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Chapter 418: First Generation Fighter vs. Lava Fire Dragon

The continuous barrage of bullets did not catch Lord Lynn's attention, as the Lava Fire Dragon, while destroying airships, also faced the wizards' counterattacks at every moment.

As for Lord Lynn himself, the majority of his focus was on suppressing the Lava Fire Dragon beneath him and constructing protective spells. He couldn't spare much attention to sense the origin of the incoming attacks.

However, his underestimation proved fatal. The fighter jet, traveling at a speed of 360 kilometers per hour, moved like a gust of wind. In the blink of an eye, it covered a distance of several hundred meters.

Just before colliding with the colossal dragon body, Lydia desperately maneuvered the aircraft, pulling the red lever beside her to the lowest point.

In the moment of intersecting with the dragon body, a powerful laser beam shot out from the front of the aircraft.

The top of the fighter jet resembled an almost infinite and unstoppable divine sword!

The distance between them as they passed each other was less than thirty meters!

Lydia could even see the intricate magic patterns on the dragon's red scales, resembling chains. At such a close range, the laser beam's power was unleashed to the fullest. The tough dragon scales were instantly cut, and the fighter jet roared past, leaving a long bloodstain on the massive dragon from east to west.

Blood splattered across the sky, and the roar of the giant dragon echoed continuously.

"What is this thing?" Lord Lynn, belatedly realizing something was amiss only when his fire dragon was wounded, could vaguely sense an intrusion into his domain. It was fleeting, its speed unimaginable.

Already struck again, the enraged Lava Fire Dragon continuously sought the enemy attacking it with its fiery breath, but the illusion magic worked exceptionally well in the dark night. Lord Lynn could only sense the airflow as the fighter jet passed and the buzzing sound of the propeller.

The dragon opened its mouth, spewing the scorching dragon breath continuously towards the source of the sound.

However, the speed of the fighter jet was too fast. Under Lydia's control, it moved like an agile fish, weaving through the intense dragon breath. Occasionally, she used the machine guns to counterattack.

With a fierce burst of machine gun fire, a continuous rain of bullets reappeared. In just a dozen seconds, hundreds of bullets struck the dragon's body continuously.

Although most of them were blocked by the tough dragon scales, there were many wounds oozing with blood. The red blood flowed down the dragon's tail.

Amidst the angry and painful roars, the fiery dragon's breath became more intense. The entire dragon head directly collided with the direction from which the bullet rain came.

Lydia was audacious, but she understood that her fighter jet couldn't confront a dragon head-on. Moreover, the burning dragon breath had some impact on the battle.

After all, her ability to see in the dark and accurately hit the target relied not only on vision but also on the magic of sensing heat.

This was why pilots of fighter jets had to be chosen from among the wizards.

Fortunately, the fight wasn't about size or powerful spells. If one couldn't hit the target, these advantages were meaningless! Lydia clearly understood this, always maintaining a certain distance, circling around the giant fire dragon. Occasionally, she activated the machine guns to harass and provoke the irritable dragon, and, seizing opportunities, she used the laser beam up close!

According to the headmaster's words, the angrier and more irrational the enemy, the greater the chance of success!

As for Lord Lynn on the dragon's back? The target was too small, completely invisible under the magic of heat perception, overshadowed by the dragon's massive heat source.

Coupled with the constant movement of the fire dragon itself, hitting such a small target in the limited view of the night sky was like a fairy tale. So, Lydia focused all her attention on dealing with the dragon.

After several minutes of entanglement, there were dozens more horrifying wounds on the dragon's body.

Already on the verge of losing control, the Lava Fire Dragon went completely berserk. Dragon breath covered the sky, and the dragon tail swung wildly, attacking aimlessly.

Lydia narrowly avoided the swing of the dragon's tail, followed by another round of shooting, hitting the dragon's body.

"This life force is too strong!" Lydia, watching the still howling but not falling Lava Fire Dragon, was secretly shocked. She had never seen a creature endure so many laser beams and machine gun shots and still be so 'vital.'

The fighter jet's reserve of four thousand ammunition rounds had already consumed eighty percent, and the energy supply for the laser beam was less than a third remaining.

It seemed she had to conserve ammunition, slowly deplete the opponent's stamina and vitality. Lydia didn't believe this thing had immortality. The fighter jet still had more than half of its fuel, and she was confident that she would emerge victorious if she dragged the battle on.

"Enough, stop!" Lord Lynn tightly grabbed a protruding spike on the dragon's back, preventing himself from being thrown off. He infused a large amount of magical energy into the dragon-shaped gem, forcibly controlling the Lava Fire Dragon beneath him to cease its meaningless attacks.

Their goal wasn't to engage in a pointless battle with an unseen and untouchable target here; it was to delay time and destroy the airborne airships as much as possible.

These alchemical creations carried the main forces of the wizards. Each shot down airship meant the deaths of hundreds of riflemen and wizards.

Under Lord Lynn's constant urging, the frenzied Lava Fire Dragon redirected all its rage and frustration towards the airships that had not yet escaped.

Lydia, seeing the enraged dragon still chasing the airships under her 'teasing,' hurriedly followed suit. She opened the amplification spell added by the alchemists and loudly taunted.

"Come and fight me, I'm right here..."

Lydia taunted for quite a while. Seeing the dragon, still preoccupied with chasing the airships, she scolded, very irritated, "Only cowards would run away!"

Lord Lynn ignored Lydia's words, controlling the fire dragon beneath him to continuously change positions, reducing the frequency of being hit by the laser beam.

Although the Lava Fire Dragon still looked lively, Lord Lynn, who could sense the opponent's state through the dragon-shaped gem, understood that these injuries were gradually draining its vitality. It just didn't show because of its fury.

While the Lava Fire Dragon could still hold on, he needed to destroy as many airborne airships as possible and prevent them from reaching the oil-producing area...


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