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Chapter 374: Since defeating the enemy at the atomic level seems impossible, why not try at the quantum level?

During the analysis by the "Creator of Magic," Victorio, the fear of the god's descent among the present members of parliament lessened. Since there's currently no way to directly confront that false god, the idea is to find ways to avoid direct contact.

One potential method is akin to what Master Lynn and the esteemed councilors did—directly targeting the spellcaster, disrupting the divine magic. Alternatively, employing covert means to eliminate the leaders of the Holy Church's Punishment Legion and the Judges, among others.

Amidst the fervent discussions, Lynn didn't share the same optimism.

Even if they try to avoid it as much as possible, that goddess is an enemy they'll eventually have to face.

Moreover, the clergy of the Church can't be judged by common sense. Some fanatics are utterly mad, willing to sacrifice everything for their god.

To them, death might merely be an early return to their deity's embrace.

As for how to overcome Aila, Lynn already has some ideas brewing.

Since the opponent can precisely manipulate magic, divine arts, and mimic atoms and molecules, attempting to defeat them on that level is nothing but wishful thinking.

Their only hope lies in an unconventional approach—delving into the more microscopic quantum realm to develop magic potent enough to slay a god!

Just as Lynn was pondering, Harof interjected unexpectedly. "Master Lynn, what might the Guild of Mystic Arts think about this war between the Church and the Kingdom?"

At Harof's words, the room fell silent. Raphael and others suddenly remembered that aside from the Wizard Council, the Guild of Mystic Arts also had members involved in this conflict.

That's quite a potent external support!

Regarding this enigmatic wizarding organization, although they have limited knowledge, they can glean some insights from various angles.

For instance, the few members they know of from the Guild are all exceptional wizards.

Lynn, needless to say, trained under one of the legendary wizards from the Guild. Remarkably young, Lynn had already ascended to the rank of grand wizard, excelling not just in magic but also in arithmetic, force fields, elements, and alchemy.

During the two years in the land of wizards, Lynn even earned a Day Crown and two Silver Moon Medals, becoming a widely acclaimed star of magic!

Had it not been for minimal publications in shaping and potion-making, many would have considered Lynn an all-capable wizard.

Then there's Anthony, a grand wizard who independently developed potent thunder magic, establishing an entirely new school that allows formal wizards to harness the might of lightning...

Lastly, there's the master Leibniz, who proposed calculus. His debate with a wizard named Zeno about a tortoise race set the entire wizarding world abuzz, igniting discussions about motion, stillness, finite, and infinite.

To Raphael, the members of the Guild of Mystic Arts are a group of remarkably talented and knowledgeable wizards. Among them, there might even be the existence of legendary wizards. If they're willing to genuinely collaborate with the council, it would significantly enhance their chances against the Church.

With the lawmakers' hopeful gaze fixed on him, Lynn carefully spoke, "Regarding this war with the Church, there's considerable debate within the Guild. While many agree, most are adopting a wait-and-see approach. Some believe that our strength alone might not be enough to safeguard the entire kingdom..."

As Lynn narrated, Raphael and others understood that the Guild of Mystic Arts is a loose academic organization, preferring to recruit scholars. Members convene in a secluded space, often unaware of each other's identities...

However, within the Guild, identities and status don't hold much weight because knowledge reigns supreme here!

Additionally, the Guild members hold varying opinions about this war, making it impossible for them to organize significant reinforcements akin to the council.

As Lynn elaborated on the Guild's setup, thoughts brewed about the necessity to persuade more wizards from both the kingdom and the empire to join the Guild as members. This tactic could help manipulate perceptions.

"As for the leaders of the Guild of Mystic Arts, I believe they might have some interest in that false god," Lynn added.

"Could it be they want to join the war against the Church?" Harof was surprised and somewhat excited.

"I'm not certain," Lynn shook their head.

Suddenly, Aurora chimed in, "I heard that when the Guild let you enter the land of wizards, they entrusted you with the Ring of Mystic Arts, meant for the wisest. So, did you give it to Harof?"

Lynn discerned the dissatisfaction in the witch's words and found it somewhat amusing.

At that time, Lynn only knew Harof among the legendary wizards. Moreover, neither Aurora nor Victorio were ideal candidates for such a responsibility.

"The Guild of Mystic Arts never declines individuals of vast knowledge, like the esteemed councilors. The last interaction was merely a preliminary contact and understanding. I believe you all will receive invitations at the next discussion."

Aurora and Victorio nodded. They were indeed intrigued by the Guild. Meanwhile, Harof, while eager, also felt some apprehension. After all, during the last legendary gathering, he almost embarrassed himself due to the discussions on world formation theories, which took him more than a year to comprehend...

The internal council meeting continued for the morning. Aside from strategizing against the descent magic, discussions primarily revolved around whether to defend the capital or launch a proactive campaign to reclaim lost territories within the kingdom or even advance into the empire's borders.

Hatar had been urging this multiple times, especially since almost half of the kingdom's territories had fallen. The title of king seemed almost hollow!

However, this empty throne didn't seem to influence the council's decision-making. After several rounds of deliberation, Lynn decided to opt for a period of defensive consolidation, focusing on logistical restoration, particularly ammunition production!

During the defense of the capital, the Alchemy Institute had developed a formidable weapon—machine guns. Their performance on the battlefield had been exceptional, eliminating hundreds of Punishment Legion soldiers within a minute using just three machine guns, an astounding achievement.

Considering these Punishment Legion soldiers had previously forced thousands of royal guards and riflemen into retreat but were reduced to slaughter targets against the machine guns, maintaining a consistent supply of ammunition would grant them the upper hand in the war!


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