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A level 15 Bone Dragon can deliver a devastating blow to most enemies it faces. The primary reason for this lies in its mastery of "Dragon's Might."

Among dragons, the Bone Dragon's Dragon's Might is considered relatively weak. However, when combined with the characteristics of its summoned creatures, it can easily produce unexpected effects.

Except for a few expert warriors and a handful of monsters, most people facing Dragon's Might become nothing more than lambs awaiting slaughter.

Even sorcerers are no exception.


Little Fei's body slammed hard into the corpulent giant, Angler. The latter's body had been magically enhanced, making him extraordinary among humans, but in the face of the plummeting Bone Dragon, he crumbled like a block of tofu.

On the other side, Matthew drew his hand crossbow from his magic pouch and swoosh! accurately shot an arrow into Fein's chest. Fein, writhing in pain, showed signs of breaking free from the Dragon's Might's influence, but Matthew wasn't about to give him that chance.

With a mere thought, Little Fei promptly followed through.

Fein, clutching his chest, staggered a couple of steps, only to be reduced to a pile of minced meat by the Bone Dragon's four-toed bone claw.


"Quest Log: You've killed the sorcerer Fein and successfully eliminated the potential threat in the Oakwood Forest! You've acquired the spell 'Rapid Growth' and an entry ticket to the Moonlight Society."


"Warning: You've killed the sorcerer Fein, and you've earned the enmity of the Dark Spirit Lord Omodoci! Omodoci's Hatred Level +10."


"The Dark Spirit Lord?"

Matthew furrowed his brow slightly. He had assumed that Fein's master was at most a powerful dark spirit, not a 'Lord' of this caliber. Nevertheless, he remained calm; stronger dark spirits had a harder time exerting their influence in the material world. As long as he didn't foolishly venture into lower planes, the increase in Hatred Level shouldn't affect him much.


"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

As Matthew reluctantly examined the bloody mixture of remains, he heard eerie sounds coming from the valley. It was the band of bandits. Matthew's eyes showed a hint of pity.

"Sorcery has taken over them."

He knew very little about sorcery, but at this moment, these bandits and exiles had turned into green, hairy creatures with limbs that resembled soft-bodied animals. Their spines twisted and writhed like invertebrates, their facial features had torn apart, revealing numerous tiny flesh slits and crimson blood blisters beneath their green lashes.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Unconsciously, they began to attack each other. These sorcery-created beings were not true dark spirits, and without Fein, their creator, they were left with only their most basic instincts, which now drove them to tear each other apart.

Soon, a strong stench filled the valley.

"Kill them!"

Seeing the situation, Matthew decisively gave the order.

Little Fei didn't hesitate and rushed through like a bulldozer. With a single pass, it reduced the number of sorcery creations in the valley by half.


"They truly deserve the title of 'Strongest Vegetable-Torturing Summoned Creatures.' It's not in vain that I've been planting trees for three years," Matthew nodded in satisfaction.

After a thorough sweep of the valley, he walked into the large tent.

Sylvie was still unconscious. After a quick examination to ensure she hadn't been affected by the sorcery, Matthew breathed a sigh of relief. Sylvie was a likable child, and despite her noble background, she didn't act like an entitled princess. The residents of Rolling Stone Town all liked her, and naturally, Matthew hoped for her safety.

Matthew didn't uncover the blanket but lifted Sylvie gently and left the tent.

In the valley, Little Fei was having a great time. It dashed around like a small mountain, and most of the sorcery creations had met their end at its hands. Only a few on the fringes were still running around like headless flies.

Matthew could see that this creature was intentionally keeping a few of them alive for entertainment.

He was about to remind Little Fei to be more efficient when, suddenly, a violent sense of danger surged from deep within him.

Matthew was horrified to realize that, at some point, the fog that had been lingering at the top of the barren mountain had slowly descended.

In the upper part of the valley, the mountain mist continued to lower, threatening to engulf the entire valley.


Matthew yelled, then leaped onto Little Fei's head while carrying Sylvie. The Bone Dragon let out an uneasy growl, seemingly sensing the peculiar nature of the fog.

Its massive body roared into action, charging straight toward the mountain path.

"Avoid that fog!"

As they neared the valley's entrance, Matthew saw another fog creeping in from the side. What was even more terrifying was that, within this mist, he saw a disheveled silhouette.


Matthew's heart was pounding. However, on the other side of the mountain path, there was a cliff.

"Can you fly?"

As the mountain mist threatened to engulf them, Matthew urgently asked.

Little Fei didn't respond. It spread its featherless wings and leaped towards the edge of the cliff.


The fierce wind penetrated the two sides of its bony wings. Little Fei's heavy body plummeted.

Matthew held Sylvie tight with one hand and gripped Little Fei's bone with the other.


Little Fei let out a rushed cry. Its body was falling faster and faster, seemingly about to crash hard at the base of the mountain.

Just when it seemed like they were about to land with a harsh thud, the Bone Dragon's Soul Fire suddenly emitted an intense, stimulating radiance.

There was a fleeting, almost inaudible chant.

The next moment, Little Fei's body felt significantly lighter, and its steep descent was miraculously transformed into a graceful glide.


"Because of the forced cliff jump, your summoned creature, Philorius, has unlocked its potential and mastered the Dragon's Language spell 'Advanced Featherfall.'"


"Well done!"

Matthew patted the Bone Dragon's head vigorously. Then, with a worried look on his face, he glanced back.

The mountain mist had engulfed the valley entrance but had finally ceased descending.

"That cursed sorcerer didn't tell the truth. He must have had some knowledge of the valley's fog and used the sorcery creations to stimulate its arrival. No wonder he wanted to escape..."

Matthew wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

Luckily, Fein didn't expect to be defeated within moments.

"If it had taken just a minute or two longer..."

Matthew didn't dare think further. This world was too perilous. He had nearly faced a major crisis on his first adventure outside. It seemed like staying home and tending to his trees was a much safer choice.


A level 15 Bone Dragon can easily crush most enemies with its overwhelming power. The primary reason for this lies in its control of "Dragon's Wrath."

Among the dragonkind, the Bone Dragon's Dragon's Wrath is considered relatively weak. However, when combined with the characteristics of its summoned creatures, it can easily produce unexpected effects.

Except for some highly skilled and resilient warriors and a few monsters, most people facing Dragon's Wrath can only become helpless lambs to the slaughter, and sorcerers are no exception.

Plop! Little Fei's body slammed forcefully into the large and fat Angler. The latter, having undergone magical modifications, had an exceptional physique among humans. However, when faced with a descending Bone Dragon, he was nothing more than a block of tofu that was slightly larger and squashed!

On the other side, Matthew took out a hand crossbow hidden in his magical bag.

Swoosh! An accurate arrow hit Fayne's chest. The latter showed signs of breaking free from the Dragon's Wrath under intense pain. Unfortunately, Matthew wouldn't give him a chance. With just a thought, Little Fei followed up with a swift move.

Fayne, who was clutching his chest, staggered a few steps under the intense pain, then was turned into minced meat by the Bone Dragon's four-toed bone claw!

"Quest Log: You have killed the sorcerer Fayne, successfully eliminating the potential threat in Oaktree Forest! You have gained the spell 'Rapid Growth' and an entrance ticket to the Moonlight Society."

"Warning: You have killed the sorcerer Fayne, and you have earned the enmity of the Dark Spirit Lord Omadoci! Omadoci's hatred level +10."

"Dark Spirit Lord?" Matthew frowned slightly. He thought Fayne's master was, at most, a powerful dark spirit, but it turned out to be a "Lord." He wasn't too worried, as more powerful dark spirits found it challenging to exert their influence in the material world. This level of enmity wouldn't have a significant impact as long as he didn't venture to lower planes.

"Hiss, hiss..."

While Matthew was searching the gruesome mixture of blood and minced flesh, strange sounds echoed through the valley. It was coming from the group of bandits. Matthew's eyes showed a hint of pity. "Cursed creations," he mumbled.

Matthew knew little about dark magic, but these bandits and exiles had been transformed into grotesque creatures under Fayne's dark magic. Their spines twisted like invertebrates, and their features had ruptured, revealing numerous fine meat fissures and purplish-red hematomas beneath the green bristles.

"Hiss, hiss!"

These cursed creations began to attack each other mindlessly. They were not true dark spirits, and without Fayne's guidance, they were reduced to their most primal instincts, tearing at each other's bodies.

Soon, a foul stench pervaded the valley.

"Kill them!" Matthew ordered when he saw the chaos. Little Fei didn't hesitate, charging through like a bulldozer. In one pass, the cursed creations in the valley were reduced by half.

"Unbelievable! Little Fei is indeed the strongest summoning creature, living up to three years of tree planting," Matthew commented with satisfaction. After sweeping the valley and ensuring nothing was overlooked, he went to the large tent.

Savannah was still unconscious. Matthew briefly examined her, confirming that she hadn't been affected by Fayne's dark magic, and he let out a sigh of relief. Savannah was a likable child, born into nobility, yet lacking the airs of a noble, and always eager to stand up for others. The residents of Rolling Stone Town adored her, and Matthew, of course, wanted her to be safe.

He didn't remove the blanket but gently picked up Savannah and walked outside. In the valley, Little Fei was enjoying itself, rampaging like a small mountain. Most of the cursed creations had been slain by it, with only a few still running aimlessly.

Matthew could tell that Little Fei was intentionally leaving those few cursed creations alive to play with them. He was about to remind Little Fei to be more efficient when, at that moment, an intense sense of danger suddenly surged in his heart.

Matthew was alarmed. He realized that, at some point, the mist that had been hovering over the desolate mountains had slowly descended. The mist above the valley was constantly sinking, and it seemed as though it was about to engulf the entire valley.

"Move!" Matthew yelled. Then, he jumped onto Little Fei's head, carrying Savannah with him. The Bone Dragon emitted an uneasy low growl, as if it had sensed the ominous nature of the mist.

With a massive body, it roared into action, charging straight toward the mountain path.

"Stay away from that mist!" Matthew warned as they neared the valley entrance. But, just as they were about to reach the valley's exit, another fog bank suddenly appeared on the side.

Even more terrifying was the fact that within that fog, Matthew saw a disheveled silhouette.

"Quick, go!" Matthew's heart raced. However, on the other side of the mountain path, there was a precipice.

"Can you fly?" Matthew asked, realizing the peril they were in. Little Fei didn't answer but spread its featherless wings and leaped toward the cliff.

Whoosh! The relentless wind pierced their sides, and Little Fei's heavy body plummeted. Matthew held Savannah with one hand and clung tightly to Little Fei's bones with the other.

"Ugh..." Little Fei let out a hurried cry. Their bodies were plummeting rapidly, and it seemed they were about to crash at the foot of the mountain. At the last moment, a thrilling burst of the Bone Dragon's soul fire radiated, accompanied by an ethereal incantation.

The next moment, Little Fei's body became significantly lighter, and their steep descent transformed into a graceful glide, barely avoiding a crash.

"Due to the forced cliff jump, your summon 'Phylorius' has unlocked its potential and gained the Dragon Magic spell 'Advanced Feather Fall'!"

"Phylorius, well done!" Matthew exclaimed, patting the Bone Dragon's skull. After sweeping the valley, they confirmed there were no survivors and then walked toward the large tent.

On the hillside above, the Blood Flag Lord was bidding farewell to the giant eagle. "I'm sorry, but I can only take you this far," the giant eagle said.

The Blood Flag Lord nodded and replied, "My instincts tell me that something terrible is brewing on this mountain, and I can't just stand by. However, I lack the courage to confront it, so I must bid farewell. Please be careful, and don't get too close to the Ghost Lady Castle."

The Blood Flag Lord acknowledged, saying, "I understand. Zelé's divination placed the location in the western valley, a considerable distance from the Ghost Lady Castle."

The giant eagle retracted its wings and said, "So, you deliberately let them draw attention, to divert the enemy's gaze, right?"

The Blood Flag Lord gave a silent smile. "Of course. We should be dealing with those who are 'one of us,' who can take action under Zelé's watchful eye."

The giant eagle sighed, saying, "The world of humans is indeed more complex. I hope your courage and wisdom yield a favorable outcome."

The Blood Flag Lord patted the giant eagle's back and then drew a silver giant sword. "These vermin who only dare to plot from the shadows might have forgotten, but I, Raga Blood Flag, was once a lone warrior who fought in the Abyss."

"I swore seventeen years ago that no one would take away my Savannah. I won't let it happen again."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and walked towards the mountain. However, just after taking a few steps, a massive shadow descended from the sky. "Whoosh!" A bizarre and eerie silhouette swept over his head.

"Boom!" His giant sword dropped to the ground, narrowly missing his foot. In a daze, he looked up and saw someone standing on the back of the skeletal creature.

What's more, they were holding someone in their arms. "Savannah!" he roared in terror. His intuition told him it was her.

His heartache and anger surged as he helplessly watched the person and the skeletal beast recede into the night.

"Matthew!" he cried out in despair.

He couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. But deep down, he knew that it was.


"Give me a moment," Matthew said as he looked down at the vast landscape beneath the moonlit night. The darkness from all directions seemed to recede like a tide, and the cool night breeze caressed his face. He was enjoying this feeling.

Matthew straightened up. "Let's go, we're going back home."

Little Fei let out a low growl, and they followed the contours of the mountain, hurtling downward.


On the mountainside above, the Blood Flag Lord was bidding farewell to the giant eagle. "I'm sorry, but I can only take you this far," the giant eagle said.

The giant eagle spoke solemnly, "My instincts tell me that something terrible is brewing on this mountain, and I can't just stand by, yet I lack the courage to confront it. So, I can only say my farewell. Be careful, and don't get too close to the Ghost Lady Castle."

The Blood Flag Lord nodded and replied, "I understand. Zelé's divination placed the location in the western valley, a considerable distance from the Ghost Lady Castle."

The giant eagle folded its wings. "So, you deliberately let them draw attention, to divert the enemy's gaze, right?"

The Blood Flag Lord gave a knowing smile. "Of course. We should be dealing with those who are 'one of us,' who can take action under Zelé's watchful eye."

The giant eagle sighed and spoke in a somber tone. "The world of humans is indeed more complex. I hope your courage and wisdom yield a favorable outcome."

The Blood Flag Lord patted the giant eagle's back and then drew a silver giant sword. "These vermin who only dare to plot from the shadows might have forgotten, but I, Raga Blood Flag, was once a lone warrior who fought in the Abyss. Seventeen years ago, I vowed that no one would take Savannah away from me. I won't let it happen again."

As he spoke, he took a step forward, his determination evident. However, as he advanced, a massive shadow descended from the sky. "Whoosh!" A bizarre and eerie silhouette passed over his head.

"Boom!" His giant sword dropped to the ground, narrowly missing his foot. In a daze, he looked up and saw someone standing on the back of the skeletal creature.

What's more, they were holding someone in their arms. "Savannah!" he roared in terror. His intuition told him it was her.

His heartache and anger surged as he helplessly watched the person and the skeletal beast recede into the night.


As Matthew descended on Little Fei, they flew at a breathtaking speed. The cool wind brushed against his face. "What was that, Little Fei?" he asked.

Little Fei made a low growl, and Matthew couldn't quite make out the message. He was too caught up in the exhilaration of flying on the Bone Dragon's back.

With the help of Advanced Featherfall, Little Fei glided for over eighty miles before finally landing on a hillside. Matthew had initially intended to release the Bone Dragon and then take Savannah home.

But just then, a fiery glow suddenly lit up on the hillside.

Matthew was taken aback. The light rushed towards them at an alarming speed. Before he could react, it had closed the distance between them.

It was a group of people with torches.


"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Little Fei let out a low hiss. Its draconic presence immediately made the group of people startle and freeze in place. They were all stricken by the Bone Dragon's aura.

Matthew, too, was struck by the immediate effect it had on the group. He stepped forward and gave an order. "Don't move!"

The group of people were unable to budge under the powerful Dragon's Wrath influence, and their weapons dropped from their trembling hands.

Matthew took a few moments before they could regain their composure.

"Get back!" he said, commanding the group of people.

They moved back, clearly relieved by the order.

Little Fei and Matthew didn't stay for long. They turned and moved away into the darkness.


"Note: After tonight, the story of the 'Necromancer riding a Bone Dragon' will circulate as a rumor in the area."

"Your regional legend points +1 (Rolling Stone Town)!"


"You've satisfied one of the three elements of legend, bringing you one step closer to unlocking the 'Path of Legends.'"

"Three Elements of Legend: Reputation/Domain/Level."

To be continued...

Chapter 12 >>

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