutally beaten by Lin Chunan, 098, usually emotionless in its system program, suddenly felt a faint sympathy.

This agent would probably need at least a year of hospitalization. Oh, another rib was broken.

Lin Chunan understood the human body well, knowing exactly where to hit. Since he initially used a cloth to cover the man's mouth, apart from muffled groans, there was hardly any sound. 

As Lin Chunan attacked from behind and left only when the man seemed dazed, Zhang Ye couldn't even get a clear look at him.

"Host, where did the cloth you used to cover his mouth come from?" 098 asked after a long silence. It hadn't seen Lin Chunan bring a cloth.

"It was on the lid of the garbage bin in the alley where I beat him," Lin Chunan kindly explained to the system.


In a good mood, Lin Chunan hummed a tune while driving, only to be rear-ended.

The one rear-ending him was none other than Chu Yunge, who had just collided with him yesterday.

Seeing Lin Chunan, the handsome mixed-race man seemed surprised, then politely apologized, "I'm sorry, miss. I was a bit absent-minded while driving."

Suddenly, 098 spoke up, "Host, don't listen to him. You were driving so slowly, and he deliberately bumped into you from behind."

"I know, he must be coveting my beauty." Lin Chunan coquettishly flipped his hair.


"It's okay." Facing the man, Lin Chunan looked at the damaged rear lights, smiled at the man, and said, "No big deal, just a broken light. Let's send the car for repairs. I'll go with you."

This car wasn't expensive, with an ordinary style. Lin Chunan had barely used it, even his agent didn't know of its existence. So, Lin Chunan confidently drove it out, and it seemed luck was on his side.

Chu Yunge listened to Lin Chunan's voice for a moment and seemed lost in thought. Then, with a somewhat strange expression, he seriously said, "I'll take responsibility," paused, and continued, "The turn signal is broken; let's send the car for repair. I'll take you back."

It's just fixing a car, can it not sound so ambiguous? 098 thought, and then heard Lin Chunan's voice, "098, I bet fifty cents, this man has a crush on me."

After a moment of silence, 098 dealt a blow, "Even if he does, it's on the appearance of the woman you're currently pretending to be."

"No problem. He's so handsome; if he's willing to have a pure relationship with me, I don't mind cross-dressing."


Although he said that, Lin Chunan still declined Chu Yunge's offer to take him back. Holding the check enough to buy his old car that Chu Yunge gave him, he bid farewell to the man reluctantly.

"Host, do you want to sleep with him?"

"I said it's a pure relationship. Isn't a business card enough?" Lin Chunan held the steering wheel, concluded, "098, you're too dirty."


After that, until they returned home, 098 didn't speak to Lin Chunan. On the third day, Lin Chunan received a call from his agent, who was bedridden in the hospital, saying he had met with an accident and needed half a year off. Lin Chunan expressed concern before hanging up the phone.

"The comeback value has increased by 10%, and the current comeback value is 10%. Please continue your efforts, host."

098's voice remained calm, "Even with most of your teeth missing, your agent persists in calling you. It's true love."

Lin Chunan sighed, "098, you've been with me for so long, how come you still don't know who my true love is?"

Seeing the melancholy expression on the host's face, 098 couldn't help but recall what Lin Chunan had said during the last mission when he was with Zeng Wuyue. Could it be that the host had really fallen for Zeng Wuyue?

Then, 098 immediately realized it was overthinking. His next words were, "098, I feel the scent of true love coming from Chu Yunge."


Before 098 could say anything, Lin Chunan sighed again, "In just five days, I've lost six kilograms."

098: "...that's because you bit yourself."

Then, it saw Lin Chunan take out his phone and dial a number, a number that seemed familiar.

The call connected, and Lin Chunan's face lit up with a brilliant smile. His voice was serious, "Hello, is this Mr. Chu? I am Lin Chunan."

098: "...Host, did you plan this all along? You even memorized the person's phone number."

"For future sustenance, it's natural to be more attentive." Lin Chunan seemed to see through 098's thoughts and lazily replied. 098 was surprised and fell into silence.

The voice on the other end of the call was deep and magnetic. Lin Chunan maintained his serious tone, "Do you remember rear-ending a car a couple of days ago?"

"Of course," the voice on the other end chuckled.

"She's my cousin. Last time, I mentioned inviting you for a meal. When are you free?"

098 watched as Lin Chunan fabricated the story, then quickly finalized the meeting time.

Due to the preparations for the upcoming film, Lin Chunan had no other schedules before the filming began. His assistants were also on vacation.

After lying at home for a few days, the day finally arrived for him to meet Chu Yunge as agreed.

Lin Chunan slept until mid-afternoon, then leisurely got up.

Seeing Lin Chunan's slow and relaxed demeanor, 098 coldly remarked, "Host, your meeting with Chu Yunge is at 5 PM. It's currently 3:30 PM, and the driving time to the meeting place is forty minutes." In other words, Lin Chunan had fifty minutes left to prepare.

"I know." Lin Chunan yawned and went into the bathroom. Finally, Lin Chunan stood naked in front of the bedroom dressing mirror, asking, "098, what should I wear for our first formal meeting?"

Anything will do, just put on clothes quickly. For such a carefree host, 098 silently urged, then earnestly suggested, "Just make sure you're not recognized."

Then, Lin Chunan put on a shirt and jeans, adjusted the stray hair down to his ears, and wore glasses.

098 anxiously exclaimed, "Host, are you planning to go out like this?"

"Hmm?" Lin Chunan walked nonchalantly, "Is there a problem?"

...The problem is you'll definitely be recognized if you go out like this.

Then 098 realized it had overthought.

An hour later, Lin Chunan casually entered the restaurant. Surprisingly, everyone who looked at him, aside from being briefly surprised by his outstanding appearance, didn't recognize him as the current superstar. 098 was incredulous, "How did he manage to do this..."

"Charisma," Lin Chunan succinctly replied, with a cute smile on his face, complemented by the black-framed glasses, resembling a friendly neighborhood brother.

The puzzled 098: "..."

At a glance, Lin Chunan spotted the man seemingly glowing in the corner of the restaurant. Adjusting his expression, he walked over, "Mr. Chu, sorry to keep you waiting."


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