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"The Jack of All Trades, a fifth-tier ability."

Matthew's eyelids twitched.

This meant that the charming gentleman in front of him had at least 17 professional levels. Moreover, he belonged to the Roamer class, which was easy to get into but extremely challenging to master. No wonder he had appeared behind Matthew without warning the last time they met. Matthew had thought it was because of Beiana's confession that he had been distracted.

"What's the matter?" When they left the guild building, Richard seemed to have noticed Matthew's absent-minded expression.

Matthew shook his head and looked at the celebratory crowd pouring in from the neighboring area. Among the crowd, an extravagantly dressed young man was walking on stilts. He swayed from side to side, greeting people on both sides. His movements were so exaggerated that it looked like he could fall at any moment.

"Nothing, I'm just feeling nostalgic. Rolling Stone Town is truly a hiding place for hidden talents," Matthew said, watching the stilt-walking young man.

"Indeed," Richard chuckled, making way for two playful children. Then he casually looked back at Matthew. "A Bone Dragon is not something an ordinary person can control."


Green Vine Tavern.

In a corner near the back door, a young bartender cheerfully served drinks.

"Hello, two 'Pig's Sip' drinks. Today is the Spring Knowledge Festival, and Old Barry is offering everyone a free glass of fizzy sweetwater. Enjoy, gentlemen!"

Richard elegantly took the light green drink and took a sip. Then he said to Matthew, "I still remember the first time I came here; I had no idea how wonderful 'Pig's Sip' was. When Old Barry recommended it to me, I thought he was just trying to amuse a foreigner like me."

Matthew also raised his wooden cup and took a sip. Pig's Sip was a specialty of Rolling Stone Town, its name's origin lost to time, but it had a spicy taste that left a lasting impression. It could only be enjoyed around the time of the Spring Knowledge Festival because it required a certain seasonal wild herb.

Matthew didn't respond; he was still pondering Richard's intentions. "Finding the locksmith seems to be a coincidence. Before entering that office, Richard had no way of predicting my actions," he thought. "So, did he just happen to come into contact with me, or did he plan to meet me and took advantage of the situation?"

In either case, being watched by a fifth-tier thief was not a good thing. Fortunately, Richard hadn't shown any hostility, and Matthew sat upright, feeling there was nothing to be afraid of.


The two of them chatted for a while. Perhaps because the market and the festival had drawn some of the crowd away, the tavern was gradually becoming more lively.

Richard suddenly asked with interest, "That girl, did she write you a letter after going to the Emerald Jade Court?"

Beiana? Matthew, who was on edge, instantly remembered the girl who had confessed to him on his doorstep. "No," he replied. "It's only been half a month since then. She may have just arrived at the Emerald Jade Court and hasn't settled in yet."

Richard smiled and said, "You don't need to defend her. I'm just curious about your attitude towards her, or them. From what I know, you are quite popular among the female students, but I get the feeling you don't like them much."

Matthew denied, "No, the girls are all lively and lovely."

Richard asked curiously, "Then why do you keep rejecting their confessions? I heard Beiana wasn't the first."

Matthew explained seriously, "Just as I told Beiana, they don't understand the real me. They are a group of children who like me maybe because my role as a teacher gives me an easy opportunity to gain their admiration. Or perhaps they feel proud among their peers to have a handsome boyfriend like me. It might even be the forbidden teacher-student relationship that stimulates their rebelliousness. In any case, their confessions are based on many possibilities, but love is not one of them."

"And my view of them has always been the same: they are my students, a group of innocent and growing children—nothing more."


"What about Sev?" Richard asked suddenly.

Matthew answered without hesitation, "Including Sev!"

"Alright, talking to you is really boring!" Richard showed a helpless expression. "Hey, Matthew, if the popularity among the girls were transferred to anyone—even a younger me, it would become a bragging right. Yet you, you're here seriously explaining to me why you don't accept those girls' confessions?"

Matthew corrected, "I thought it was important."

"Of course it's important. At least our Lord should be able to sleep well tonight. I'll pass on what you just said to Reiga."

Richard yawned, and Matthew suddenly realized, "So you're the Lord..."

Richard shook his head. "No, it's just a chance encounter. Your spellbook reminded me of some of my younger days, and I couldn't resist."

"Of course, Reiga and I reconciled, but I've been retired for many years. I have no interest in you and your Bone Dragon!"

"Today is the Spring Knowledge Festival. Let's have another drink. My treat!"

Richard seemed to lose interest, but this time, Matthew took the initiative, "So that night, when Sev was kidnapped, even if I hadn't intervened, would you have resolved the problem?"

Richard paused and picked up the glass. "Kidnapped? Odd."

Matthew replied, "They might have been influenced by the Cult of Calamity."

Richard pondered for a moment. "Cult of Calamity? I haven't heard of it."

Matthew shrugged. "Perhaps it's a new emerging evil organization in recent years?"

"Besides that, I know they seem to be members of the Silverfrost Brotherhood."

Richard nodded. "I know about that. The Silverfrost Brotherhood is a criminal organization active in the eastern countries. They teach a quick way to become an arsonist, and there are even legendary professions like 'Red Letter Assassins' among their leadership."

Matthew realized, "This organization is well-known?"

Richard replied, "They have a bad reputation, and most of the members of this organization are wanted in major cities, including Torrent City, White Rock City, Sentinel Heights, and especially the Emerald Jade Court. Because of a massacre against the Wood Elf village several years ago, they have a high bounty on Silverfrost Brotherhood members."

Matthew prodded, "So, this organization is infamous?"

Richard answered, "Yes, it is. But remember, Matthew, this world belongs to spellcasters. That's why I want to thank you on behalf of Sev. I've been retired for a long time, and I have no interest in you and your Bone Dragon."

"Today is the Spring Knowledge Festival. Let's have another drink. My treat!"

Richard looked like he had lost interest. Matthew, however, took the initiative, "So those two people, the gang members from the big cities, are they looking for me?"

Matthew openly said, "Yes, on the night I saved Sev, I killed an arsonist as well."

"An arsonist? Odd."

Richard squinted, "These vermin that live in the city sewers are leaving their territory? I'm surprised."

Matthew added, "They might have been influenced by the Cult of Calamity."

Richard pondered for a moment, "Cult of Calamity? I haven't heard of them."

Matthew shrugged, "Perhaps it's a new emerging evil organization in recent years?"

"Besides that, I know they seem to be members of the Silverfrost Brotherhood."

Richard nodded, "I know about that. The Silverfrost Brotherhood is a criminal organization active in the eastern countries. They teach a quick way to become an arsonist, and there are even legendary professions like 'Red Letter Assassins' among their leadership."

Matthew realized, "This organization is well-known?"

Richard replied, "They have a bad reputation, and most of the members of this organization are wanted in major cities, including Torrent City, White Rock City, Sentinel Heights, and especially the Emerald Jade Court. Because of a massacre against the Wood Elf village several years ago, they have a high bounty on Silverfrost Brotherhood members."

Matthew prodded, "So, this organization is infamous?"

Richard answered, "Yes, it is. But remember, Matthew, this world belongs to spellcasters. That's why I want to thank you on behalf of Sev. I've been retired for a long time, and I have no interest in you and your Bone Dragon."

Richard added, "Today is the Spring Knowledge Festival. Let's have another drink. My treat!"

Richard seemed to have lost interest, but Matthew took the initiative, "So those two people, the gang members from the big cities, are they looking for me?"

Richard shook his head and said:

"I'm retired now, just working desk jobs, and besides, the ones to deal with them are on their way."

About 30 seconds later, a group of fully armed guards marched in through the main gate. The leader of the group was none other than Blade, holding a short sword.


Almost as soon as the guards entered the door, a short man named Dean jumped up from his chair.

Bang, bang, bang!

Several crisp sounds followed. Before the customers in the hall could react, thick black smoke and raging flames emerged from several corners. The hall immediately descended into chaos.

"Get to the back door!" Dean grabbed Mobley, who was slow to react, and they pushed through the hall and reached the side of the back door.

Dean let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know how the guards had found them, but he was well aware that he didn't want to engage in a close-quarter fight with these fully armed soldiers in the confined space. Even if he managed to break their weapons, he wouldn't be able to spark even a tiny flame on their armor.

However, once they left the tavern and entered the complex streets, they would be in their element. Arsonists were never afraid of chaotic street battles, even if they were outnumbered.

What's more, today was the Spring Knowledge Festival, and with the back door, they had an endless flow of people to blend in with, not to mention countless invisible hostages.

Dean and Mobley arrived at the back door under the cover of thick smoke.

Dean glanced back. Perfect.

The hall had descended into chaos. Even the guards at the very front were still more than ten steps away.

"This distance is an insurmountable barrier," Dean thought, a wicked grin on his face. From his bag, he took out two bottles of orange-red liquid, intending to throw them.

But at that moment, he suddenly felt his footing give way, and he tumbled forward.

He instinctively tried to let go of the two bottles of explosive fluid, but as he fell forward, the bottles had already vanished.

"What's going on?" Dean fell to the floor, bewildered and angry.

Bang, bang! He heard two heavy objects hitting the floor.

Before he could figure out what had just happened, a burly guard had pressed his knee onto Dean's spine.

He suddenly felt unable to breathe.

Clang! Another guard skillfully placed heavy shackles on both him and Mobley.

"Two of you, Rolling Stone Town doesn't welcome members of the Silverfrost Brotherhood, but our prison does," Blade said with a firm tone. Afterward, he noticed two people at a nearby table.

"Huh? Mr. Richard, and Matthew... is it you? Oh, I get it now. I knew there had to be a reason they both suddenly fell over!"

Blade had a sudden realization, then he gave Matthew a sly wink, a look that said, "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret."

Matthew quickly explained, "It wasn't me..."

But his words were mercilessly interrupted by Richard:

"That's right, it was him, well done, Matthew. I had no idea you had such skills."

With that, Richard raised his glass.

"To the Spring Knowledge Festival! May the winds and rains be favorable this year, and all be well."

Then he got up, using his gentleman's cane to walk away.

As he passed by the two arsonists on the floor, Richard deliberately stopped.

With a friendly smile, he said to the two bewildered men on the ground:

"Welcome to Rolling Stone Town!"

Matthew stared at his data records, completely speechless.

"Richard used 'Trip Stone' to successfully knock down the arsonists Dean and Mobley."

"Trip Stone: A fifth-tier thief ability that can forcibly knock down any target and temporarily seal all their abilities."

Matthew looked down in astonishment.

That was when he noticed two bottles of orange-red liquid in the right pocket of his jacket.

"High-level thieves are truly terrifying," Matthew thought to himself, deeply impressed.

Because today was the Spring Knowledge Festival, Matthew decided to stay in town for dinner. Despite her imposing exterior, Peggy had a nurturing soul within.

Dinner included garlic-infused sausages, honey-roasted chicken, small loaves of bread, a salad primarily consisting of kale and strawberry bits, sautéed mushrooms, spinach and egg soup, and a special Spring Knowledge Festival dessert.

Matthew thoroughly enjoyed his meal.

After dinner, he spent some time meditating in the basement. It wasn't until late at night that he gathered his belongings and headed out of town.

Originally, he had intended to spend the night at home, but tonight happened to be a full moon.

Matthew decided to try the Moonlight Society entrance ticket he had on hand. In the middle of the night, guided by the moonlight, he reached the heart of the oak forest and softly called the name of the Fairy Princess.

Even with the entrance ticket, he needed the assistance of a soul of nature to enter the peculiar space that only Druids could tread. As it turned out, the leader of the Oak Fairies, Lulu, was a newly appointed soul of nature.

Today, I'm taking the baby out for a check-up, so there's only one chapter. Thanks for your understanding. Even though I've been writing over 7,000 words per day since the start of the book, I'm already far exceeding my original target. I haven't even been featured yet, and I fear I might get bumped off the new book list prematurely. However, I will continue to update the story as usual, trying to make it as enjoyable as possible for you. Thanks to all the readers who've been following along!

Chapter 20 >>

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