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Chapter 8

After confirming that Zeng Wuyue's words were not deceitful, Ling Chunan nodded seriously and said, "Then you can't leave me in the future, or else I'll lock you up."

098: "Host, he won't agree to such unreasonable demands. You should choose a more sensible approach."

Ling Chunan: "If he doesn't agree, I'll just throw him into the space. It's a good opportunity for him to do some farming."

Seems like your proposal is already mild enough? 098 thought about the information it found earlier and decided to keep quiet. Before, Ling Chunan might not have been able to beat Zeng Wuyue, but after his body was modified... it felt some sympathy for Zeng Wuyue and hoped he would quickly see the true face of the host.

Zeng Wuyue, however, obviously didn't appreciate 098's well-intentioned thoughts.

Looking at Ling Chunan's serious expression, Zeng Wuyue laughed softly, reached out to ruffle his hair, and kissed him on the lips, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Wherever you go, I'll go." 

Ling Chunan nodded, about to speak, but was silenced by the man.

When he woke up again, it was almost dusk, and he found himself in a villa near the school.

Stretching lazily, Ling Chunan noticed he was cleaned up, but there were marks all over wherever he could see. He asked, "098, how many days until the apocalypse starts?"

Thinking Ling Chunan had forgotten about the task, 098 was touched, "Thirteen days."

"Oh." Ling Chunan laid back down.

098: "..."

"Darling, wake up and have some food. You haven't eaten for so long; your body can't take it." Zeng Wuyue entered, seeing Ling Chunan curled up under the blanket, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Zeng Wuyue, in his prime, had a voice with the magnetic charm of a mature man, precisely what Ling Chunan liked. Especially when there was emotion in his voice, it made people tingle and lose control.

Actually, Ling Chunan wasn't hungry at all. He had already consumed quite a bit of meat from the man during his indulgence, which was still digesting.

However, seeing him so concerned, Ling Chunan opened the blanket, preparing to get up and dress. Yet, Zeng Wuyue pulled him into his arms.

Zeng Wuyue, usually the one being served, had never taken care of anyone. But Ling Chunan wasn't just anyone. He carefully dressed the youth, treating him like the most precious treasure. If anyone else saw this, they'd probably be shocked at how the usually decisive Zeng Wuyue was treating someone like this.

Currently, there was no one else, only 098 witnessing everything. It felt a bit sour, even though it had no teeth or heart.

To Ling Chunan, Zeng Wuyue's actions were initially surprising, but he quickly adapted. Although Zeng Wuyue had never taken care of anyone, his methods were impeccable. Ling Chunan was very satisfied, except for that overly energetic part.

After two rounds of activities, Ling Chunan didn't feel like moving much. Fortunately, Zeng Wuyue didn't seem to have plans for more. After dressing, Ling Chunan was carried downstairs.

The food on the table was still steaming, all light and liquid. Seeing Ling Chunan's somewhat disappointed look, Zeng Wuyue stroked his ear and then fed him a spoonful of porridge, coaxing, "Darling, it's better to eat light these days. But I made meat porridge for you. If you're not satisfied, you can eat me, how about that?"

Ling Chunan took a spoonful and then squinted his eyes. It was the first time he tasted Zeng Wuyue's cooking, "It's delicious."

Seeing Zeng Wuyue wanting to chew the food and feed Ling Chunan like a baby bird, 098 felt a bit left out.

System 097 seemed not bad; maybe it could try a Platonic kind of love?

Just when the two were having a sweet moment, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Zeng Wuyue's feeding actions continued smoothly, as if he hadn't heard anything. He even leaned down to kiss away the rice grains on Ling Chunan's lips.

Naturally, Ling Chunan had no intention of going to open the door. He didn't know many people in this world, and his original parents wouldn't come looking for him. So, whoever came for him now was definitely trouble. Swallowing the last bite of porridge, Ling Chunan yawned, "I want to sleep."

"I'll carry you upstairs to rest." Zeng Wuyue lifted Ling Chunan again.

After Zeng Wuyue left, Ling Chunan opened his eyes, dark and gloomy, with a hint of bitterness, "098, I'm going to be spoiled."

098's voice was indifferent, "Do you know you're going to be spoiled? If you don't prepare supplies soon, you'll starve during the apocalypse."

Ling Chunan's fingers rested on his chin, "I quite like being spoiled. Besides, as long as there's food, I won't starve."

098 finally found a reason to counter, "But your food supply might starve."

Outside the door stood Tong Xiaoxiao and her roommate.

Seeing the apocalypse approaching, Tong Xiaoxiao was anxious! If she didn't get a space, would she have to rely on others for survival again, like in her past life? But in this life, she hadn't started a relationship with Qin Haoyuan yet. If the apocalypse began and he didn't protect her, would she end up dead in a zombie pile?

Just thinking about this possibility made her terrified. She urged her roommate repeatedly to quickly find Ling Chunan.

Lin Qian, who already had some feelings for Ling Chunan, couldn't confess due to her ordinary appearance. But Tong Xiaoxiao, being attractive, used to dislike Ling Chunan. Now, seeing her paying so much attention to him, Lin Qian unconsciously felt a bit of rivalry.

Today, Ling Chunan didn't come to class, and she was worried. She thought of taking this opportunity to see him, and also inform him about the birthday party. However, Tong Xiaoxiao unexpectedly came along, making Lin Qian a bit annoyed. 

However, Tong Xiaoxiao seemed oblivious to her roommate's emotions. Seeing the villa door closed, she pressed the doorbell again.

The door opened with a sound.

But it wasn't Ling Chunan who opened the door; it was a tall, handsome, and icy man. He exuded an imposing aura, with eyes that sent shivers down one's spine with their coldness. Even after experiencing ten years of the apocalypse, Tong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shudder, let alone Lin Qian, a regular student.

"What do you want?" Zeng Wuyue glanced at the two unexpected guests outside.

Lin Qian seemed scared, unable to speak for a while. Her face, far from being attractive, turned pale, and if you looked closely, her legs trembled.

Tong Xiaoxiao was the first to regain composure, forcing a smile, "Hello, is this Ling Chunan's home? We are his classmates. We're a bit worried because he didn't come to class today, so we came to check on him."

Zeng Wuyue looked down at the girl who spoke, nodded after a while, his expression cold, "He's fine. Just has a fever. I'll tell him about your concerns. Please leave."

Watching the slowly closing door, Tong Xiaoxiao realized her back was drenched in sweat, her face puzzled, "Who is he? Why does he give off such pressure?"

On the way back, Lin Qian felt a bit disheartened. The beautifully crafted invitation she held was now wrinkled from her sweating. Suddenly, she said, "I remember now!"


"He's Zeng Wuye! I met him a few years ago. At that time, he was already a big shot in the two paths." Lin Qian pinched the invitation nervously, feeling a bit tense, "But why is he at Ling Chunan's place?"

"Zeng Wuye..." Tong Xiaoxiao didn't have memories from before her rebirth, so she didn't know "her" had met Zeng Wuyue outside the classroom not long after the school started. She was still thinking about Zeng Wuyue's deeds.

For ten years of the apocalypse, she was sure she hadn't heard this person's name. Someone with such a powerful aura should be famous during the apocalypse. Could he have died before the apocalypse, or turned into a zombie?

If that were the case, it wouldn't be much of a threat.

Lin Qian still felt disheartened, "I haven't given my invitation to Ling Chunan yet."

Tong Xiaoxiao consoled her, "It's okay. It's only Wednesday today. We have classes tomorrow and the day after. When Ling Chunan comes to class, we can give him the invitation."

However, until the weekend and the start of Tong Xiaoxiao's birthday party, Ling Chunan never attended classes again.

During this time, including Tong Xiaoxiao, other schoolmates, and even Qin Haoyuan, tried to contact Ling Chunan many times. They asked the teacher, who only said Ling Chunan took a long vacation.

At this moment, Ling Chunan was lounging on the sofa at Zeng Wuyue's house, leisurely eating melon seeds, staring at the monitor in front of him. "098, has the male lead found out about the truth?"

098 took some delight in the misfortune, "Yes, the male lead has already identified the murderer who fell off the cliff a few months ago." As if thinking it wasn't shocking enough, it added, "The evidence is conclusive."

The murderer was naturally Ling Chunan.

Ling Chunan threw the melon seed shells into the trash and pressed his head against the cushion, "The apocalypse is coming tomorrow. Even if he found out, it doesn't matter. At most, we'll have a fight when we meet."

"The male lead's future combat power is stronger than yours." 098 didn't mince words. These days, it was stifled by the frequent displays of affection between these two. How could there be someone like this? Zeng Wuyue seemed smart, but he believed everything Ling Chunan said.

Ling Chunan asked, "Are you suggesting I should beat up the protagonist today?"


Anyway, on the second day as the sun rose, the apocalypse arrived.


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