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After explaining his unfamiliarity with Daniya, the Earth Elemental regretfully said, "If you had come a few decades earlier, Daniya might have had a chance to get out of her single status smoothly, and she wouldn't have turned into such a weirdo. The best answer is to come in!"

With that, she opened the gate.

Matthew stepped inside, and Lumière waited outside.

Daniya's cottage looked low from the outside, but its interior was comparable to a castle.

The floor was semi-transparent.

They resembled floating porcelain tiles, transparent and textured.

At a glance, Matthew saw at least hundreds of rooms displayed beneath his feet!

"Floating brick structure? This is the technology used to make floating cities."

Matthew marveled at the interior of the cottage.

The Earth Elemental, having seen it all before, replied, "No, Daniya doesn't have that kind of brain. She just dismantled a library from a floating city and put some of the parts in here."

She walked a few steps on the floating bricks, muttering, "Necromancer, male, under thirty, over 180 cm, handsome according to human aesthetics... That's Room 7."

The Earth Elemental led Matthew to a smaller floating brick and stepped heavily on it while explaining, "Daniya left different gifts for different groups of people, each belonging to a different room. In each room, there are between 3 to 20 items, and you can only choose one as Daniya's gift."

Matthew was intrigued, "Different groups of people? Can non-necromancers participate?"

If that were the case, he wanted Lumière and Bobo to try their luck too.

The Earth Elemental yawned, "No, they can't."

Matthew was puzzled, "But I just saw some rooms with symbols of other professions on top."

The Earth Elemental chuckled, "That's why I said she's gone a bit crazy. She clearly set the rules to only allow necromancers to participate in 'Bird Chess' and 'Quick Questions and Answers,' but she prepared gifts and rooms for all professions."

"I think she couldn't find a boyfriend her whole life, so she wanted to leave a mark before her final attempt. Why don't you go down now?"

With that, she stamped the tile heavily again.

This time, it finally sank slowly.

Matthew found himself in a not-so-large storage room.

In the middle, there was a specimen of a black-feathered chicken with a label underneath that read, "This is the 100,000,000th chicken born since the inception of Hell Forge (of course, it's fake, who would count chickens like that?)."

For some reason, this sentence actually tickled Matthew's funny bone.

He chuckled and looked away. On the shelf next to it were six items:

  • "Advanced Negative Energy Stone (I'm fooling you; can you guess if there are high or low-grade negative energy stones?)"
  • "Broom that doesn't sweep (but it can mop when wet, even with saliva, magical, right?)"
  • "Deed to White Rock City (When I bought a house, the agent told me White Rock City has permanent ownership, should be)"
  • "Daniya's Loving Origami Crane (My Prince Charming, hehe, hehe)"
  • "Spellbook written in reverse and inverted order (highly recommended, this is a masterpiece, but remember to practice it backward!)"
  • "Bloodstained sanitary pad (hehe, hehe, hehe)"



When Matthew saw the last item, he seriously began to doubt Daniya's mental state!

How long do you have to be isolated to drive yourself crazy like this? The Earth Elemental's words seemed to make sense; this necromancer may not have wanted to leave something for future generations but merely wanted to make a statement.

Matthew used the process of elimination to screen through the items preliminarily.

Only the options of "Hell Forge Chicken Specimen," "White Rock City Deed," and "Spellbook" remained.

The White Rock City Deed actually seemed pretty good, but whether it was permanent ownership was a big question mark. If it turned out to be nothing more than a useless piece of paper when he got it back, that would be a huge loss.

As for the Hell Forge Chicken specimen, Matthew felt that there might be something hidden inside. Usually, with these kinds of items, the trick is that...

The specimen is just a decoy, and the real treasure is hidden inside.

Unfortunately, Matthew's mental strength was lacking right now, or he could have used a round of Balance Perception to see clearly.

As for the spellbook, no mage would ever overlook it.

Matthew pondered for a while.

In the end, he chose to take the spellbook.

"Even if it's written in reverse and inverted, it can still be deciphered. Choosing a spellbook shouldn't be a big mistake, as long as it's not a completely useless spell."

After gradually understanding Daniya's mental state, Matthew had become quite relaxed.

After all, he hadn't invested much. He had just answered a question, and getting a small gift in return was already good enough.

Once he had the spellbook in his possession, Matthew left the storage room under the guidance of the Earth Elemental.

"If you can, please spread the word about 'Daniya's Cottage with Gifts' among the necromancers," Matthew requested.

The Earth Elemental said as she saw him off, "In the past, the swamp was all undead left behind by Daniya. Nobody could get in, and her carefully arranged masterpiece became a silent drama that nobody appreciated.

I advised her back then. If she wanted more people to know about her, she shouldn't set such a high bar. But she insisted that only necromancers who could break through the outer layer of those undead had the right to receive her gifts.

I completely don't understand her thinking. After breaking through a group of dangerous undead, you have to answer questions? Maybe that's why she couldn't find a boyfriend her whole life.

As a good friend, I feel quite sorry for her. She's actually a good person, but the influence of negative energy has clouded her mind. Young man, you should be careful too; the path of undeath is not something everyone can control."

Matthew nodded, showing gratitude.

He was well aware of the impact of negative energy on humans, especially on the brain, heart, and other organs. It was insidious and gradual.

Just like arsonists often find it hard to restrain their desire to set fires, necromancers were also easily tempted by negative energy and gradually fell into the abyss.

Generally, this process would accelerate significantly after reaching the fourth stage. This was also the objective reason why high-level necromancers often gave people the stereotypical impression of "stay away."

However, Matthew was different. He wasn't sure if it was due to his tree planting efforts, but he could feel that his body's organs were blessed by the power of nature. The erosion caused by negative energy was minimal, and it even stimulated the growth of the power of nature in a way.

These two forces formed a temporary balance within him, and now the Path of Balance was introduced, so he didn't have to worry about it in the short term.

What piqued his interest, however, was the Earth Elemental lady's words:

"So, are you and Miss Daniya very close?"

"Of course, we're best friends. Otherwise, why would I take the time to help her manage this house?"

"Don't tell me you think I'm like those silly undead and Daniya's servant. My home is in the Earth Elemental Plane. I just like to travel in the human world."

The two of them walked near the fence, and the Earth Elemental lady stretched lazily.

"In a while, I have to take a nap. I have a ball to attend on Saint Jay Island in the evening, so I won't be able to see you off."

Matthew heard the name "Saint Jay Island" and paused for a moment.

Unfortunately, the Earth Elemental lady had already closed the fence and quickly went to sleep in the backyard garden.


Near the camp, everything was safe.

The swamp was humid, so Yu Lian lit two bonfires and handmade two roadblocks. It was clear that, apart from being unfindable in battle, this ace spy was doing quite well in other aspects.

Matthew found Bobo in a tent with a wrench flag hanging outside. When they met for the first time, Matthew was taken aback.

But the heavy armor was laid out on the ground except for the helmet. Bobo was wearing only a white fluffy crop top and a white pair of shorts of the same material. Other than that, she was mostly bare.

She had shrunk considerably, looking even more petite.

But Bobo appeared to be in good health at the moment. She was crouched on the ground, using a wrench that was bigger than her arm to tinker with the armor's joints.

"Are you feeling better?" Matthew asked, slightly uncomfortable.

"Much better, but it's a shame that my gauntlets are completely ruined. I've become much weaker," Bobo said with a hint of dejection. "Unless I can get some steel, screws, and a super workbench, damn it. If I had been able to steal Ding Ding's portable workbench before leaving Cyberron, it would have been great. His workbench is this big when unfolded."

As she spoke, she gestured to Matthew in front of her.

Unfortunately, Bobo's wingspan was too short.

Matthew couldn't imagine how big the workbench was.

He casually asked, "Who is Ding Ding?"

Bobo proudly puffed out her chest and said, "Ding Ding is my neighbor, a little brat who only knows how to hammer iron. He's about the same age as me and has had a crush on me since we were kids. But I can't accept him because he's not even as tall as me!"

Matthew laughed, "That's a pity. But he still has a chance to grow taller in the future, right?"

Bobo shook her head and said, "He has no chance. He's a true gnome. Most people in Cyberron are gnomes, with the occasional goblin or fairy. There are very few humans like me."

As she spoke, she looked up at Matthew with some anticipation. "Are you necromancers really good at bones? Can you help me see if I can grow taller?"

"My request isn't high. I'd be satisfied with just being 4'5"!"

Matthew coughed twice. "I'll check for you next time. I'm tired today, and I'm going back to rest. I just came to see you before resting."

"Alright, alright."

Bobo, with a massive helmet that didn't match her petite frame, nodded her head and went back to tinkering with the armor.

Two hours later.

Matthew opened his eyes.

He stretched his muscles and chewed on a few tea leaves to refresh himself. A short break wasn't enough to fully recover his mental strength, but it would at least allow him to use some magic.

He didn't rush to leave his tent but instead took out the spellbook. He was prepared to read it carefully and flipped open the first page.

"Warning: The spells in this book have been reversed and written backward. Reading it may cause severe psychological trauma. Do not read if you're not seeking a dead end."

Matthew was unfazed but proceeded to open the second page.

"But what if this is a spellbook that doesn't need to be read at all? Congratulations, you've struck gold. This is a spellbook published by the Xiangpai Inn! Don't flip any further; you won't understand the spells in the back anyway. Just enjoy this feast! By the way, the incantation is 'Food is Life!'. Remember to say it with sincerity. If it doesn't work the first time, say it a few more times. - Eternal Undead Girl Daniya."


"'Xiangpai Inn'?" Matthew was both surprised and delighted. He quickly flipped through the book, and indeed, in the corner, he found the distinctive emblem of the Arcane Wilds and the 'Xiangpai Inn.'

"Is this really a gift left by an old lady in her seventies? Well, she's been a recluse all her life; it's quite normal for her to have a young heart," Matthew said, full of joy, as he caressed the spine of the spellbook.

The Xiangpai Inn was an organization from the Arcane Wilds, a magical plane independent of the material world, brimming with active magic. The indigenous inhabitants of the Arcane Wilds were Archfae, Elf Dragons, Flower Fairies, and Tree Sprites. They were all natural spellcasters, possessing "innate spellcasting" abilities in terms of quantity and quality that were no less than those of intermediate mages.

Among the Archfae, there was a group dedicated to promoting the "innate spellcasting" ability. They believed that learning magic was too arduous, and spellcasters should find an alternative path to master the ability to cast spells naturally, like the Fae. The Xiangpai Inn was a product of such a philosophy.

This organization regularly published some unique spellbooks for spellcasting organizations from the material world and other planes every year, in exchange for money, resources, and, most importantly, influence.

The unique feature of these spellbooks was that they were not meant for reading but for consumption!

By simply ingesting one of these spellbooks, you could master a spell within a maximum of 15 minutes. Moreover, the spell belonged to the category of "innate spellcasting," enjoying various additional spellcasting bonuses.

This made the spellbooks of the Xiangpai Inn incredibly popular.

Due to the limited production of the Inn, many times, even members of large spellcasting organizations could not get their hands on one during their entire lifetime!

How could Matthew not be thrilled?

"Praise Daniya!" he said from the bottom of his heart.

"Food is Life!" he earnestly chanted the incantation.

The spellbook began to change gradually.

At this moment, there was a soft voice from outside the tent, "Matthew, do you have any food? I'm hungry."

It was Bobo's voice.

"Just wait a moment."

Matthew set down the spellbook, took out some biscuits from his bag, and came to the tent's entrance, handing them to Bobo, "See if these are enough, take them and share with everyone. I still have some things to deal with."

Bobo took the handful of biscuits, counting them happily.

Matthew turned to go back without paying any attention to the corner he left at the tent's entrance.

Then he picked up the spellbook again.

"Food is Life!"

Matthew chanted the incantation with sincerity once more.

This time, the spellbook's transformation speed suddenly accelerated.

It changed from its original book-like appearance into a lump of dark and donut-like substance, as if several donuts of varying sizes were stacked on top of each other! On top of it was an exquisite spell label!


"Congratulations, you've won a prize! This book contains a highly rare spell. We believe that only an even rarer combination of cuisine can match this spell. So, as you can see, this is a chocolate-flavored delicacy with the appearance of feces. Enjoy to your heart's content. — Xiangpai Inn, Head Chef, Zizi."


Matthew's mouth twitched slightly.

From this distance, he could even smell the strong scent of chocolate wafting from it.

"Never mind, learning spells. I'll endure it for a bit."

He took a big bite, and the taste was indeed quite delicious.

Outside the tent.

Bobo, having had a few cookies and feeling a bit thirsty, walked to the door of Matthew's tent. Suddenly, her body trembled, and she witnessed an unbelievable scene.

"You give us cookies and eat that yourself?" Bobo asked with a trembling voice.

At first, Matthew hadn't realized what was happening. "Huh? It's chocolate-flavored, and it's not bad."

Bobo paused for a moment, and she, who was usually strong-willed, couldn't hold back her tears, covering her mouth.

Matthew saw her expression and finally realized what had just occurred.

He finished the food in three gulps and was about to explain.

But at that moment, a massive amount of information rushed into his mind!


"Notification: You've acquired the 'Subversion' innate spellcasting ability! Subversion: You can contest control of the undead with other necromancers and have a higher chance of success. If you successfully subvert someone face to face, you will gain a second opportunity for subversion within a short period of time!"

Chapter 86 >>

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