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Chapter 396: Lynn: I Have a Magic That Can Kill Gods!

Lynn's orbital elemental model quickly won over the wizards present. Without saying much, its theoretical perfection surpassed other doctrines by a large margin!

The vastness of galactic orbits and the minute structures of atoms showed astonishing similarities. It was a unique magical romance. Arad even speculated whether their galaxy could be a 'cosmic atom,' with countless 'cosmic atoms' making up the visible universe!

"So, the most crucial substance that makes up an element is its core!" Harof realized this quickly, recalling the results of particle scattering experiments.

"The number of electrons orbiting the core is scarce, their strength too low to stop alpha particles. They can't even cause a slight influence. But the nucleus, with its powerful electromagnetic force, can bend the trajectory of particles moving at twenty thousand kilometers per second, even bouncing them back."

"But what exactly constitutes the core of an element?" Harof suddenly thought of this.

"Could it be these alpha particles?" Victorio speculated. These peculiar particles scattered from radium elements, and since they weren't just electrons, they likely originated from the atomic nucleus.

"Well..." Lynn nodded without refuting because it wasn't entirely wrong.

Alpha particles are products of radium element core decay, composed of two neutrons and two protons. Structurally, they resemble the nucleus of a helium atom. In other words, radium elements continuously expel mass equivalent to helium atomic nuclei every second!

Apart from alpha particles, radium elements also emit β (beta) particles. However, he had presented too much 'research results' this time. With his efforts alone, he had transitioned the wizards from the macro to the micro world, advancing magical development by a hundred years!

If one person claimed all the credit, it might dampen the wizards' research enthusiasm...

As Lynn thought this, his words didn't pause. He continued, "So, our only remaining goal is to dismantle the atomic nucleus to understand the true source of magic!"

"But how can we do that?" Victorio furrowed his brow. They could sense elements and even use alpha rays smaller than them to penetrate, but the nucleus was much smaller than the elements. Its power could easily divert and rebound particles moving at twenty thousand kilometers per second—a terrifying prospect!

Aurora and Harof also fell into contemplation. The mystery of elements was within reach, only if they could open this last great door!

However, this door was made of iron, no, it was even harder than the back armor of a stone giant (the most durable thing known in the magical realm)!

Luckily, Lynn didn't expect the wizards to come up with a solution in just a few days. He straightforwardly said, "Actually, I have a plan, but there's one very important problem I haven't solved yet..."

"It's based on this theory that I've developed a new and powerful magic. I believe this will be the key to defeating the Holy Church!"

Lynn asserted firmly, his resounding voice echoing in the meeting room.

His words were like a huge stone thrown into a lake, immediately stirring ripples. Raphael and the others were so excited they stood up from their seats, staring intently at Lynn.

Seeking hope against the Holy Church from within the elements was guided by the legends of the Society of Mystical Arts. However, many wizards had started to doubt whether this aimless research was the right path.

Could they truly find the power to defeat that pseudo-god within the elements before the Church attacked again? Time was too short, and the enemy too powerful!

Some even pessimistically believed that the legends of the Society of Mystical Arts had concluded they couldn't defeat the Church and hence refused to act, making up excuses.

Harof and Victorio, who had faced Aila directly, were now indescribably shocked. They had personally experienced how powerful Aila was. Even legendary-level magic could be extinguished with a mere flick of her finger!

But Lynn still had the confidence to speak of defeating the Church!

If it were someone else, Harof would have thought they were boasting. But Lynn was different. Having created one miracle after another, he was truly the star of magic!

"What magic is it exactly, Master Lynn?" Victorio asked excitedly, disregarding the fact that inquiring about new magical principles was a big taboo among wizards.

"I can only say that it's the true power of the elements!" Lynn shook his head, teasingly keeping them in suspense.

Though all the wizards present were elite figures recognized by the council, having contributed significantly during the defense of the capital, the possibility of betrayal was slim. But even the slightest chance had to be guarded against.

"The true power of the elements?" Harof pondered. What kind of magic deserved such a title?

Could its power surpass even legendary magic?

Seeing that Lynn didn't intend to reveal it publicly, Aurora reluctantly spoke, "Why don't you just directly tell us what the issue is? Even the Star of Magic like you couldn't solve it, right?"

"I need to gather the council's strength and everyone's intellect to solve one thing!" Lynn solemnly stated.

The method to separate highly concentrated uranium-235 was available, and once the personnel exploring the mines returned, the necessary nuclear materials would be assembled. The only thing lacking was a neutron source that could be controlled—a method to emit neutrons!

This could be understood as the ignition device for a nuclear explosion. Without it, the explosion would be uncontrolled!

That was clearly not what Lynn wanted!

And there were typically three methods for making a neutron source...

One was using radioactive neutron sources, utilizing energy released during the decay of radioactive elements to bombard certain target substances, causing a nuclear reaction and releasing neutrons.

For instance, using alpha particles to bombard beryllium elements.

This rare element, subject to various particle impacts and irradiation, could produce neutrons. But given its rarity, it wasn't easy to find. Currently, not even a shadow of it was seen.

In fact, Lynn finding uranium ore was already extremely lucky!

The chances of the goddess of fate visiting twice in a row were almost negligible...


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