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Layla's body was undergoing an incredible transformation.

Originally, after being engulfed by the divine punishment fire, her entire body had been burnt clean of all hair, and at least two-thirds of her skin surface had been severely scorched. Her internal organs were also in a state of continuous deterioration.

Her right hand had been burnt to the end of her forearm.

The parts of both legs below her ankles had also been charred.

Layla was undeniably unfortunate; she hadn't sensed the anomaly at the altar and had been directly hit by the divine punishment fire, with no high-level priest around to dispel it.

But she also had her lucky moments.

The moment she was struck by the divine punishment fire, there happened to be a powerful monk, Li Weiqi, by her side. He had been using his chi to protect her vital organs and reduce the damage from the purple flames. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had the chance to recite the oath of the Sworn in the first place.

Later on, Matthew and the others successfully destroyed the altar, effectively saving her life.

Following the normal process, even if Layla woke up, she would be in a highly disabled state.

However, just as she was teetering on the brink of death, a creature lurking in the shadows extended a helping hand to her.

"The Twilight Beings."

In the ancient myths woven by the gods.

The Twilight Beings were a group of creatures born alongside the gods during the Age of Enlightenment. They came from beyond the heavens and their bodies were filled with unimaginable evil, distortion, and strangeness.

In the process of confronting them, the gods discovered that they possessed formidable divinity and were difficult to kill.

Ultimately, at a great cost, the gods defeated the thirteen Twilight Beings and sealed them in various places around the world.

But, as far as Matthew knew.

The Twilight Beings were indifferent to being sealed. They believed it was merely a relocation of their physical bodies.

Their spiritual tendrils could still penetrate the seal and reach people all over the world.

So, for the first few hundred years after being sealed, the Twilight Beings were dedicated to spreading their unique brand of distortion among humans.

Within the Seven Saints Alliance, there was a theory that suggested the Twilight Beings were the ultimate weapon created by an incredibly advanced magical civilization, and their purpose was to destroy the world.

But the world wasn't something that could be destroyed haphazardly.

Even for the Twilight Beings, the destruction of the world had to follow the fundamental laws of the rise and fall of planes.

They had to patiently wait for the Aindu world to reach its pinnacle and then slowly descend into an irreparable decline before they could seize the opportunity to destroy it.

This theory even proposed a more radical speculation:

That the Twilight Beings' power was entirely derived from the expanding shadow of the gods.

The reason the Cataclysmic Mage performed the "Tianlun Palace Ascension" was to not only curb the power of the gods but also the potential development of the Twilight Beings, thus slowing down the world's destruction.

Looking at the historical development, after the gods were banished, the influence of the Twilight Beings in the material realm had also greatly diminished.

Apart from this, there was no direct evidence to prove the accuracy of this speculation.

When Matthew and Ronan introduced this theory, they candidly acknowledged that it had the suspicion of casting aspersions on the gods.

The exact truth probably only lay with the Cataclysmic Mage himself.

Nevertheless, the Twilight Beings had always been synonymous with danger and distortion.

Matthew watched Layla's body attentively.

The power from the depths of the shadow world was repairing her physical body.

Her pitch-black skin, burnt clean by the divine fire, now had only a layer of pinkish-white flesh.

The parts that were a bloody mess had all been filled in by the shadows, including the half-severed breast.

After her transformation, Layla looked like an albino doe that had contracted a severe form of the disease, with her skin alternating between black and white. She appeared strikingly contrasting against both black and white backgrounds.

"I know about Galan," Li Weiqi said with a rare seriousness. "He is highly revered by the evil monks from the Far East. In recent years, even on the Aindu mainland, I've seen many monks who worship Galan."

"He bestows upon them the power of the Sworn in the form of twisted oaths, allowing them to gain far more potent and wicked abilities under the rules of twisted disciplines."

Reiga stared at him, her gaze unwavering. "Twisted oaths? Like eating sea turtles?"

Li Weiqi chuckled bitterly. "Not like me. They are truly twisted! The monks who worship Galan can twist 'abstinence' into 'indulgence in sensual pleasures.' They revel night after night and can't stay away from women. But if they break these twisted disciplines, they will suffer terrible backlash."

Many of the evil monks initially struggled to control their inner desires, but in the end, they became slaves to those desires. There was a monk who worshipped Galan who, on his deathbed, confessed to me. He said that in the end, he couldn't stand being near women, and he felt nauseous at the sight of them. But the twisted oaths forced him to indulge in pleasures, and he had to repeat those boring oaths day after day. Do you know how he died? Because he resisted the twisted oaths in his heart, he had actually lost the "Transcendent Body" of a monk. And in his daily numbness, he accidentally contracted a strange ailment related to pleasure-seeking, which eventually took him to his deathbed!

Monks dying of diseases? Can you believe it? Of course, I think this might also be Galan's discontent with his hypocrisy, which eventually led to his punishment.

With this monk as an example, other evil monks dared not neglect their twisted disciplines. Some of them went mad with alcohol, some became ruthless murderers, and some indulged in sensual pleasures, becoming slaves to the twisted laws. Look at me, even though I am bound by the rules, I occasionally break them without causing significant harm. Although many people only turn to evil gods or the Twilight Beings when they have no other options, perhaps deep down, they understand that it's just a desperate move, and what they receive now will eventually have to be paid back.


After saying this, Li Weiqi gazed at Layla with a touch of compassion and sighed softly.

At this moment, the shadows on Layla were gradually fading.

The power that had suspended her in mid-air was becoming gentler.

A few seconds later, she opened her eyes and muttered, "I feel like I've been reborn."

However, it seemed that she didn't take much joy in this rebirth.

"Thank you for saving me," she said.

She took a moment to adjust to her body in place and then caught the clothes Matthew threw her, quickly putting them on.

"What did you encounter while you were unconscious?" Matthew asked.

Layla's condition didn't look too bad; at least her mind was clear.

"Shadows, endless shadows. In the darkest depths, there was a voice promising me a chance to be reborn. At the time, I was already fading, and that voice was like a lifeline for someone drowning. I had no other choice."

Layla spoke in a low voice.

Matthew comforted her, "No one here will judge your choice. In that situation, anyone would do whatever it takes to survive."

Layla looked at him with gratitude.

Li Weiqi asked seriously, "So, did Galan reshape your physical body, and did he make you do anything?"

Layla hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating.

"Yes, he said three things to me."

"The first thing, he wanted me to be his eyes. He promised not to harm me or affect the people around me. He just wanted to observe the mortal world."

Upon hearing this, both Li Weiqi and Matthew shook their heads subconsciously.

Neither of them believed Galan's deceptive words.

"What about the second thing?" Li Weiqi inquired.

"The second thing, his exact words were, 'Ask the monk beside you if he's interested in joining my Shadow Sect. I can help him rise to legendary status. If he wants to negotiate terms, let him set conditions, and I will relax the requirements on the discipline.' This sentence seems to be directed at you."

Layla looked at Li Weiqi with a peculiar expression.

Li Weiqi chuckled, "Then I'll choose the Panlong."

"And the third thing?" Matthew asked, curious.

However, Layla's expression became even more bizarre, and she turned to Matthew.

"The third sentence was—'Ask the necromancer beside you if he's interested in joining my Shadow Legion. As long as he agrees, I will assist him all the way to become the new Shadow God, ascending to the supreme Shadow Throne! Tell him not to worry about sectarian differences. People have many misunderstandings about me; in fact, I'm quite reasonable. Among all the Twilight Beings, I'm the kindest one. This is a recognized fact. If you don't believe it, you can have him inquire.'"

She paused for a moment and then said, "This sentence is definitely directed at you, Matthew."

Matthew chuckled and politely declined, "I'll pass on the Shadow Throne. Let Mr. Galan find someone else for that."

At this point, Reiga interjected with annoyance, "What's the deal with this Galan? Doesn't he want to ask the rest of us? Did you ask him what conditions he could offer me?"

Layla replied honestly, "No, it seems like he didn't notice your existence."

This enraged Reiga, who was about to draw his sword. However, Li Weiqi managed to persuade him with words, "The Shadow Realm is not a fun place. Galan is sealed in the Shadow Realm. Don't listen to his boasting. Besides, the creatures in the Shadow Realm are elusive, and they are very fast. If you go there, you probably won't even have time to oil your sword before your life is in danger."

These words left Reiga fuming.

Matthew, seeing that Layla was unharmed, suggested that she should take some rest. She had just been reborn, and her consumption, both mentally and physically, was substantial. Layla didn't refuse; she accepted some biscuits and water from Matthew, consumed them, and found a place to take a short nap.

Li Weiqi claimed that he also needed to meditate and rest, but he actually sat beside Layla, indicating that he was watchful and alert.

This was exactly what Matthew had in mind. He hadn't completely let his guard down concerning Galan.

"However, if Layla's words are all true, then Galan was actually drawn here by me and Li Weiqi, and saving her was just a side note?"

This wasn't good news.

The level of attention Matthew was receiving from higher-tier beings had increased significantly. What was terrifying was that it might develop into a snowball effect, as in when one god focuses intently on a mere mortal.

Another god would join in, saying, "What are you looking at? Let me have a look!"

Subsequently, various demons, Lords of Hell, Twilight Beings, and others might come to join the excitement.

Just thinking about that scenario gave Matthew a sense of overwhelming pressure. After all, he was just a third-tier mage.

"My recent exposure rate is getting too high. In the future, I should try to keep a lower profile in front of these bigwigs."

Just as he had this thought, a message appeared in front of him.


"Tip: You and your team have destroyed the altar of the 'Great Demon Teriel (The Eternal Land)' in the form of a great explosion. A nearby mushroom people tribe and a hidden snot dragon (Fairyland/Sprite) witnessed the whole process.

It is expected that in the near future, the story of the 'Explosive Squad battling the demon' will widely circulate in the Twilight Domain and Fairyland.

Your team's regional legend rating (Twilight Domain/Fairyland) +1;

Your faction goodwill rating (Mushroom People Tribe +1/Snot Dragon Clan +1);

Teriel (The Midnight God)'s hatred level +20!

Galan, the Twilight Being, is paying attention to you!

Brook, the Twilight Being, is paying attention to you!

Midnight Queen (Arcane Wilderness/Fairy Mistress) is paying attention to you!"


"What does this mean? Good things don't go beyond the door, but bad things spread a thousand miles?" Matthew was amused and exasperated. He looked around and saw only debris and rocks. Where were the traces of the mushroom people tribe and snot dragons? Why did people have to see him every time he did a good deed? And not just see him but spread the word as well? What was even more disturbing was the subsequent wave of attention from three powerful entities. Two Twilight Beings and a Fairy Mistress, all likely attracted by the fact that he had destroyed the Midnight God's altar.

At this moment, Matthew realized just how reckless it was to destroy an altar of a deity. It not only signified the deity's hostility but also drew the focused attention of other beings of the same tier.

"Galan has already shown himself, and Brook, whose reputation is not well known, I wonder which domain he belongs to. And the Midnight Queen is probably the mortal enemy of the Midnight God. Their domains overlap heavily, and in the context of the Ascension in the Palace of Celestial Harmony, a Fairy Mistress might exhibit more power than a true god."

Matthew thought about it seriously and decided that once he dealt with the Cult of the Dragon, he would return to Rockton Town to live a quiet life. If he couldn't become a legend, he wouldn't get involved in adventures anymore.

At the moment, he commanded the skeletal zombies to speed up the clearing of the rubble.

Not long after, Reiga walked over and said, "I just checked the original path. Although it looks heavily blocked by debris, it's not as bad as it seems."

Matthew was cringing. He had initially intended to ask Reiga whether it was bad or not but ended up saying, "I'll go have a look."

"Based on my experience, with the right tools, it's quite easy to dig through this level of landslides. Just be careful not to cause a secondary collapse while digging."

This time, Lord Reiga finally spoke human words. "My suggestion is to dig our way back along the original path. You have extra manpower, and I happen to have some tools."

Saying that, he took out more than ten shovels from his storage ring.

Matthew was startled and couldn't help asking, "How big is your storage ring?"

Reiga casually gestured with three fingers. "30 cubic feet."

"Three cubic feet!" Matthew exclaimed, envious.

Reiga chuckled and said, "Yes, it's not that big."

Reiga proudly said, "This is a gift that Saphira gave me last year, and she bought it with her own savings. But hehe, I secretly returned the money to her later. After all, she's not of age yet, and I plan to let her keep that pocket money for the future, as her dowry."

"What about your luggage? It looks quite impressive. How big is it?" Matthew, feeling a bit uneasy, touched his extraordinary magical bag, then cautiously held up one finger.

Reiga patted his shoulder with a smile, saying, "One cubic foot is pretty good. At least you earned it through your own efforts. You're still young, and things will get better in the future."

With that, Reiga abandoned the shovel and walked away, looking satisfied with himself. This left Matthew alone, facing the pile of rubble, inwardly enduring a sense of guilt akin to that of a thief.


Three hours later, the clattering noises finally ceased. The cornered zombie-minotaurs had successfully cleared the heap of debris, revealing the path to the surface.

Matthew finished his high-quality short rest and regained a significant amount of his spiritual power and mana, ready for further combat. The rest of the group, including Layla, had also mostly recovered.

Without further delay, they made their way directly to the surface exit.

On the way, Layla voluntarily shared the information she had learned with Matthew, saying, "Borken is currently very weak, there's no doubt about that. He has been collecting blasphemous books, and according to Edson, he intends to defile a tomb with that book to obtain unimaginable power. It's a kind of... power that transcends life and death. I overheard this in their private conversation before their trade."

Matthew's face became solemn. A power that transcends life and death? So, Borken already knew that it was King Mington's tomb? No wonder his previous negotiation tactics had been ineffective. But why at this moment? Matthew asked, "Besides receiving the task to build the altar, has the Cult of the Dragon done anything else? For example, have they come to the Rainforest?"

Layla firmly shook her head, saying, "Probably not. The Cult of the Dragon doesn't have as many members as you might think. After these two strikes, the Southern Branch needs to be almost entirely rebuilt. I can be certain that there haven't been any members of the Cult of the Dragon coming to the surface during this time."

Matthew found it strange. He clearly saw a group of Cult of the Dragon followers fighting with the Sandstorm Raider Gang in the Rainforest that day. Thinking about the Sandstorm Raiders, he suddenly realized that apart from frequent appearances in the Rainforest early on, they had almost never been seen again.

He had asked Suya, and even the Spirit of the Rainforest couldn't find any traces of them, neither in the underground city nor in the Rainforest. This meant they had most likely left the Rainforest.

"Someone is stirring things up from behind!" Matthew's mind was sharp, and he quickly outlined an almost complete blueprint of the events. There were still some fragments to fill in, but now wasn't the time to think about that.

The Cult of the Dragon was the Rainforest's number one enemy. They had to take advantage of Borken's weakness and strike at the Cult of the Dragon!

After leaving the surface, the group joined their recovered friend, Yu Lian. With Suya's permission, Matthew led them through a long-distance teleportation portal within the Black Banyan Dreamland.

In a mere thirty minutes, they arrived at the southwest corner of the Rainforest. At the edge of the Rainforest, the outlines of what appeared to be logging sites, similar to factories, were vaguely visible. Stacked outside the factories were large sections of fallen towering trees. Inside, lights were shining brightly.

Matthew glanced at the sky; it was almost midnight. Transforming into a raven, he flew over the factories and discovered that a significant number of Cult of the Dragon members were working through the night.

Every Cult member who walked out of a massive building was holding a round, rolling egg in their arms!

"Is that... dragon eggs?" Matthew tried to get a closer look, but at that very moment, an arrow cut through the air, grazing his feathers, and flew past him.

"Get lost! This isn't a place that druids have any say in," a half-elf archer on a raised platform warned coldly.

"Little Y, you're always so kind-hearted. If I could shoot as accurately as you, this druid would probably already be my new favorite," the archer said teasingly.

In the factory beneath the platform, a gloomy necromancer leaned on his staff and walked out. He was followed by an enormous creature.

Matthew squinted at the sight. It was... a bone dragon!


"Tip: You've discovered the 'Dragon Rearing Site' (Cult of the Dragon Base).

You've encountered the Level 16 Half-Elf Archer, Iraseema!

You've encountered the Level 14 Necromancer, Jennings, and his Level 14 Bone Dragon!"

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