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Chapter 429: The Rising Sun in the Night Sky!

From the refining of bronze to the forging of steel, and then the development of gunpowder, human technological prowess continued to advance, 'conquering' the land, sky, and oceans...

However, even with the roaring of cannons, in the face of true natural disasters like earthquakes, meteorites, and volcanic eruptions, they still appeared incredibly insignificant!

It was only in the twentieth century that humanity made a new breakthrough in the microscopic realm, delving into the study of atoms, using the mass-energy equation as a core theory, and developing atomic bombs, granting humanity the power to rival natural disasters for the first time!

Now, this power was truly manifesting before everyone for the first time!

An unimaginably powerful force erupted from the silver-white sphere.

Lucia only felt a deep, soul-penetrating fear before plunging into darkness...

This darkness was not created by the nuclear explosion.

In fact, the radiance it emitted was at its peak, hundreds of times brighter than the sun overhead!

It was precisely because of this that Lucia's eyes were instantly blinded, her eardrums ruptured directly, and she fell into a state of imbalanced senses. Even her usually keen magical perception was rendered useless because all she could perceive now was endless light and heat!

In the core of the explosion, under the temperature of tens of millions of degrees and the pressure of millions of trillions of Pascals, space and time seemed to lose their meaning at this moment. Whether it was Lynn's magical projection or the massive steel aircraft, they were instantly vaporized under such overwhelming power.

Lucia, just a few meters away from the center of the nuclear blast, was no exception. The protective barrier constructed around her body couldn't withstand even 0.001 seconds and disintegrated. Following that was her physical form, protected by magical arts!

First, the exposed limbs – hands, feet, and skin – dissolved, followed by bones, organs, and blood, until her entire body was completely evaporated by the high temperature.

What kind of power was this?

Lucia retained a faint consciousness, unable to comprehend how Lynn, controlling the state-of-the-art aircraft, could unleash such terrifying magic.

Seventh circle? Eighth or ninth circle? Lucia, now in the midst of this, had no time to evaluate the power of this magic. After the destruction of her physical body, her essential soul was exposed to this searing furnace!

For centuries, she felt the threat at the soul level for the first time!

A large number of sturdy and dangerous neutrons wreaked havoc at the microscopic level, accompanied by various terrifying radiation rays.

Although the nuclear explosion itself didn't affect the soul, psychic energy was also a form of energy, and matter and energy were inherently connected.

Since it interfered with matter, it would be influenced by the material world in return!

The soul, now entering the legendary realm, gradually dissipated under the influence of such power after losing the shelter of the flesh.

The agony of this torn-apart soul was beyond imagination, far more painful than being devoured by countless poisonous ants.

It seemed she could only completely abandon this projection and part of her essence...

With a determined heart, Lucia transmitted the most crucial memories back to her core through the entanglement of souls. In the next moment, her soul completely perished in the high temperatures of tens of millions of degrees, and the godly projection covering the outside world collapsed with a thunderous roar!

From the moment of the nuclear explosion to the annihilation of Lucia's soul, it all happened in an instant. After the disappearance of the godly realm, the shockwaves, carrying high temperatures, flames, and radiation, surged in all directions!

The already excavated mountains erupted, countless boulders were engulfed by high temperatures before falling, turning into scalding magma...

"Protect yourselves, don't open your eyes!" Lynn, who had jumped down from the mine in advance, loudly reminded.

Harof and Aurora, upon hearing this, tightly closed their eyes, using the little magic power they had left to set up protections around themselves.

Only the curious Victorio slightly opened his eyelids, wanting to take a look. But under the terror of the intense light, his pupils shed monstrous tears before losing vision!

However, before losing sight, Victorio clearly saw that the ultra-high-temperature energy wave, transmitted at several times the speed of sound, had caught up!

Fortunately, the godly projection and the excavated mine bought them enough time. Before the shockwave of the nuclear explosion fully arrived, the few of them had already plunged into the depths of the river together!

The next moment, the high-temperature energy wave swept over the river surface, creating towering waves. Tens of thousands of tons of river water evaporated in an instant, corpses of fish and shrimp inside were shattered and exterminated, and numerous floating corpses appeared on the river surface...

Fortunately, for legendary wizards, this level of aftermath was barely resistible!

This was also the reason why Lynn deliberately chose this place as the battlefield!


At the same time, several kilometers away in a dense forest, Ragnar was leading the Holy See crusade army at a swift pace.

In order to catch up quickly and support the Holy Maiden, this crusade army had pushed their marching speed to the limit. However, due to night marching and rushing all the way, thousands of imperial soldiers fell behind.

However, Ragnar obviously had no time to care about them. After all, he had a clear view of the battle in the sky before, witnessing Lucia, riding a griffin, shoot down the wizards' airships but getting hit by a laser beam, putting her in a perilous situation.

"Don't worry, Lord Ragnar. The Holy Maiden has received divine inspiration and will surely triumph over those minions of evil, securing the final victory!" The red-robed bishop at his side made a praying gesture, expressing confidence.

Ragnar also suppressed the unease in his heart, soon replaced by the warning rising in his mind.

Through the cover of the trees, a dazzling light shone in the distance.

Was it already morning?

Everyone was puzzled, considering they had set out around 1 am, far from the time the sun would rise.

However, the light continued to grow brighter. In just a second, the entire sky was illuminated in a vivid red color, even brighter than the noon sun!

"Ah, my eyes!"

Screams echoed one after another in the formation. The intense radiation, even from several kilometers away, was still powerful. Soldiers who looked up at the sky felt their pupils burning.

Then, the whole ground violently shook. Amidst an ear-splitting roar, a massive mushroom cloud rose in the sky!

Although obstructed by the forest, they couldn't fully see what had happened in front. Panic inevitably spread in everyone's hearts.

Some even thought this was a sign of the apocalypse!

"Don't panic, everyone!" Ragnar shouted loudly, stabilizing the disoriented minds.

"This must be the power of the Lord!" "It's the great Goddess of the Moon, the creator of all, punishing the minions of evil!"

Ragnar spoke with increasing firmness.

The bishops, priests, and devout believers immediately believed because, in their perception, only the Lord could wield such terrifying power, making the heavens and earth change color!

They were unwilling to believe that such a powerful force could be the work of demons!


you, great Lord! Your power dims the morning star!" A bishop fanatically exclaimed,

Some enthusiastic priests directly dismounted and knelt on the ground in prayer.

The dazzling light quickly approached them, and the red-robed bishop opened his arms to embrace the imminent divine light!

However, Ragnar sensed something was amiss. In the approaching light, there was an unbearable heat, and most importantly, he didn't sense any divine power.

This couldn't be the Lord's power!

A look of horror appeared on Ragnar's face, but in the next moment, the dazzling firelight and high-energy shockwave had already passed through this dense forest...

Tall trees were instantly torn apart, and the thick earth turned into endless scorched land. The red-robed bishop, who had opened his arms to embrace the divine light, turned into a charred corpse in the moment the firelight swept over him.

Even more unfortunate were the Empire's soldiers. Their unprotected bodies, along with their armor, vaporized, becoming part of nature.

About three kilometers above them, the remaining sixty or so airships were violently shaking in the enormous wind pressure.

"Speed up, speed up, don't stop!" On one of the airships, Philip urged anxiously. At this speed, they might be caught up by the shockwave.

"This is already the maximum speed, Master Wizard!" The pilots, busy manipulating the airship, didn't dare to look back at the light.

Only Philip and those with alchemical goggles could witness the splendor of the nuclear explosion...

According to Master Lynn, these lights were too intense to look at with the naked eye. However, with alchemical goggles that could resist ultraviolet rays to some extent, they could still see. Even though the brightness was reduced by dozens of times, tears still welled up in their eyes.

"Is this Master Lynn's new magic?" Tiek looked at the crumbling mountains, steaming rivers, and the ground turned into glassy scorched earth, his voice trembling. "This is simply..."

Tiek was momentarily at a loss for words, only speaking after a long pause. "It's like the sun falling from the sky!"

Tiek's words expressed the feelings of everyone. They couldn't find any other words to describe it except for the sun falling.

Can magic truly possess such power?

Doubts arose in everyone's hearts.

And this was just the aftermath; the core's power would be even more terrifying.

Perhaps only such formidable power could stand against that false god!

Fortunately, Tiek soon noticed that the speed of the shockwave below was gradually decreasing as the range expanded. It was no longer as fierce as before. With the airships evading in advance at speeds of about a hundred kilometers per hour, they should be able to escape the nuclear blast radius.


At the moment of the nuclear explosion, several kilometers away in the City of Fire Oil, the battle had already entered a white-hot stage!

Anthony and the others' attack was very successful. Due to the main force being withdrawn, the City of Fire Oil, lacking defensive forces, couldn't hold out for more than ten minutes and was easily captured. But then, Joshua, leading thousands of God's Punishment troops rushing to the scene, caught them off guard!

There was an insurmountable gap between legends and grand wizards.

In just three minutes of combat, two of the seven grand wizards besieging Joshua had already fallen!

The remaining five were all wounded.

Anthony suffered the most severe injuries, with a deep wound visible to the bone on his chest.

Joshua, on the other hand, seemed unfazed, with only the right side of his robe burned halfway, and half of his staff broken.

Those participating in the siege, including Arad, were going all out but still couldn't see any possibility of defeating him. Discouragement began to creep into their hearts.

"Don't worry, everyone! In a short while, the councilors will handle that Holy Maiden and return to reinforce!" Anthony rallied their spirits.

Although their plan had some flaws, as long as they could delay this Judgment Chief here, Lynn and the others would face much less pressure, making the plan proceed more smoothly!

"Reinforcements?" Joshua sneered and said coldly. "You have no idea what kind of opponents they are facing!"

The bishops and priests of the Holy Church usually considered the Church's Holy Maiden as a mere attendant chosen to serve the gods, an attractive ornament.

But only those at the higher echelons understood the necessity of the Holy Maiden's existence.

Because she was the incarnation of the Lord!

These wizards' so-called 'legends,' even if multiplied several times, would still be crushed directly under the might of the Lord!

"Everything stops here!" Joshua's voice became icy.

It seemed that without mobilizing some divine power, it was impossible to deal with these wizards in a short time!

"This place is the realm of the gods, and all evil will dissipate!" Joshua prayed loudly.

Anthony and the others were serious; they knew the immense power of the divine realm, something they couldn't confront.

However, to everyone's surprise, as Joshua's voice rang out, there was no sign of any divine vision.

Even the wizards present were puzzled, speculating whether the opponent was deliberately intimidating them?

Joshua's face turned extremely ugly. Under the severe backlash of divine arts, he spit out a mouthful of blood. What shocked him even more was that the divine power within him was being drained...

The great Lord had actually interrupted the supply of his energy, causing the premature collapse of the divine realm before it even formed.

"Chain Lightning!" Although Anthony didn't know why the opponent suddenly stopped the attack, he didn't let go of this opportunity. Blue-purple lightning instantly struck Joshua down.

Arad and the others watched in amazement as the Chief Judge of the Holy See, who had been invincible just moments ago, was hit by a second-circle spell. They wore inexplicable expressions, even suspecting if this was some kind of illusory divine art trying to make them drop their guard.

While everyone was perplexed, a tremendous and trembling energy fluctuation came from afar. Anthony abruptly turned his head, and then he saw it—the night sky was now adorned with a rising sun!


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