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Chapter 63: Hilia's Improved Mutagenic Agent

Hua Mi hadn't seen Hilia for a few days, and she seemed to be embracing a newfound freedom. Gone were the days of her tying her hair up; now it cascaded loosely over her shoulders. It was no longer as sleek and black as before, exuding a fluffy and wild quality that she seemed entirely nonchalant about. While she wasn't yet disheveled, there was a hint of a runaway trend in her appearance...

Hua Mi felt a twinge of concern for her mental state. Was this the ultimate fate of all alchemists?

"Is this the destination after stepping into alchemy?" he mused internally.

The progression of a budding alchemist: Before learning alchemy.Jpg. Just started learning alchemy.Jpg. A few months into learning alchemy.Jpg...

What would she evolve into a year from now?

Perhaps a book could be written: "Alchemy: From Novice to Grave."

"It seems being a beekeeper is more elegant after all," Hua Mi remarked, sitting by the window, his elbow propped on the table, his hands folded beneath his chin. His hood obscured half his face, leaving only a fraction of his mouth and nose visible, adding an air of mystery.

Hilia approached the window, taking a deep breath and placing two vials of elixirs on the sill. Her voice was slightly hoarse as she spoke, "These are the mutagenic agents I've concocted. Please take a look."

Hua Mi noticed a smudge of black ash on her forehead. Despite that, up close, her complexion appeared quite good, perhaps due to consuming Featherflower honey.

His gaze lingered on the two vials. The one on the left was the remainder of what he had given her—a small quantity of the basic mutagenic agent. The one on the right was her creation, a smaller vial but similarly filled, containing a dosage comparable to the leftover basic mutagenic agent.

Both appeared identical—colorless, transparent liquids resembling ordinary water.

Hua Mi had been preoccupied with greenhouse cultivation these past few days and had almost forgotten about her experiment. The swift completion caught him off guard.

"I need to think about how to handle this," Hua Mi pondered for a moment, prompting Little Orange to continue, "Have you personally verified them?"

Hilia explained, "Yes, I've compiled three steps for alchemical identification. First, it involves observing external attributes like appearance, color, scent, and viscosity—an initial assessment. Second, it's about sensing the frequency and magnitude of magical fluctuations. Consistent frequency indicates a uniform type, while magnitude signifies the potency of the concoction. The third step is the final one—a live test. Administer the elixir to a living subject, observing its reactions and the magical fluctuations and effects it produces within."

"...Quite professional," Hua Mi acknowledged.

Encouraged by his response, Hilia's expression brightened as she continued, "I conducted live experiments with Green-haired Monkeys; both perished. However, their reactions were quite similar... albeit not entirely identical, possibly due to my addition of an extra material during the process—Dragon Crystal Powder."

Dragon Crystal Powder.

At the mention of this, Hua Mi's heart skipped a beat.

Dragon Crystal had records in alchemical annals—a rare mineral scarcely traded in the market. Initially linked to dragons due to its formation in regions inhabited by these creatures, it was believed to be influenced by the magical factors within a dragon's territory. Yet, later findings discovered it outside dragon territories, proving it unrelated to dragons.

To avoid misleading, official institutions recommended renaming it "Earth Crystal." However, the old name persisted due to historical records, causing confusion, and the name lingered.

Unlike other minerals, Dragon Crystal didn't occur in veins or mines. Most often, it was discovered as solitary pieces or even individual granules, making it far more precious than gold.

"I believe Earth Crystal's affinity can facilitate better fusion of mutative factors with the target memetic, increasing the reaction rate. Moreover, by accelerating the binding process, it allows the mutative factors to affect the periphery of the memetic structure, reducing penetration to the core and, consequently, minimizing fatalities. Of course, this is just theoretical speculation; whether it performs as envisioned remains to be seen."

In summary, Hilia's improved mutagenic agent potentially reacted faster, reduced mortality rates, and indirectly increased mutation success rates.

Leaving aside its viability, the fact that she was already extrapolating and improving the formula was terrifying.

"Unfortunately, Earth Crystal is exceedingly rare. I have less than 5 grams, limiting the quantity I could produce. Using such a precious material for experiments shows her determination to become an alchemist," Hua Mi thought, feeling a twinge of guilt for leading her on.

After a moment's contemplation, he reached out his right hand, retrieving an item from his storage ring—a paper-wrapped package he placed on the window sill.

It contained Unicorn Horn Powder—a portion collected during a trade with Alyss, approximately 10 grams.

"What's this?" Hilia inquired, picking up the package.

"Unicorn Horn Powder," Little Orange replied.

Hilia's pupils dilated. Someone who casually produced a package of Unicorn Horn Powder wasn't an ordinary alchemist.

"For your next project, I leave it to your discretion to determine the value of this packet of Unicorn Horn Powder. Imagination and execution are indispensable for an alchemist."

Teaching with such precious material!

Could it be that a unicorn was just an ordinary magical creature to him?

He was indeed the mentor I chose—mysterious and unfathomable.

Hilia took a deep breath, feeling immense pressure but nodded solemnly, "I'll give it my all."

"As for the actual effects of this mutagenic agent, I'll inform you of the results when you return," she promised.


Watching Hilia leave his sight, Hua Mi picked up the improved mutagenic agent, uncorking it to take a sniff. Like the basic version, it was colorless and odorless.

"Let's see how it performs."

Hilia possessed talent, but alchemy was a profound discipline. Whether it would yield the anticipated results remained uncertain.

Hua Mi opened his magic box, summoning a regular Chinese Honeybee. He poured a portion of Hilia's improved mutagenic agent into a dish, allowing the bees to ingest it.

The vial's capacity was limited. Consumed by over eight thousand bees, half the potion was already depleted.

"Even if this improved version proves effective, mass production would be challenging due to the rarity of Earth Crystal. It's not just about the price; this item's scarcity makes it fickle and elusive," Hua Mi observed.

As the bees absorbed the elixir, unusual magical fluctuations emerged within their bodies. They swiftly returned to their hive, commencing wax secretion and cocoon formation.

As per Hilia's theory, the Earth Crystal Powder expedited the reaction rate, implying that their cocoon formation time should be shorter than bees that consumed the basic mutagenic agent.

By tomorrow at the latest, the results would likely emerge.

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