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Magicians were truly a dashing profession from legends, even their contracted creatures were all enchanting with their golden hair and sapphire eyes, unlike a humble necromancer like himself, who was constantly surrounded by skeletons and zombies.

Such thoughts briefly crossed Martin's mind.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't envious.

At that moment, Martin jokingly said to Zeller, "With such a charming contracted partner, no wonder you haven't married yet."

Zeller waved his hand and replied, "You've got it all wrong. My relationship with Lysanna is very pure; we're just partners."

Martin found it a bit hard to believe and asked, "Can you really control yourself?"

Before Zeller could respond, Lysanna looked at Martin with a hint of sadness and complained, "To be honest, I often suspect that Zeller might prefer men. He always treats me like I'm nothing, and most of the time, my charm feels like it's wasted on thin air."

Zeller gently smiled and said, "That's not true, Lysanna's charm is beyond doubt. It's just that I have my own principles—partners should remain just that. Honestly, resisting her allure is not an easy task, and there are times when I'm tempted and wavering. But I consider it a form of self-discipline and challenge. Fortunately, I've always been able to maintain restraint."

Lysanna rolled her eyes dramatically.

Martin's perspective on warlocks broadened a bit.

He had heard that warlocks often had very promiscuous private lives, being attracted to all sorts of creatures, but Zeller was clearly an exception among warlocks. Despite having a succubus as a pet, he remained faithful and used it to strengthen his willpower.

This made Martin begin to question Zeller's sexual orientation.

The three of them chatted for a while, and the atmosphere in the room gradually became livelier. Lysanna began to work on Martin's makeup. According to Zeller, this succubus lady was an expert in the field of makeup and disguise, and most of the time, the faces she transformed had effects beyond mere illusion.

As for Martin, he didn't quite grasp this. He simply felt Lysanna's small hands with various powders and brushes on his face, causing a tingling sensation. Her body was close to his, and his demon nature made him constantly aware of the intense pheromones she emitted. If it weren't for "mind like still water," he might have embarrassed himself by now.

Lysanna worked diligently, but her expression seemed consistently unhappy. After about an hour of tedious makeup application, she tossed aside the powder pad with frustration and said, "Done!"

"Being locked up in a room with you two men is like being in prison. I used to think you, Zeller, were terrifying, but your friend is just as bad. We've been together for so long, and you haven't shown any reaction!"

"Tell me, are you impotent?"

She spoke forcefully, and her expression was filled with frustration and self-doubt.

Zeller's response was swift and unexpected. He slapped Lysanna hard, sending her tumbling to the floor. "You seem to be getting a bit too bold, succubus."

Bending down, he gripped her chin firmly and spoke in an unusually cold tone, "If you're really unhappy with the current situation, I can send you back to the Abyss, to any demon lord's domain. But if you want to stay by my side, you better learn to behave when I'm giving you face. Promise me this is the last time."

Fear was evident in Lysanna's eyes as she stammered, "I promise, this is the last time."

"The last time for what?" Zeller asked, his tone ice-cold.

"The last time for getting too bold. I was wrong, Zeller. I shouldn't have rambled in front of your friend. Please don't send me back to the Abyss; they'll ruin me..."

"Very well. Now, apologize to Martin," Zeller said as he released her.

Lysanna stumbled to her feet, and her smooth chin had two fresh bruises. She nervously apologized to Martin, who waved it off. This seemed to ease her burdens, and with Zeller's permission, she vanished in front of Martin's mirror.

Zeller put on his usual friendly face and said, "You must have had a good laugh, Martin."

"Demons and regular summons are different," Zeller continued. "I treat them with genuine care, but they tend to misbehave and get too proud. Lysanna is just one example. If I don't occasionally discipline her, she might think she's the master."

He sighed, "As for your summon, Peggy, I see you treat her well. Does she show any signs like this?"

Martin understood Zeller's frustration. Demons were a troublesome bunch, and it took a combination of rewards and punishments to keep them in check. Suddenly, he wasn't so envious of Zeller having a succubus as a companion. At least, his genuine care seemed to have a return.

"No, she doesn't," Martin replied. "Peggy has many flaws, but her overall character is quite charming. She just annoys me with her constant demand for a higher salary. But I suppose that's not her fault."

Zeller couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. "Well, we should get ready for the outfit change. The festival is about to begin, and we need to set off fireworks during the climax."

Martin nodded in agreement. However, he hesitated for a moment before asking, "Can I be a bit audacious and ask if Lysanna can charge my wand with energy? Although the timing may not be perfect, I have a 'Coughing Wand' that I've been trying to power up."

He took out the wand, which he had attempted to power up following the method from Tower Spirit 177. Unfortunately, it was terribly inefficient, requiring around 10,000 official charges to complete the process. Martin had originally planned to take it slow, but encountering Zeller had boosted his confidence.

After all, this was a favor, and he hadn't charged Zeller or the town's officials for his help.

Zeller accepted the wand and examined it for a moment. He then nodded and said, "Enchantment? It should be fine. I'll give it to Lysanna in a moment."

With that settled, the two of them got up. After changing clothes and adjusting their heights, Zeller led Martin to the grand hall, where the illusion magic tracks had been set up.


At noon, the Seven Saints Square in the center of Rolling Stone Town was packed with people. This was the place where many competitions would take place and awards would be given out.

Even though the festival had just begun, several small competitions had already concluded, and participants, along with their families and neighbors, were joyfully receiving their prizes.

Laughter and merriment filled the air.

At the base of the Seven Saints statues, two men dressed as traveling merchants were speaking in hushed tones. In front of them was a large wooden box filled with a string of cotton candies.

"Today is the perfect day for our jailbreak. Look, most of the guards have been pulled to the square to maintain order. I bet the prison is practically empty right now."

A man in his twenties, with a sharp nose and chin, spoke in a low voice.

"You're right, Jonas, but the issue is that Dean isn't willing to come out. That's the main concern."

The other man, in his thirties with a lean build and bright eyes, remarked nonchalantly.

"Leon, why do you think Dean is unwilling to join us?"

Jonas couldn't comprehend.

"Who knows? Maybe the food in the prison is better," Leon replied while picking a cotton candy from the box and eating it lazily.

Jonas grumbled, "They only had us dress up to infiltrate, and then what? Dean doesn't even acknowledge us. Are we really here to sell cotton candy?"

Leon reassured him, "It's not just us; there are others from the guild, and two more organizations. Relax, they wouldn't go through all this trouble for nothing. We just need to observe the situation in Rolling Stone Town as ordered."

Jonas looked around skeptically at the cheerful people, "But I can't help feeling that they've already found us! How can they be so happy? Have they recognized us already?"

Leon tried to calm him, "You're too nervous, Jonas. Want to sit on the side for a bit?"

Jonas shook his head, "No need, that would make me even more uncomfortable. Damn, why am I so nervous in this backwater place? Back when I set the docks on fire in White Ox Harbor, I didn't even break a sweat!"

Leon licked his cotton candy and suggested, "How about you have one, or join a competition?"

"That's not a bad idea!" Jonas' eyes lit up. "I just saw a competition with a honey pot prize. My mom loves honey; I might as well give it a try."

Leon put down his cotton candy, surprised, "Are you serious?"

"Why not? Participating in a local event can also be seen as observing, right?" Jonas pushed the box aside and eagerly walked towards a corner of the square.

Leon had to push the cart and follow.


"Hey, folks, it's that time of the year again, Martin's Fast Run!

Clean your shoes!

Sharpen your eyes!

Remember to keep your balance and avoid falling—every year someone ends up in the septic tank or the drain, which is not the purpose of Martin's Fast Run!

Remember, the route is essential!

Regarding the route, I'll reiterate one last time: start at the beginning, make a lap around Seven Saints Square, head toward the eastern city wall, pick up the flag near the tower, then head back through the Craftsman District. After grabbing two more flags along the way, sprint all the way to the Seven Saints statues, where we'll celebrate for you!

Now, everyone, get ready!"

The chubby host's shout echoed, and the crowd burst into cheers.

Even though the festival had just begun, several small competitions had already concluded, and participants, along with their families and neighbors, were joyfully receiving their prizes.

Laughter and merriment filled the air.

Jonas blended into the crowd, feeling less nervous than before.

He glanced behind him.

Behind the swarming contestants, there were three people in oversized furry costumes, acting as the monsters who would chase "Martin" in this event.

The contestants were taking on the role of the hero of a local myth, "Unstoppable, the Fastest Martin," a character of superhuman speed.

Jonas had just heard the host recount the story of Super Martin.

Admittedly, it was a quite captivating story.

"Hey, outsider."

A challenge suddenly came from the side.

Jonas furrowed his brows and looked over. It was a burly man who threatened him, "When I speed up, make sure to stay out of my way, or I might squeeze you into a sewage pit, and don't cry."

This blatant threat made Jonas furious. While he set fires and killed in White Ox Harbor, these backwater folks were likely still playing house games! How dare they threaten him?

He was just about to teach this local a lesson.

But then, the host at the front bellowed, "Martins, get ready!"

The crowd roared, and the monsters in the rear started howling.

Over 40 people surged forward.

The scene turned chaotic.

Jonas was initially trapped in the crowd.

But soon, he saw his chance to break free.

An arsonist was already a natural sprinter, and he was one of the best among them. However, he didn't want to lose to anyone, so he maintained an impressive pace even after gaining the lead.

Gradually, the scenery around him blurred.

Only the cheers on both sides remained loud and clear.

Unknowingly, he had collected three flags.

The Seven Saints statues in the distance marked the finish line.

At that moment, the deafening cheers from the crowd filled his ears.

Jonas was filled with exhilaration.

He enjoyed being cheered on by the crowd.

Unwittingly, he was carried to the makeshift awards stage.

"Hey, incredible Jonas!" the chubby host shouted, "You are undoubtedly the champion, and you've broken the previous record by a whole minute. How did you manage that?"

Jonas was about to respond, but the host suddenly handed him a big jar of honey, "This is the prize for the champion!"

Just then, a group of fully armed guards appeared behind him.

"Ah!" Before Jonas could react, he was overpowered by the guards.

"Sorry, but you ran too fast; we have reason to suspect that you're a Silverfrost Brotherhood member," the leader of the guards explained with some regret. "Come with us, and if it's proven later that it's our mistake, I'll personally compensate you with another jar of honey, a big one."

At that moment, Jonas felt his world turn upside down.

He anxiously searched the crowd for a glimpse of Leon.

But he couldn't find Leon.

All he saw were surprised faces.

People were still bewildered about why the guards were arresting the young man who ran so fast.

And then, unexpectedly, the sky overhead turned dark!


At the same time, a brilliant firework exploded in the artificially created night sky.

Vivid patterns burst into existence.

People cheered and applauded for these magical fireworks that appeared out of nowhere.

"Ronan! Ronan!"

Someone in the crowd shouted the spellcaster's name.

And upon hearing that name, Jonas' confused mind suddenly became crystal clear.

For a split second, he glimpsed the back of a man slowly leaving the crowd.

That silhouette.

It was unmistakably the same man he had seen in the portraits.

The legendary mage.


"No... this can't be true! I have to tell everyone this news! Ronan isn't lost in the Astral Plane; he's still here in town!"

Jonas struggled instinctively.

But the guards had already detained him.

And they heartlessly led him to the prison.

What was a joyful Rolling Stone Town had, once again, been thrown into turmoil by these dazzling magical fireworks.

Chapter 41 >>

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