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Lawrence's attitude seemed very sincere.

But the commotion in the audience seats became even more intense.

The audience in the Zeshui City were mostly elites, and if there was one thing they didn't lack, it was their keen eyes.

Even before Lawrence made Lady Gesu vomit poison, many of the elites sensed that something was amiss and were preparing to make a hasty exit.

However, they quickly realized that all the theater's entrances were sealed.

People wearing red masks emerged from the shadows of various passages, blocking all the exits.

"The Plague King!"

Someone stood on the steps and shouted down, "I have no intention of getting involved in your disputes with others. Open the doors and let me leave, and I'll pretend nothing happened, okay?"

Lawrence beamed and said, "No."

On the left corridor, a middle-aged man with a plump face said unhappily, "So, you're the Plague King? I know you. You're the clown from the circus in this theater troupe, and you're doing your job quite well."

"Listen, buddy, I don't know what disputes you and your colleagues have, but you better let us leave peacefully."

"The Four Great Temples have put a bounty on your head. You shouldn't be making such a scene."

Lawrence's expression remained unchanged, but his tone became sharp, "Although you are an audience member, I don't like the way you're talking to me."

"Just because you were born with a higher status doesn't mean you can always look down on others."

"You should experience an acute fever for once."

As soon as he said that, the plump man's face turned as white as paper, and he began to sweat profusely.


He bent over the railing, vomiting uncontrollably.

Then, from his pants, came a splattering sound.

An unpleasant odor quickly spread.

People tried to get away from him as fast as they could.

Only his servant subconsciously helped him, but when he saw his master suddenly fall seriously ill, even the servant stepped back.

"Holy water, holy water!"

The man was vomiting and struggling.

The servant suddenly realized.

He quickly fetched a bottle of holy water, and to the dismay of the plump man, the servant downed the entire bottle of holy water in one gulp!

"Holy water? Is it effective?"

Lawrence on the stage snorted.

As if to confirm his statement, the servant who had just drunk the holy water began to exhibit the same symptoms as the plump man.

First, his face turned as white as paper.

Then, he vomited and had diarrhea right in place.

The stench quickly spread.

Everyone was trying to stay away from him.

But the plague was spreading rapidly.

A wealthy lady with a child noticed her daughter's condition and quickly took out a short wand from her bag!


After a white light flashed, the child's gradually pale face returned to a healthy rosy color.

"Purification wand? A mage?"

Lawrence watched the lady with interest.

The lady warned coldly, "I don't care if you're the Plague King or not. If you dare to harm my child, I will make sure you regret it."

"They're right. The Four Great Temples will hear about this soon. You can't block the theater for long. Among the audience, there might be mages more powerful than me. You're digging your own grave!"

"So, if you're sensible, get your people out of the way, and leave yourself. Don't obstruct us from watching Mr. Brandon's performance!"

This lady was clearly a fan of the male lead, Brandon.

With each word she spoke, Lawrence's smile faded a bit.

By the time she finished speaking, Lawrence's face was clouded with darkness.

He stared at the lady and asked with distinct syllables, "Do you think I'm easy to talk to just because I've been smiling? I've been smiling because the character I play, Duradin, is a naturally cheerful character. So, I not only have to smile but also smile brightly, warmly, and brilliantly. But that doesn't mean I can only smile."

"If you want me to play a devil, I can do that too!"

As he said the last word, Lawrence's face suddenly began to contort like a madman.

It was as if there was something densely wriggling beneath his skin.

A pair of fangs emerged from his upper and lower gums.

Accompanying them was a forked tongue, three to four inches long, protruding from his mouth!

"I've said it. I'm the Plague King. How dare you, bunch of empty bags, look down on me?!"

Lawrence stood on the stage, hysterically going mad, "So, let me show you what the plague tastes like! Now, cough!"

Lawrence's bloodshot eyes bulged abnormally.

He pointed his right hand toward the direction where the lady was seated.

The audience in that area immediately started coughing violently!

Cough, cough, cough, cough!

The continuous coughing sounded like a symphony.

"You, sneeze!"

Lawrence waved his right hand, shouting at another section of the audience.

Ah-choo, ah-choo!

The audience in that area immediately started sneezing in succession.



"Menstrual cramps!"




"Facial paralysis!"

"Crooked mouth!"

"Testicular pain!"

Along with Lawrence's rapid recitation of symptoms, the majority of the audience suddenly found themselves afflicted with various ailments.

The theater became chaotic, but for the time being, no one had the time to stand up and argue with Lawrence.

Lawrence watched this scene with satisfaction.

This chaotic storm of diseases lasted for about three minutes.

It continued until Lawrence suddenly reached out with his right hand, spread his fingers, and made an empty-handed gesture.


Instantly, everyone's symptoms ceased.

“I've said it before, I just wanted everyone to watch my performance.”

Lawrence gave a slight bow.

"My tolerance is limited. Please don't create unpleasantness among yourselves, okay?"

In the audience seats, all was silent. Even the privileged from the Zeshui City, though some among them were professionals, were now experiencing the might of the Plague King.

They exchanged glances, made hand gestures, and used secret tools to contact the outside world. The audience still seemed somewhat chaotic, but Lawrence paid it no mind.

He had one of the red-masked individuals move the barely recognizable body of Lady Jess away.

Then he turned and approached the trembling actors.

"Lawrence... sir."

Brandon, who played the male lead, showed his insight. He immediately stepped aside and apologized sincerely.

"Your involvement will undoubtedly elevate our performance. Forgive me for my previous ignorance and arrogance. I never should have given you any advice..."

Lawrence patted Brandon's shoulder with a smile.

"No, Brandon, I'm actually grateful to you. Even though you, like the others, enjoy mocking me, your pointers on acting have been very beneficial."

Brandon breathed a sigh of relief and replied in a fluster.

"No, no, it was the least I could do..."

However, before he could finish his words, Lawrence grabbed him by the neck, and the actress playing the female lead screamed.

"But you still have to die."

Lawrence said gently.

Brandon struggled in terror.

"Why? I haven't offended you more than anyone else, Lawrence. Do you remember the time I thought you couldn't attract women, so I introduced you to some girls?"

Lawrence chuckled in response.

"You mean those girls who got pregnant and were abandoned by you? In a way, you did introduce me to girls."

Brandon hurriedly explained.

"I meant well, they were all good girls. You can't kill me for that!"

Lawrence shook his head.

"Even though you're a scoundrel who loves relations with underage girls and makes them abort, I don't hate you for that. Right now, I just really need your face. After all, the audience below came to see you, dear Mr. Brandon."

While talking, in Brandon's terrified gaze, Lawrence's hand moved swiftly across his neck.

With a sharp sound, a fresh human skin appeared in Lawrence's hand.


Brandon cried out and fell to the ground. His face was now nothing but flesh and bones.

Yet, the audience remained silent.

The Plague King's dominion had fully expanded, suppressing everyone's throats, rendering them speechless. They could only watch in terror as Brandon rolled around on the stage.

Lawrence ignored it all.

He covered his face with Brandon's and made himself look exactly like him.

The actors, still in shock, were forced to continue under Lawrence's dominance.

When the fourth act began, the narrator stumbled through his lines, taking several sections to regain his previous fluency.

The lights came on, and the stage returned to the scene where the male lead, Duradin, and his companions had just returned to the island.

However, this time, all the actors seemed distracted, except for Lawrence, who gave a remarkable performance.

Though everyone knew he was a cold-blooded demon, as the story unfolded, the audience began to lose track of reality.

They leaned on their chins, engrossed in the stage performance, blissfully unaware of the actors' strange behavior.

In the front row of the audience, Matthew looked at the stage thoughtfully.

"So, is this the highlight of the night?"

On his data bar...

"Hint: You are currently within the Plague King's dominion!

Balanced Perception: You sense that the Plague King Lawrence possesses two domains –

Domain One (Plague): Weak power, ranging from 'Novice' to 'Advanced' levels.

Domain Two (Performance): Powerful, at least 'Master' level.

Warning: You are participating in a demigod (promotion) ceremony!"

A demigod, a special title symbolizing power that wasn't entirely linked to strength.

Powerful demigods might have power comparable to gods, with their own level typically being 28 or higher, fitting the status and role of a "godly" figure.

Weak demigods, on the other hand, were difficult to classify, with their power often ranging from the second to the third tier, depending on their class, abilities, and other factors.

Just as levels weren't everything when it came to strength, the same applied to godhood.

In reality, those who became demigods usually had impressive combat abilities. Inborn demigods enjoyed protection from their godly parents and generally had a higher starting point.

Mortal-born demigods faced various trials, making them more valuable.

In the context of the Heavenly Palace's rise to power...

The demigod ceremony was the final step for a mortal to reach their godhood limit.

In Matthew's perception...

Lawrence's level wouldn't exceed LV18, and his threat level was much lower than Blorken's.

In terms of domains, Lawrence was particularly deceptive.

"His true domain is 'Performance'!"

"Whether it's the ongoing play on stage, 'A Good Show,' or the role he's been playing offstage, 'Plague King,' it's all just a performance."

"He wants to ascend to demigod status as a mortal, and the only possible domain he could touch is 'Performance'!"

Matthew understood it clearly.

It explained why Lawrence was spreading the plague in the city and specifically hiring coughers for the parade.

Because he didn't want to rely on the power of his domain to spread it; he was just playing the role of the Plague King! And if it's a performance, there needs to be an audience.

The parade participants were both Lawrence's audience and performers, seen by the outermost audience.

In this way...

The performance of the Plague King reached every corner of ZeShui City.

"Because it's a performance, the plague here seems so exaggerated, both fierce and urgent, yet not so deadly."

"The major powers in ZeShui City might

have initially tried to control it, but later, they seemed to have realized something and let it be. They even started doing business with the holy water."

Matthew watched Lawrence's passionate performance intently.

But merely performing wasn't enough.

Even though he had accumulated a vast array of elements in the relevant field, to ascend to demigod status, he needed not only the grand promotion ceremony happening right now but also something crucial:

A demigod's divine essence.

No doubt, Lawrence possessed it; otherwise, he wouldn't have held this ceremony.

And Loran probably knew this too; otherwise, he wouldn't have brought Matthew here for the spectacle.

Thinking about this, Matthew couldn't help but glance at Loran.

The latter remained calm, his gaze fixed firmly on the stage.

Matthew opened his mouth but refrained from speaking further.

Things had come this far, and if he chose to believe, he'd believe all the way.

But he couldn't help feeling a tinge of sympathy in his gaze as he looked back at Lawrence.

In the play, Prince Duradin was a troubadour.

Lawrence, playing on the stage, likely had a profession similar to a troubadour.

And Loran, in the audience below, was self-evident.

Tonight, the theater was destined for a demigod ceremony belonging to a troubadour.

But who the ultimate demigod would be...

That wasn't necessarily Lawrence.


On the stage.

Act Four of the performance continued.

Lawrence's acting was indeed astonishing.

When the female lead drank the poisoned wine, Duradin, the male lead, displayed a sudden burst of emotion and control, as turbulent as a mountain torrent and as gentle as spring rain.

Just this one scene surpassed Brandon by a thousandfold.

The upcoming climax, however, showcased Lawrence's almost divine acting ability.

In the play, Prince Duradin used the Detesting Victory Technique to expose the false disguise of his uncle and the supernatural powers bestowed by the Naga.

Following the customs of Panthura, they were to have a final hand-to-hand combat on the cliff's edge.

"Your treachery is one I've rarely seen in my life. But how can I refuse to fulfill the Panthura tradition? Come, Uncle, let the winds of the isle bear witness to our duel. This is the last time I address you with reverence."

Duradin emotionally opened his arms, preparing for the pre-fight stance.

"How could you plot against your own brother? He's your kin, a villain bound for hell!"

As they tumbled on the cliff's edge, Duradin choked his uncle, questioning him furiously.

"Shaman once told me that mere revenge isn't advisable. Ending your wicked life may leave me feeling more hollow, but if not, where is justice and fairness in this world?"

In the life-and-death moment, the uncle revealed a concealed dagger, but Duradin snatched it and finished him off.

Then, just as Duradin was about to plunge the dagger into his uncle's heart...

His mother rushed in, stumbling and fumbling.

She held her brother's head, crying:

"Oh, Duradin, how could you kill your own father?"

After uttering these words, she withdrew the dagger and thrust it into her heart, ending her life too.

Duradin was completely pale, hearing his mother's words.

He stumbled backward on the stage, and all the lights focused on him.

In that moment, the shock, confusion, despair, doubt, pain, and confusion on Duradin's face seemed to explode with countless emotions!

In the audience, silence reigned.

Even the Plague King, who moments ago seemed to control everything, made people temporarily forget the gruesome events. Their faces flushed with emotion, and they applauded passionately, engrossed in the performance.

Especially when the prince, portrayed by Lawrence, used the same dagger to take his own life in the midst of desperation.

The atmosphere reached its zenith.

Many in the audience rose from their seats, cheering loudly:

"Absolutely brilliant!"

"The King of Performance!"

"The King of Performance!"


Gradually, the applause and cheers converged into a unanimous chant of "King of Performance."

Matthew noticed that at this moment, a plethora of elements related to "performance" were rapidly converging towards Lawrence.


A few seconds later, a bright yellow light shone from Lawrence's chest.

Matthew squinted, "Divine essence?"

He was about to remind Loran.

But when he turned around, Loran's seat was empty.

Matthew abruptly raised his head.

In the darkness, a spotlight suddenly illuminated a handsome man wearing the costume of the male lead.

"Who are you?"

Lawrence stared at the sudden appearance of Loran in confusion.

"Why are you wearing the same clothes as me?"

Loran clapped his hands with a smile, "Not bad, but I think this still can't be considered 'a good show.'"

"I believe my performance surpasses yours."

"By the way, we're not wearing the same attire now."

He lightly gestured.

A murmur rippled through the audience.

The clothes Lawrence was wearing abruptly transformed from fashionable urban attire to the rich native costume of the island!

Loran cleared his throat, and his expression suddenly became filled with sorrow and anger:

"Your treachery is one I've rarely seen in my life, but how can I refuse to fulfill the Panthura tradition? Come, Uncle, let the winds of the isle bear witness to our duel. This is the last time I address you with reverence."

Lawrence paused, taken aback.

"That's my line..."

His voice was stifled by an immensely powerful force.

The next moment, it was as if an invisible force dragged him, and the two began to fight relentlessly, as if he were a mere spectator.

"How could you plot against your own brother?"

"Shaman once told me... but if not, where is justice and fairness in this world?"

Loran's lines were delivered with conviction, suppressing Lawrence to the point that he could hardly breathe.

This physical fight, which should have been a two-way struggle, became Lawrence pinned and motionless, turning it into a one-sided indictment.

The style abruptly shifted from drama to performance art, filled with a sense of absurdity.

The audience below fell into a stunned silence.

Even Lawrence, who moments ago was dominating everything, was silenced and helplessly crushed.


"Hint: Your companion Loran is conducting a demigod ceremony!

Warning: Loran's domain level is at least 'Master' or higher.

Loran has used his domain ability: 'Changing the Skin.' Loran is forcefully extracting Lawrence's divine essence (Rank 0)!

Loran's actions are causing resonance in your domain (Minotaur Domain). In your domain, related elements are rapidly increasing..."


"This guy is... what level is he?"

Matthew was taken aback.

He had guessed Loran's intentions, but he didn't expect his methods to be so brutal. He swooped onto the stage and ruthlessly suppressed the Plague King, who seemed to control everything.

Even though the Plague King was a poet and limited by the ceremony, he couldn't use overly dramatic powers. But Loran probably faced the same constraints.

This indicated that Loran was using sheer physical strength to oppress the Plague King, making him breathless.

"Is this even possible?"

Matthew marveled.

On the stage, Loran's actions were even faster than Matthew had imagined.

After the scene where he killed his uncle, Lawrence's hands kept searching on his chest, and a small yellow particle suddenly appeared in his palm.


Overwhelmed by both domain and strength, Lawrence helplessly screamed, "That's mine!"

Loran remained impassive.

"Matthew, could you help me press it down a bit?"

He suddenly asked the audience.

Matthew looked around at the people, who were frozen in place as if they had been subjected to a human petrification spell. He asked, "Weren't you going to let me be an audience?"

Loran chuckled, "The play is over, and now it's time for ticket refunds."

With a wave of his right index finger, a ghostly figure immediately flew over, holding Lawrence down firmly for Loran.

"What a lovely little ghost miss."

Loran just glanced at her for a moment before starting his own work.

He suspended that bright yellow particle in the air and quickly took out a small, heavy box and a rare ceramic bottle.

With a solemn expression, Loran touched the particle with his fingertip.

A few seconds later, a faint green glow separated from the bright yellow dot.

Loran immediately used the ceramic bottle to collect all of the green light.

Then he tossed the bottle to Matthew in the audience below, saying, "A gift for the witness, don't refuse. This play was terribly written, and this is your reward for sitting through it."

Matthew caught the bottle with surprise.

"Hint: You have obtained a 'Well-Crafted Ceramic Bottle.'

Ceramic Bottle: Contains a complete 'Plague Domain.' After absorption, you can achieve an entry or novice level in the Plague Domain."

"Remember to return the bottle to me after you've used it. That thing is much more precious than domains."

Loran reminded him, saying, "And if you ever get the chance to interact with deities in the future, make sure you have one of these lead-lined boxes ready. Only then can you completely isolate the divine aura from spreading."

Saying that, he proficiently stored the divine essence inside the box.

Matthew looked puzzled as he watched Lawrence, whose expression was now completely distorted on the ground.

"Is it really ending like this?" he asked.

Loran lightly chuckled, "What did you expect to happen? I'm not a thief. Besides, this divine essence was a gift I secretly gave to him. He doesn't have any reason to be too upset, right?"

"Life is like this; many times you think a story will unfold dramatically, but it could also just be a quiet stream, followed by long-lasting calm."

He hadn't finished speaking when a thunderous explosion suddenly came from the theater's main entrance!

Immediately after, there were consecutive booming sounds, like bombs hitting the ground.

Matthew almost thought he was hearing things, but on the data panel, a series of red messages were rapidly refreshing.

"Warning: A group of Cloud Elf troops from Cloud City is rapidly approaching, and Cloud Elf drop pods are being deployed!

Two Sky Giants have just arrived at the theater's main entrance!

A legion of airships from Cyberdragon is rapidly approaching Waterside City!


Warning: After losing half of his demigod divine essence and domain abilities, Lawrence has gone completely insane. He is using 'Voodoo Sorcery' to summon a poisonous realm giant tree with his own life as the sacrifice!"

For a moment, there was a succession of alarms.

Matthew pointed at the vines that were wildly sprouting from Lawrence's body, his heart pounding. "Are you sure he's not too upset?"

BOOM! Another loud noise echoed.

Suddenly, the ground in the center of the stage collapsed, and a huge pit appeared. A thick, dark tree shot out of it, growing at a visible speed, reaching for the sky!

BOOM! A few seconds later, the dense canopy of the tree broke through the roof of the theater!

Rainproof cloth, wood, and the dislodged parts of the overhead rail cars fell down.

The audience was jolted awake from their stupor.

They panicked and began to flee.

"Open the doors!"

Loran shouted from the stage. In an instant, all the theater's doors were opened.

People rushed out in a frenzy.

"Run, Matthew!"

Loran jumped off the stage, grabbed Matthew, and headed for an evacuation passage.

However, just two seconds later, two rows of wet and thick tree walls suddenly shot up from the ground ahead.

"Thinking of leaving?"

"It won't be that easy."

Lawrence, filled with resentment, stared at Loran. By now, the lower half of his body was engulfed by the poisonous realm giant tree's roots.

The upper half was covered in green vines and roots.

"I knew I wouldn't be this lucky," Lawrence said with bitterness. "Since the moment I was born, I've faced discrimination from this world."

"Everyone ridiculed me, mocked me, and targeted me!"

"This divine essence, from the beginning, was your trap, right?"

Loran didn't deny it.

He just looked calmly at Lawrence.

"I gave you a chance, young man. You had the opportunity to change."

Lawrence sneered, "Don't pretend. You know what choices someone like me would make. So you gave me the divine essence. Don't deny it!"

Loran smiled meaningfully, "Indeed, but that doesn't conflict with what I said, does it?"

"I'm not a good person, and you're full of evil intentions. We make a perfect match. Together, we've just put on a great show for my audience, right?"

At this point, merciless vines had wrapped around Lawrence's neck. He screamed in anger, "Die, you thief!"

The tree wall also wrapped around.

Loran hurriedly took out a teleportation staff.

However, at this moment, Matthew calmly spoke up, "Dear Poison Realm Giant Tree, I greet you on behalf of the Oak Spirit, Rainforest Spirit, and the Moonlight Goddess, Asea."

The trend of the tree walls suddenly eased.

After a while, an elderly voice sounded.

The tree seemed quite pleased, "Hello, Mr. Matthew."

"Ah, I can't remember the last time I spoke to a Nature's Envoy. Anyway, it's great to see you."

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