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Chapter 10

Tong Xiaoxiao skillfully dodged the approaching zombie that lunged at her shoulder, her eyes filled with disgust. She ruthlessly swung the steel pipe at the zombie's head, splattering putrid blood all over her. Unfazed, she kicked the motionless zombie away and stood back-to-back with Qin Haoyuan for defense.

It was the third day since the apocalypse began. On that day, they barely escaped being devoured by zombies when they woke up inside a mall. Fortunately, Qin Haoyuan awakened his fire-based abilities, even though they were only at the first level. It proved sufficient to deal with the sluggish newborn zombies. Planning to escape in a car, they found themselves surrounded as the zombies swarmed towards the scent of the living. Unable to locate a high chassis vehicle, they resorted to charging into the horde with steel pipes.

In the early days of the apocalypse, the zombies moved slowly, and the duo faced no major problems. However, on the second day of their escape, exhausted and planning to take turns keeping watch through the night, Tong Xiaoxiao accidentally fell asleep. Awakened by a noise, she found Qin Haoyuan bitten by a zombie on his arm.

Panicking, Tong Xiaoxiao felt a wave of emptiness in her mind, fearing what would happen if Qin Haoyuan turned into a zombie. Without any abilities of her own, she wouldn't survive the second evolution of the zombies.

Unexpectedly, something happened afterward. Perhaps due to guilt or overwhelming despair, Tong Xiaoxiao awakened a healing ability. It was a stroke of luck.

"Look, there's a car up ahead!" Recalling the events of the past few days, Tong Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up as she pointed to a heavily modified off-road vehicle casually parked on the roadside. There were only a few scattered zombies around.

Qin Haoyuan and Tong Xiaoxiao exchanged glances, clearing the zombies closing in on them and heading towards the off-road vehicle.

The car wasn't locked, and there was a middle-aged zombie in the driver's seat. The two simultaneously opened the car doors, with Qin Haoyuan moving to the side, and Tong Xiaoxiao on the passenger side forcefully jabbing the zombie driver with her steel pipe. The zombie rolled out from the other side and had its head smashed by Qin Haoyuan's steel pipe before the pursuing zombies caught up.

Coordinating seamlessly, the two climbed onto the car before the approaching zombies could reach them. The engine roared to life, and the two exchanged a smile.

In comparison to the struggles of the main characters, Ling Chunan and Zeng Wuyue had a more relaxed time.

On the first day of the apocalypse, they spent the entire day in bed. On the second day, Zeng Wuyue's subordinates, who had also awakened abilities, started arriving. By now, they had gathered a considerable force of seventy to eighty people.

However, Ling Chunan and Zeng Wuyue were treated as if they were in a relationship, with Zeng Wuyue seen as Zeng Wuyue's special someone. Ling Chunan didn't mind, and Zeng Wuyue intervened whenever someone disrespected his beloved. Only the bodyguard who frequently drove for Zeng Wuyue knew the truth, and he always looked nervously at Ling Chunan, as if afraid he might suddenly get bitten.

In the study, Ling Chunan lazily snuggled into Zeng Wuyue's arms, letting out a faint yawn. Despite the discontented gazes of their subordinates, he nestled further into the man's embrace, finding a comfortable position and drifting off to sleep.

Zeng Wuyue, "Wu Wu, everything is ready. When should we set out?"

Yuan Wu, Zeng Wuyue's right-hand man for over a decade, hesitated, looking at the sleeping Ling Chunan and then back at Zeng Wuyue. Eventually, he chose not to say anything that might upset Zeng Wuyue.

"Tomorrow, we'll depart for Jingcheng," Zeng Wuyue tightened his hold on Ling Chunan, "Get everything prepared."

Leaving the study, the subordinates gathered and began discussing in hushed tones.

"Wu Ge, why didn't you say anything to Five Master just now?"

Yuan Wu shook his head, "Didn't you see how smitten Five Master is with that kid? We need to carefully consider this matter. Besides, Jingcheng is thousands of kilometers away from Jiangcheng. It usually takes two to three days to drive there, and with the chaos of the apocalypse, who knows how long it'll take. We can't control what might happen on the way."

The others nodded in realization, praising Yuan Wu, "Wu Ge has foresight."

Only the bodyguard on the side looked troubled; that kid was much more fierce than Five Master.

Ah, the feeling of being the only sober one among the intoxicated crowd was truly lonely.

The next morning, Zeng Wuyue woke Ling Chunan from his sleep, dressing him and putting on his shoes. After exchanging a passionate kiss, Ling Chunan finally fully woke up.

"098: 'Host, you're really spoiled.'"

Ling Chunan licked his lips, "I enjoy it." Afterward, he extended his arms toward the man, who promptly lifted him up.

Outside the villa, there were around twenty modified off-road vehicles, prepared by Zeng Wuyue after hearing Ling Chunan's words before the apocalypse. Each car's trunk was stocked with enough gasoline for an extended journey.

In the eyes of the onlookers, Zeng Wuyue, with Ling Chunan in his arms, boarded the second car. The familiar bodyguard sat in the driver's seat, wearing a respectful smile. "Greetings, Fifth Master," he said, then glanced at Ling Chunan in Zeng Wuyue's arms, still feeling a bit apprehensive, "Hello, Young Master Ling."

Zeng Wuyue nodded, got into the car, ruffled Ling Chunan's hair, and instructed, "Drive steadily."


The convoy set off from the villa area, encountering more zombies outside than the day they arrived. These zombies were more decayed than the ones they encountered at the villa, causing even those accustomed to the streets to feel a bit nauseated.

However, Ling Chunan was more interested in discussing with 098 the appearances of the zombies occasionally hitting the car windows.

"098, do zombies without eyeballs, like that one, sense us here?"

"Host, zombies only develop eyeballs after experiencing the third evolution. At that point, they start to gain intelligence. Before that, they rely on instincts to detect the scent of flesh."

"I know," Ling Chunan nodded slightly, "I just realized you haven't talked much lately. I wanted to chat with you."


Perhaps due to the large number of people, the journey of the convoy was not smooth, often requiring them to get out of the cars and clear the path of zombies.

By the fifteenth day, the emergency food supplies in the cars had run out. Zeng Wuyue did not allow Ling Chunan to reveal his space. In his words, although his subordinates listened to him, they disrespected his beloved. He couldn't let them have a free meal, especially considering they needed more


In the end, Zeng Wuyue commanded the convoy to stop outside a small town.

There were a few zombies wandering on the outskirts of the town. Perhaps due to not having consumed many humans, these zombies moved relatively slowly. Upon hearing the commotion, they gradually moved towards the convoy.

Since they had to deal with the zombies, the bodyguard in the front seat also joined the others outside. Only Ling Chunan and Zeng Wuyue remained in the car.

In these days, Zeng Wuyue's abilities had reached the peak of the first level. In the early stages of the apocalypse, he was already one of the rare strong individuals. However, Ling Chunan, as a second-level ability user, could sense more.

Something was off about this small town.

"098, is this small town recorded in the plot?"

"No, according to the plot, it unfolds based on the main characters' route. There's no mention of this small town."

"Sweetheart, what are you looking at?" Zeng Wuyue encircled Ling Chunan, kissing his slightly furrowed brows.

Ling Chunan glanced again at the small town outside the window. Seeing everyone preparing to head into the town, a sudden sense of unease gripped him. "Hurry, call them back, let's leave this place."

Zeng Wuyue was surprised but didn't hesitate. He picked up the car's walkie-talkie, yet strangely, at such a short distance, there was no response. It seemed the local signal was being blocked.

"Get out and call them," Ling Chunan pushed open the car door, being the first to step out.

He had assumed that Zeng Wuyue had either turned into a zombie or encountered some other mishap at the beginning of the apocalypse. By now, he thought Zeng Wuyue should have escaped that peril. However, the real challenge lay ahead.

If his guess was correct, there was at least one Level 3 zombie in this town.

There had been no mention of Zeng Wuyue in the post-apocalyptic plot. It could be that he had met his demise in this town.

With these thoughts, Ling Chunan's expression became more serious.

Not because he had developed feelings for Zeng Wuyue or any of the subordinates, but to fulfill his mission, he needed to survive until the end. He was confident about surviving the apocalypse, but having Zeng Wuyue around made things more comfortable. Why not seize the opportunity?

Ling Chunan, with an A-grade physique, was incredibly fast. As he reached the entrance of the town, he positioned himself in front of the others without speaking. He knew how these people viewed him, and they would certainly not listen to him. Waiting for Zeng Wuyue here was the best choice.

The group wore puzzled expressions. Why did this Tussah Flower youth, who usually clung to Fifth Master, suddenly appear?

"Ling Shao, you're blocking our way," Yuan Wu spoke, using polite language, but his tone lacked any respect, appearing cold and distant.

Before Ling Chunan could say anything, Zeng Wuyue's icy voice echoed, "Everyone, evacuate."

"Five Master?" The group was taken aback, not understanding the reason behind Zeng Wuyue's command.

Zeng Wuyue walked briskly to Ling Chunan's side, exuding authority. "What? You won't even listen to me anymore?"

Glancing at the tempting display of food in a small supermarket on the nearby street, the hungry group hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked towards the cars.

At that moment, Ling Chunan suddenly heard a burst of air rushing from behind.

"Detected Level 3 intelligent zombie. Host, please be cautious!"


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