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"Is this the charm of the 'Heart of Nature'?" Matthew exclaimed with delight.

The disadvantage of short lifespans had always been the greatest pain for humans on their quest for the path of truth. Many spellcasters resorted to any means to prolong their lives. Liches were one of the creations people pursued for immortality. But if one could naturally extend their life, who would want to become a cold, lifeless creature?

Matthew had a premonition. As he delved deeper into the "Oak" domain, there was still ample room for extending his lifespan. Compared to a one-time boost like "Longevity," "Double Harvest" had ignited the flames of his diligence.

"Planting ten trees can strengthen once. If I plant a thousand at once—strengthening plus a hundred skeleton soldiers?" His excitement was boundless. Although planting a thousand trees within 30 days seemed far-fetched, with proper planning, two to three hundred seemed feasible. It was currently spring, the perfect season for planting trees.

To expedite the tree-planting process to the fullest, Matthew decided to take a two-pronged approach tonight. He would write a report to the city hall for permission to plant trees on Lord Bloodflag's land. And tomorrow morning, he would officially challenge the wilderness in the direction of the "Mark of the Undead."



"You have planted a sapling and used 'Rapid Growth' on it! ... Planting successful, your affinity with nature has slightly increased! ... You have gained 1 enhancement experience (accumulated: 10 points) ... You have gained 10 XP (your level cannot be further increased, remaining XP is carried over, please advance soon)."


The next afternoon, Matthew rested behind a massive rock. The oak he had just planted was about forty to fifty meters away, yet Matthew couldn't sense any vitality from it. The root cause of this phenomenon was the dark scar on the other side of the massive rock.

"These marked stones near the Mark of the Undead were supposedly set up by Lord Bloodflag and his men. They are scattered throughout the territory of Rolling Stone Town, supposedly to prevent ordinary people from entering dangerous areas—provided that the Mark of the Undead doesn't expand," Matthew explained.

Wiping away his sweat, his expression grew serious. He had been in Rolling Stone Town for less than three years, and the spread of the Mark of the Undead was visible to the naked eye. Three years ago, there were more than ten meters of space between the edge of the Mark of the Undead and the marked stones. Now, the two were almost touching. It was easy to imagine how it would be in a few more years. This was why he planted the new oak tree farther away. He needed to leave enough buffer space for the expansion of the Mark of the Undead in the coming years.

"I'm really tired..." Today's goal of planting trees had been achieved. However, clearing land near the Mark of the Undead was not an easy task. The terrain was complex, the land was barren, and there were many factors to consider.

The only consolation was that the Basin of Prospectors had a rich underground water system, so the oak trees would at least not die of thirst once they took root.

"The trees I planted today are a bit too sparse. They won't be able to form a group effect, and their ability to resist disasters will decrease..."

After surveying the area he might enter the next day, Matthew walked back, lost in thought. As the oak forest continued to expand, he found himself spending more and more time traveling between his home and the forest. Normally, this wasn't an issue, but right now, he was at a critical point for increasing his enhancement count. He intended to have someone build a small cabin in the oak forest for him. For at least this month, he planned to dive into the forest and not come out!


Evening approached, and the city hall, nearing closing time, was almost empty. Only one office had the unique and powerful voice of Ms. Liz echoing within.

"You want to plant trees on Lord Bloodflag's private land?"

"Yes," Matthew replied politely, handing over his application.

He was a meticulous person who was happy to follow official rules and regulations as long as they weren't overly restrictive. The application was crafted based on exemplary documents from previous years at the city hall. He was confident that there would be no issues with its content or format.

As expected, after reading it, Liz raised an eyebrow. "The handwriting is very neat."

"Thank you," Matthew replied with a smile.

"I will submit your application, and theoretically, there shouldn't be any problems. This land has always been managed by Lord Bloodflag through our city hall. There was a businessman who wanted to lease it a while ago, intending to build a small mine, but we rejected that proposal. At that time, there were already plenty of mines around Rolling Stone Town, and the air was thick with smoke..."

Liz continued to talk animatedly, sharing the story of the town's mineral deposits and how they had mysteriously disappeared overnight. Some people said that Lord Bloodflag had offended the Ore Spirits, but Matthew knew that such things didn't exist. Others claimed it was a curse from the Abyss, and the loss of minerals would make Rolling Stone Town poor. However, the town's prosperity never waned. Lord Bloodflag had established two major trade stations at the borders of his domain, blocking the main trade routes to the human cities and the trade routes leading to the Everwood Forest. Business at these trade stations was booming, and the town's economy remained robust.

In recent years, the town had seen rapid development in handicrafts and small workshops, showing signs of industrialization. This might have been Lord Bloodflag's doing, but Matthew believed that the five-member committee that dealt with various administrative matters all year round was equally responsible.

Liz was one of the members of the committee. Matthew didn't know much about her. He remembered her as a sharp, gossipy woman who had a bad reputation in town. However, she was also a hard worker who diligently carried out her responsibilities. The fact that she was the mother of Brad, Lord Bloodflag's distant cousin, and Sophie's aunt made her an influential figure on the committee.

In a way, Liz represented Lord Bloodflag's will in the committee. That was the main reason Matthew had come to her for the application.


One hour later, the night had fallen completely.

"Alright, young man, thank you for being willing to listen to my ramblings. Young people with your patience are rare," Liz said as she lit a candle and continued with her paperwork. "You can go now, and I will expedite your application. Once the committee approves it, I'll notify you immediately."

Matthew nodded, standing up and stretching, making his joints crack and pop. "By the way, Matthew, I remember you're also a necromancer. What are your thoughts on that rumor going around these past few days?"

Liz suddenly stopped him, her eyes gleaming with a gossipy fascination.

Matthew pondered for a moment. "You mean the necromancer with the bone dragon? I heard he nearly clashed with the city guard."

Liz shook her head. "The version you heard isn't quite accurate. That necromancer seems to be more of a friend than an enemy. He not only saved... um, well, it seems he's not a bad person."

She seemed to realize that some things were better left unsaid.

Matthew smiled gently. "Necromancer is just a profession; it doesn't necessarily make someone a villain."

Liz looked at him with interest.


"Like you? A necromancer who loves planting trees? To be honest, Matthew, I think you look much better than my troublemaking son Brad. Just look at you! You, Matthew, are quite the handsome young man! Even compared to my Brad, you don't fall short. If you nod, I'd be more than happy to introduce you to some good families' daughters..."

Matthew blushed. "I... I don't think I'm as good as Brad."

Liz beamed. "Don't say that, Matthew. In my eyes, you're much more agreeable than my little rascal."

"Just like that, tomorrow you come to me to collect your permit. The land belonging to Lord Bloodflag, you can plant it however you like!" Matthew was surprised, "No need for approval?"

Liz waved her hand. "It's just an administrative process. The Lord doesn't really concern himself with politics; these days, he's busy taking care of his daughter. I have this much authority."

"As long as you don't turn that piece of land into a graveyard, you can do whatever you want!"

Matthew was overjoyed. He took the opportunity to praise Liz, making the middle-aged woman laugh heartily.

Late into the night, after Matthew had left the city hall and escorted Liz back to her home, he not only received his permit ahead of schedule but also secured a grant for planting trees. The sum was about 200 gold coins, allocated from Lord Bloodflag's personal treasury. This experience left Matthew with a deep understanding, summarized in one sentence: "Brad's mother is amazing!"


Another night in the basement.

"Peggy, make me a cup of coffee!" Matthew called twice but received no response, so he got up to make it himself.

"At this hour, I hope she isn't eavesdropping under some window again," he mumbled.

The rich aroma of coffee dispelled some of his drowsiness.

Matthew grumbled a bit before refocusing on the spellbook in front of him.


"Thunderstrike Sword: A Comprehensive Introduction"


However, he hadn't read for long when the copper bell hanging by his side started to hum, indicating someone was shaking it outside the fence.

A late-night visitor?

Matthew furrowed his brows.

Chapter 16 >>

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