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Chapter 78: Return

The sword sliced through the abyssal crevice with little resistance, splitting it in two.

"What was that sound?" Hua Mi tilted his head, perplexed by the peculiar noise emanating from the depths of the abyss. It resembled... a horn!

It lasted but a second before abruptly ceasing.

Simultaneously, the severed abyssal halves shrank into nothingness.

The palpable sense of rhythmic panic in the air dissipated.

The laser emitted by the Fire Seed retracted at the same time.

A piercing howl echoed from the black mist, followed by a slender figure plummeting from within.

Unno was enveloped in swirling black mist, sprawled on the ground, roaring towards them.

Leaning on the Purifier Sword, Hua Mi was drenched in cold sweat.

"It hurts!"

Neurotoxins had invaded his body, an excruciating pain piercing deep into his bones, making him contemplate severing his throbbing hand.

Yet Unno's relentless shouting added to his disquietude.

Unno clawed his way up, the dark mist cloaking him akin to a malevolent spirit, staggering towards Hua Mi.

"Hell!" Hua Mi cursed, rising and lifting the heavy sword.

Just then, a muffled boom resonated.

The Fire Seed erupted, leaving a ring of scorch marks around.

Instinctively, Hua Mi raised the Purifier Sword in front of him, witnessing the shockwave sweep Unno.

Instantly, flames engulfed him entirely, and within half a second, he turned to ash amidst the blaze.

After the fire had spread to a certain distance, it abruptly receded.

The entire Fire Seed drastically diminished to the size of a ping-pong ball, its flames extinguished, now quietly suspended like an ordinary night pearl.

Gripping the hilt of the sword, Hua Mi lowered his gaze, an expression of endless melancholy in his eyes—numbed by the pain.

But soon, he noticed something unusual.

"Why does it feel like the sky is getting darker?" he mused aloud.

Beyond the dome, the storm vortex persisted, clashing against the sky, yet the celestial flames seemed notably dimmer, and the city's luminance had significantly decreased.

Without the Fire Seed continuously supplying energy to the sky, how much longer could it hold?

"It needs a reboot... the Fire Seed needs a reboot," Tin Can appeared at some point, regarding Hua Mi with trepidation, speaking in a hushed tone.

"How do we reboot it?"

"The Fire Seed has entered a self-locking state. You need to use the Purifier Sword in your hand to break its outer shell..." Tin Can said respectfully. "Only you can do it."

Hua Mi glanced at the Fire Seed and indeed noticed a faint outer shell encasing it.

Just break it open?

Cracks—ominous shattering echoed from above.

Looking up, a fissure had already split the sky.

"We must act swiftly. Without the Fire Seed's power, the sky won't hold for long," Tin Can urged urgently.

Hesitation was a luxury Hua Mi couldn't afford now. He lifted the Purifier Sword again.

Beneath, the Fire Nymphs suddenly began a unified chant, resembling an ancient bronze ensemble.

Only after inquiring with Tin Can did he realize they were chanting "Keeper of the Sword."

Amidst the chorus of Fire Nymphs, Hua Mi held the sword in both hands.


The broad blade swept through the nearly imperceptible outer shell.

The Fire Seed swiftly reverted to its normal size, aflame once more in pale fire.

Immediately, a white beam soared into the sky, piercing the heavens.


"Abyssal Scholar?" The voice of the Fire Nymph King resonated in the grand hall. "What is an Abyssal Scholar?"

Alyss replied, "After the second Abyssal invasion, a new profession emerged. They mainly delve into Abyssal studies..."

"Studying the Abyss?!" The Fire Nymph King's tone heightened. "You're all out of your minds!"

Whispers fluttered among the Fire Nymphs in the hall.

Clang, clang, clang—

The Fire Nymph King clapped his hands to silence them, continuing, "We harbored great goodwill towards the elves initially, but your companion's grave error almost led to our city's destruction. Even if I consider you a guest, my people might not agree."

Alyss remained silent.

Hua Mi glanced at her.

When the abyssal rifts closed, Alyss promptly returned to normal.

It made one wonder if her peculiar behavior was related to the Abyss at that time? Recalling her eerie red eyes, it was evidently not an ordinary illness.

A curse?

Or perhaps...

Though curious, Hua Mi refrained from asking her.

Seeing her silenced by the Fire Nymph King now oddly satisfied him.

The inherent arrogance of the elves made them resistant to others' opinions—her being a top figure in a certain field only exacerbated this flaw.

She firmly believed in her decisions, disregarding others' thoughts entirely.

Hua Mi had cautioned her more than once about Unno, yet she remained obstinate, dismissing his words entirely.

After this incident, who knew if she'd learned her lesson?

"From now on, you're not welcome in the Brass City," the Fire Nymph King proclaimed her "sentence."

Alyss didn't speak, merely bowing in adherence to protocol, signifying no objections.

"As for you," the Fire Nymph King turned to Hua Mi on the side, saying, "Though you bear similar responsibilities, you displayed extraordinary courage and strength in the face of danger, single-handedly saving the Brass City. I believe that merits recognition, balancing out your deeds."

The nearby Fire Nymphs voiced their agreement.

"The Brass City still welcomes your presence, Keeper of the Sword!"


During the wait for the Fire Seed's stabilization, both sides of Fire Nymphs momentarily ceased hostilities, reaching a consensus—they would temporarily avoid contact with the main world.

Alyss also pledged not to disclose the coordinates of the Brass City.

Hua Mi obtained a packet of "Gifts from the Mother Goddess," along with other miscellaneous alchemical materials.

This journey also yielded an unexpected treasure—Crimson Fire Bees.

Additionally, he gathered intelligence and forged friendships with the Fire Nymphs.

Despite saying "balancing out deeds," the Fire Nymphs held him in high regard.

After all, he was the first person after King Lulu to wield the Purifier Sword.

The Fire Nymphs hailed him as the "Keeper of the Sword."

Both Fire Nymph Kings reached an agreement, granting him the right to wield the Purifier Sword.

They crafted an anti-magic gold plaque as proof, inscribed with "Keeper of the Sword" in both human and Fire Nymph languages.

It was the right to wield, not ownership.

The Purifier Sword, as a prized possession of the Fire Nymphs, couldn't be given away casually.

It forever belonged to the Brass City.

Hua Mi didn't mind much. "Keeper of the Sword" sounded impressive, likely just an honorary title.

While the Purifier Sword boasted potent anti-magic effects, its operation was challenging, especially for humans.

Short bursts were manageable, but prolonged use? Muscles would cramp.

Due to its anti-magic properties, it couldn

't be stored in spatial equipment, requiring personal carriage. Imagine lugging that thing around; exhaustion might strike before reaching the destination.


About three days later, the Fire Seed stabilized.

Alyss erected a portal on the square, opening a passage.

Before departure, a group of Fire Nymphs came to bid farewell.

Of course, they were there for "Keeper of the Sword" Hua Mi.

Toward Alyss, they remained considerably indifferent.

Passing through the dimensional passage, the two travelers smoothly returned to Alyss's study.

Outside the window lay the familiar Black Forest.

Familiar air, familiar sounds of nature.

Hua Mi felt considerably more at ease.

"Before we set out, you didn't mention how perilous this trip would be, and this time's danger falls squarely on your shoulders."

Hua Mi paused, saying, "Gonna need more compensation."

"I can fulfill your future needs for free. Will that suffice?"


To receive such a commitment from a top-tier architect made many envy, but he couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

"But you'll provide your own materials. I don't have time to gather them for you," Alyss said, already beginning to pack. "I need to return to the Emerald City immediately. The Abyss is stirring, and the Abyss Research Association is no longer reliable. This information must reach the Emerald City promptly."

Hua Mi understood her urgency. "I need to get back quickly too. I don't know how the greenhouse fared."

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