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"Hint: You have a preliminary understanding of the essence of transformation magic 'Spell Impulse,' and you've gained 10 elements of transformation in the magic domain.

Spell Impulse: When you have a strong spell impulse in your heart when casting transformation-related magic, your success rate will greatly increase.

Your magic learning speed (transformation domain) +50%."



Although Sophia's accidental intrusion was a bit awkward, Matthew's face still radiated with joy.

The transformation domain had always been a headache for him. Unexpectedly, with Reiga's two divine assists, he not only successfully mastered two spells but also understood an essence.

This meant that in the future, Matthew would have a smooth path when learning transformation magic. In fact, even if there were obstacles, he now had confidence, even considering persuading Reiga to start a fast-track transformation magic class within the alliance!

"I'll go."

After Sophia left, Zeller spoke, "This matter needs to be explained clearly since I was present."

With that, he hurriedly followed her.

Leaving only Reiga glaring at Matthew.

Matthew's smile disappeared instantly as he recalled the horror of Reiga's massive sword controlling him. He spoke softly, "I'm sorry, Lord Reiga. That feeling was fleeting, and I couldn't afford to miss it."

"Nonsense!" Reiga gritted his teeth. "Why didn't you aim it at Zeller?"

Matthew innocently replied, "I only feel that way when I'm facing you."

"You fool!" Reiga couldn't contain his anger. "And why is it that every time this happens, Sophia comes in? Did you secretly send her to ambush outside to watch me make a fool of myself?"

Matthew tried to be rational. "This situation doesn't benefit me either. Let's say Sophia misunderstands what happened between us; won't that break your heart?"

Reiga thought for a moment, realizing there might be some truth to Matthew's words. His expression softened slightly. "Anyway, in the future, don't ask me to practice magic with you. Otherwise, I'll have to kill you!"

Matthew immediately assured, "If you disagree, I won't make you practice magic with me in the future!"

Reiga added, "By the way, for the robe you ruined, it's worth more than 50 gold coins, but I'll accept 50. Pay up immediately, no credit!"

Matthew was taken aback. "What kind of robe costs 50 gold coins?!"

Reiga said with annoyance, "It was a gift from Aeliana last year! It's made of silk from the Far East, and it's the most popular style in Deep Blue Harbor!"

Matthew suddenly realized, "So you got close to the female lord of Deep Blue Harbor last year?"

Reiga glanced at him. "Pay up."

Matthew hesitated for a moment before obediently paying the money. He decided to think of it as a fee for his magic learning NPC.

Reiga received the 50 gold coins and instantly improved his mood. He went to change his clothes and came out, asking Matthew seriously, "What do you think about war?"

Matthew considered it. "Based on my estimate, with the current production and military power of the major cities in Aindor, it's difficult for large-scale wars to break out without external intervention. If the Civilization Mystery Lock is truly broken, localized small-scale conflicts may continue. Later, powerful factions might have several battles, but the devastating cost of war will make them think twice. During the period, ambitious individuals will study the art of war, and human society will enter a period of rapid development. In another decade or a few decades, large-scale battles might break out."

Reiga looked at him in surprise. "Are you into divination?"

Matthew shook his head. "I'm just guessing."

Reiga grumbled, "What I want to know is how we should respond if Red Clay Mountain swallows Golden Field and invades Rolling Stone Town. How should we deal with it?"

Matthew, cautiously, replied, "I'm just your magic consultant, and I don't know more about war than you."

"I feel like I'm your magic consultant!" Reiga sneered. "Can't you discuss it from a magical perspective?"

Matthew thought for a while. "If Rolling Stone Town is invaded by enemies, my Bone Dragon will drive them away."

Reiga looked at him with intense scrutiny and asked, "Tell me the truth, how many people can you and your undead subordinates hold off?"

Matthew responded carefully, "It's hard to say. It depends on the intensity of their methods."

Reiga inquired, "I'll allow you to use the most intense methods."

Matthew confidently said, "As long as the enemy doesn't have legendary units, we'll take on as many as they send!"

Reiga was astonished. "Are you already this powerful?"

Matthew calmly replied, "It's not me; it's the Undead Cataclysm. In ruthless circumstances, a high-level necromancer with ample resources and good survival skills will be a nightmare for all enemies."

Although Matthew hadn't mastered the Undead Cataclysm yet, the Death Shroud would be equally effective as long as there was an abundant supply of undead. The two would have the same effect.

Reiga shivered after hearing Matthew's description and said, "We're not there yet."

Matthew agreed, "I know, and I hope Rolling Stone Town can remain peaceful, allowing my skeletons and zombies to plant trees. I believe you have the ability to protect our town. By the way, I've revealed something to you; when will you reveal something to me? Where have Asmar and Dulin, the two knights who almost appeared out of thin air, gone?"

Reiga's expression turned serious. "That's a Blood Flag Family secret."

"If you want to know the secret, you'll have to become a member of the Blood Flag Family, or at least pledge your loyalty to me."

Matthew nodded, "I understand, but I'm not ready to pledge my loyalty to anyone yet."

Reiga apologized sincerely, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you."

Matthew showed a understanding expression. Everyone had their secrets, and the fact that Rolling Stone Town had remained prosperous even after all the ore disappeared meant that the Blood Flag Family possessed something valuable.

"By the way, there have been rumors spreading in town recently about the undead near the Mark of the Undying, and the residents are getting worried about the increasing number of zombies. Any thoughts on that?" Reiga asked.

Taking a sip of coffee, Reiga changed the subject, "There's no point in hiding it. I plan to present the 'Outstanding Citizen of Rolling Stone Town' award at this year's Potato Dog Fighting Competition in the summer."

Matthew was surprised. "Me?"

Reiga retorted, "Do you want me to give it to Howard?"

Matthew asked, "Does that mean I'll get the award money?"

Reiga played with the 50 gold coins on the table and said disdainfully, "At the very least, you're a mage, and it's just a bit of money."

Matthew cleared his throat. "Actually, I have a business proposition. Are you interested in collaborating?"

Reiga immediately perked up. "Tell me more."


Four in the morning.

On the 14th floor of the Crucible House, at the Alliance Office, a temporarily requisitioned room had a long line of people waiting outside.

A few days ago, with David's help, Matthew obtained a list of 120 initial candidates.

Today was the official day for the interviews for the "Mark of the Undying" project.

Many apprentices were nervous, as this was one of the rare open recruitments for A1 projects. Most of the A1 positions had already been filled through internal recommendations.

Therefore, they attached great importance to today's interviews, dressing meticulously, memorizing their self-introductions, and even rehearsing their best spells while waiting in line.


The mechanical gnome at the door called out coldly.

One after another, apprentices entered the room.

In no time, they emerged from another entrance of the room.

Robots were maintaining order, ensuring that those who had been interviewed did not communicate with those still waiting. They quickly drove away the interviewed candidates.

The apprentices in the queue could only anxiously watch the expressions of those who came out.

However, regardless of how they entered, the expressions of those who came out were filled with confusion.

Some apprentices had even agreed to give secret signals to their friends inside, but when the time came, they were equally perplexed.

Signals like "I don't know what he asked!" or "He seemed to have only glanced at the materials and then told me to leave!" were exchanged between them.

The remaining apprentices became more bewildered and anxious as they waited.

The queue kept moving forward.

The apprentices' backs disappeared into the room one after another, like fish swallowed by a giant whale, entering the room.


"Frederick Aestan."

Inside the room.

Matthew sat behind a long desk, with only David by his side.

As the shy male apprentice walked in, the mechanical gnome standing at the door quickly recited Frederick's information aloud.

After interviewing several candidates in a row, Matthew was starting to feel a bit tired and even let out a yawn.

But when he heard a particular piece of information, he perked up.

"Hello, Lord Matthew. My name is Frederick..."

The male apprentice tried to introduce himself, stumbling over his words.

Matthew interrupted, "No need to repeat; I already know your basic information. What magic are you best at?"

Frederick nervously said, "I'm not very good at combat..."

Matthew frowned and said, "Get to the point."

Frederick became more anxious and spoke in a near-teary voice, "I'm proficient in water-related magic!"

Matthew nodded, "What about 'Create Water'? How much clean water can you produce in a day if you go all out?"

Frederick hesitated for a moment, and then proudly puffed up his chest, "If I go all out, I can produce one ton of clean water in a day!"

Matthew immediately gave his approval, "Excellent, Frederick, you are precisely the talent I need!"

David, seated beside him, promptly added Frederick's name to a blank list.

Frederick looked at Matthew in surprise.

When he realized what had happened, his face turned bright red, and the veins on his neck popped out. He couldn't utter a single word out of excitement.

"Go, kid."

"Three days later, assemble. Don't be late; these are the project instructions."

David kindly handed him a standard piece of paper.

It was filled with disclaimers and guidelines for the "Mark of the Undying" project.

"I understand, thank you, Lord Matthew!" Frederick said excitedly, bowing four times, trembling as he took the paper from David's hand and left through the back door.


Another apprentice entered the room.

This apprentice had an impressive resume, and his level was at least LV8, which meant he could establish himself as an independent mage based on his level alone.

His communication skills were excellent, and he answered all the questions during his self-introduction confidently. However, Matthew didn't spare him a second glance.

After a few simple questions, Matthew asked him to leave.

David looked at Matthew with a deep, contemplative expression, but as an experienced mechanical gnome, he knew when to bury his curiosity.

He did what Matthew told him to do.

Matthew didn't say, so he didn't ask.

That was the duty of a servant.

This continued as apprentices entered the room one by one. David's list only added a few more names, and there didn't seem to be many common traits among them based on their resumes.

After some time, a mechanical gnome at the door shouted, "Next!"

"Leslie Schmidt!"

A familiar face walked in with a graceful sway. Matthew raised an eyebrow.

It was the bold blonde girl, Leslie.

Leslie looked more mature today than before. She had even changed her robes to a tight-fitting style, accentuating her well-defined figure.

"Good morning, Lord Matthew!" Leslie greeted with confidence. "Have you had breakfast? I prepared some desserts especially for you."

Matthew smiled and shook his head, "No, let's proceed with the interview."

Leslie's eyes flashed with a hint of disappointment. She quickly adjusted her mood. While holding her staff, she walked slowly in front of Matthew.

"Lord Matthew, I've learned a new spell. Please check it."

With these words, she lightly tapped her staff in the air, and her robes vanished, revealing an inappropriate sight.

David discreetly turned his head.

However, Matthew remained unaffected. He calmly gazed into Leslie's eyes and asked, "My project will have 20 apprentices participating. If I assign all 20 of them to your management, can you assure me they won't cause any trouble?"

Leslie hesitated for a moment but then replied firmly, "I can."

Matthew nodded and continued, "If you can complete the task I assign to you, you will earn 2 knowledge points."

Leslie's eyes lit up with excitement.

"But, should any issues arise along the way, I'll count you among those five vacancies," Matthew added matter-of-factly.

Leslie's eyes widened briefly with fear, but determination quickly replaced it. She said solemnly, "I will definitely succeed."

"Let's hope so," Matthew responded. He gestured to David to add Leslie's name to the list.

At this point, Leslie looked a bit awkward as she stood before Matthew. "Lord Matthew, I have a friend named Palaya who didn't make it onto the list."

Matthew furrowed his brow. "Does your friend have any special skills?"

Leslie remembered and said, "She's a baker."

Matthew said with impatience, "Tell me something else!"

Leslie said, "Alright, she can make bread, and she's very good at it! In fact, the pastries I brought you are all made by her!"

Matthew sighed, "I meant 'Bread Magic'!"

Leslie hesitated and replied, "She should know."

"She must know!" Matthew said firmly. "If she doesn't, tell her to learn immediately. Within a few days, she should be proficient enough to produce 22 servings of bread in a day. Do you understand?"

Leslie's eyes widened, and she stammered, "22 servings? Are you suggesting?"

Matthew confidently said, "I can't let anyone go hungry!"

"David, add another name, Palaya. Leslie, go back and prepare with your friend."


Around noon, this somewhat peculiar interview session concluded. A list of twenty-three apprentices was finalized. The apprentices were filled with doubts about the interview process and results, but considering the position of the interviewer, they kept their questions to themselves, turning them into rumors within the South Magic Academy.

Only David, looking at the list, seemed to be lost in thought.

The list contained Leslie as Matthew's assistant, her friend Palaya in charge of Bread Magic, the shy guy Frederick skilled in Water Magic, and another apprentice skilled in turning mushrooms into mushroom huts.

Besides that, Matthew had recruited four necromancer apprentices, and the rest were all magicians!

"Lord Matthew is quite the extreme pragmatist," David commented thoughtfully.


Three days later, at 4:15 in the morning, a group of apprentices wearing academy robes emerged from the Cauldron House's gates. They looked around curiously, and as they left the mage district, everything around them seemed a bit behind compared to what they were accustomed to.

Matthew paid no attention to their gazes. He led them to the desolate area north of the Oak Forest and said calmly, "Everyone must stay within the designated area. If anyone leaves without my permission, I won't hesitate to bring them back and have them serve me in a different way."

The group perked up at his words. "Leslie, it's up to you from here."

With these parting words, Matthew walked away without looking back, leaving the bewildered apprentices to take in their barren surroundings.


Lanbyl was a magic apprentice skilled in summoning creatures from other realms. After his interview, he had little confidence because he thought he had performed poorly and hadn't showcased his strength in summoning.

To his surprise, he received a notice of passing.

This news filled him with joy. He prepared diligently, following the instructions provided.

When Matthew brought him to this desolate area, he didn't let the challenge dampen his enthusiasm for the project.

But when Leslie announced the tasks set by Lord Matthew, such as digging trenches in a regulated pattern across the desolate land, everyone was taken aback, Lanbyl included.

However, Leslie made it clear that this was Matthew's intention. She added, "If anyone doesn't want to participate, you can leave now. Lord Matthew won't hold it against you. But once we start, quitting won't be that simple."

She pointed to the slow-moving undead creatures nearby and said, "That's the Mark of the Undying, strictly speaking. We are working near the project location. Lord Matthew has promised to give each of us 0.5 knowledge points afterward. All we need to do is dig trenches for him for half a month. Is there an easier way to earn knowledge points in this world? Plus, after the project, we'll receive a recommendation from Lord Matthew, and outstanding experience from participating in an A1 project."

"I've made it clear; if you can't dig, leave now."

No one left.

Lanbyl stayed, just like everyone else. They had all worked hard for this opportunity. This was no ordinary project, and everyone knew the power of the Mark of the Undying, which could be called the ultimate challenge for any magic apprentice.

A1 project, why not?

As long as they were able, why not go for it?


By nightfall, the various magicians gathered around a huge campfire. The apprentices, including Leslie and Palaya, took turns sharing their magic skills. In turn, David imparted important information to the apprentices.

Everyone realized that despite the peculiar location and the unusual project assigned by Matthew, they had been given a chance to work on an A1 project. And that wasn't something ordinary.

David summarized their role clearly: "Your mission is to be the magical support of this project. Without your support, the Mark of the Undying will be very difficult to achieve. In the process, we will build facilities here for the project. Your abilities, including Leslie's magic skills and Palaya's Bread Magic, will all come in handy."

"By working on this project, you will not only receive knowledge points from Lord Matthew but also gain experience from participating in an A1 project. This will be a significant advantage for your future development."


Another dawn broke, and the desolate area in the north of the Oak Forest became busier and busier. Structures had already appeared, and everyone was hard at work.

At this time, the Mark of the Undying project was already entering its first phase. David, as the on-site manager, was busy with the work.

David's priority was not only the students' proficiency in their work but also their safety.

But as time passed, it was clear that the attention paid to David's safety instructions was decreasing.

For example, today, a water apprentice actually cast water spells to keep the earth moist in the morning, so the soil was no longer hard to work with, and it became much easier to dig the trenches.

At noon, after lunch, it was the magic of students like Leslie and Palaya that began to reveal their usefulness. For example, Leslie summoned some wind spirits to assist with clearing the debris. She and Palaya used their magic skills to help other students complete their work faster.

Meanwhile, students with other skills cast spells to reinforce the newly erected structures, securing them even further.


Time passed quickly, and two weeks soon came to an end.

The sun rose once more on the desolate area in the north of the Oak Forest. A space encompassing several square kilometers was under massive construction. Structures had appeared, towers and spires reached into the sky, trenches had been dug, and magic arrays had been formed. This complex and grand scene was truly a marvel.

As everyone marveled at the Mark of the Undying's appearance, the undead creatures were transported and arranged in their respective positions.

The Mark of the Undying was finally complete!

After the Mark of the Undying was set up, it was like a strong wind blowing through the air. It spread across the desolate land and caused the nearby space to change.

After the Mark of the Undying was completed, it was brought to life by various symbols and formations.

Necromancer students then cast spells to animate the Mark of the Undying, and the remaining magic students began to cast their magic to enhance it further.

There was a great deal of movement in the desolate land, and the Mark of the Undying seemed to be filled with life. It looked like a grand carnival.


As the Necromancers and the magicians cast their spells, David looked on with satisfaction. He was proud of what had been accomplished in these two weeks. The students had demonstrated excellent teamwork and had successfully contributed to the construction of the Mark of the Undying.

"Leslie, Leslie," David muttered to himself. "You've grown up so much."

Leslie had shown herself to be an excellent manager. She had not only overseen the construction of the Mark of the Undying but also ensured the safety and well-being of all the students.

David was sure that Matthew would be pleased with the results.


As the last spell was cast, a bright glow enveloped the Mark of the Undying. Then, it faded away, leaving behind a monumental structure that radiated an aura of immense power.

The apprentices who had been involved in the construction looked on with pride. They had accomplished a feat that many thought impossible.

They were eager to see what the next phase of the project would entail and what knowledge and experience they would gain from their involvement.

As they stood in front of the Mark of the Undying, a feeling of excitement and anticipation filled the air. Their journey with this extraordinary project was just beginning, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


The Mark of the Undying project had progressed rapidly thanks to the efforts of the apprentices and their diverse magical abilities. With the completion of the initial construction phase, the apprentices, led by Leslie and Palaya, had gained a sense of accomplishment and were eager to continue their work.

Matthew, who had been overseeing the project from a distance, was pleased with the progress. He had chosen a unique group of apprentices with various magical skills and had given them the opportunity to work on an A1 project. He knew that their contributions would be invaluable in achieving the ultimate goal of the Mark of the Undying.

In the days that followed, the apprentices continued to work on the project, refining and enhancing the magical aspects of the Mark of the Undying. They faced challenges and obstacles, but their determination and teamwork allowed them to overcome each hurdle.

As the project moved forward, the apprentices also had the chance to learn from David, who shared his knowledge and expertise in magical construction and management. They gained valuable experience and insights that would benefit their future careers as magicians.

The Mark of the Undying was beginning to take shape as a powerful magical creation, and the apprentices could feel the energy and potential it held. They knew that their efforts were contributing to something extraordinary, and they were eager to see the project through to its completion.

For the apprentices, this unique opportunity was not just about earning knowledge points or gaining experience; it was a chance to be a part of something greater, to leave their mark on the magical world. They were determined to make the most of this opportunity and achieve success in their roles within the project.

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