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Chapter 440: The New Members

If the decision within the troupe is to go for a direct assault, then Shalnark's plan can only play a minor auxiliary role. If it's to be a strategy-based approach, a comprehensive and detailed plan will be needed.

"Uvogin, Feitan, Phinks, you stay outside, await orders, and then attack from the front entrance. Your task is to cause as much destruction as possible, creating chaos and diverting the enemy."

Shalnark flipped over the itinerary and drew a rough sketch of the private park where the Ohara Museum was located with a pen.

The main entrance, the wall, the woods, two palace-like buildings, the Ohara Museum…

He briefly outlined the key terrain and then drew large heads of Uvogin, Feitan, and Phinks at the main entrance.

Since the three of them had already voted for a direct assault, they had no objections and accepted this most dangerous task.

Phinks, a later addition to the troupe, also hails from Meteor City. With blond hair and no eyebrows, his features look rather fierce. Like Uvogin, he is an Enhancer.

"Boss, Franklin, Nobunaga, Pakunoda, and I will infiltrate the appraisal event directly," Shalnark said as he drew their five heads in the mansion.

"How do we get in?" Nobunaga asked.

Shalnark looked down at the simplified map and explained, "I'll use my Nen to control one of the guests, eliminate all the accompanying bodyguards, and we will disguise ourselves as bodyguards."

"I see," Nobunaga realized, giving Shalnark a thumbs up in praise. "Smart."

Nearby, Machi and Pakunoda turned away, speechless.

"There will definitely be Nen users inside the venue, and the risk of being discovered is high. How do you mitigate that?" Chrollo pointed out a potential risk.

Shalnark took out a phone with a red devil appearance and said, "We can't completely avoid it, but we can reduce the risk. When I control the target, I'll use the low-power mode, which is like using 'In'."

Shalnark shook his phone and explained, "In power-saving mode, the power of each function is weakened. However, we don't need the target's combat power, so this can be ignored."

"Therefore, unless someone specifically uses 'Gyo' to observe the controlled target, the chance of exposure is very low. To further minimize the risk, the selected target must be the least conspicuous among the hundred guests."

"Screen, filter, and finally select; this needs to be completed within a day."

"Of course, infiltration is not a must in the plan. If you think it's inappropriate, I can cancel it."

Shalnark finished and looked around, waiting for responses.

Shalnark's Nen ability allows him to insert an antenna into a target's body, turning them into a puppet, controlled via a materialized phone. Control can be manual or automatic, with power-saving mode being one of the phone's features.

After hearing Shalnark's explanation, Chrollo immediately said, "I have no objections."

Seeing that the leader agreed, the others naturally had no objections either.

With the conclusion reached, Shalnark nodded and looked at Pakunoda, saying, "If you don't mind, you can switch from being a bodyguard to the target's female companion. This would allow you to get close to Clover and extract useful memories, which would be the best outcome."

Female bodyguards are common, but Shalnark believed that as a bodyguard, there was no chance to get close to Clover. However, as a guest's female companion, it was possible to greet and shake hands.

Moreover, with Pakunoda's attractive face and tall, voluptuous figure, Clover likely wouldn't resist.

"I don't mind," Pakunoda agreed readily.

Shalnark continued, "The park has many wooded areas near the walls that seem ideal for infiltration. However, they are filled with all-around surveillance cameras."

"In addition, there are continuous patrols and trained guard dogs. More troublesome is the uncertainty of how many Nen users there are on the other side."

Shalnark, touching his chin, focused on the map, and drew a circle on the right-side wall, where there were more trees suitable for setting traps.

"Our targets are the most valuable treasures and the ancient books the boss likes. The operation is divided into two stages: rob and steal."

"We'll rob the three treasures displayed at the outdoor banquet and the guests' treasures, and steal the books and collectibles inside the museum."

Shalnark then looked at the five members who had not been assigned tasks: Machi, Kortopi, Bonolenov, Shizuku, and Kalluto.

Except for Machi, the other four joined the troupe later, like Phinks.

Kortopi, with long hair covering most of his face, is short and wears a robe. He is a Conjurer.

Bonolenov, with a bamboo-like body, is wrapped in bandages from head to toe. He is an Emitter.

Shizuku, with black hair split into many small branches hanging like little snakes around her pale face, has very dark circles around her eyes. She is an Emitter.

Kalluto, with a bald head covered in burn scars and missing several patches of eyebrows, has sinister features and is a Transmuter.

"You five are responsible for the theft. Infiltrate from the right side and head straight for the museum."

Shalnark pointed at the large wooded area inside the right-side wall, saying, "This is where you will infiltrate, and also our escape route. If the situation allows, Machi, you can use your Nen to set traps."

After finishing, he put away his paper and pen, looked at everyone, and said, "The plan is tentative. I will gather enough information within two days. Depending on the information, the plan may need some adjustments. If you have anything to add, you can mention it now."

Crack, crack.

Phinks grinned viciously, cracking his knuckles with a crisp sound, and said, "No."

"Me neither."


Everyone answered one by one, so the Phantom Troupe's plan for this operation was settled in such a casual manner.

The troupe's plans are mostly formulated by Shalnark. Apart from Chrollo and a few others, no one else likes to think too much.

Uvogin, Feitan, and Phinks will launch a frontal assault to create chaos.

Chrollo, Pakunoda, Nobunaga, Franklin, and Shalnark will infiltrate disguised, robbing the outdoor banquet during the chaos.

Machi, Kortopi, Bonolenov, Shizuku, and Kalluto will infiltrate, clearing obstacles along the way and stealing everything valuable from the museum.

With the plan tentatively set, the troupe began to move. The preparations needed in advance were finding suitable control targets and continuing to gather information.

At Clover's mansion.

After passing through meticulous security scans to ensure she wasn't carrying any dangerous devices, recording, or surveillance equipment, Salin finally entered the mansion.

Upon entering the gate, she was greeted by a palace-like corridor design.

The first thing that caught her eye was a huge oil painting hanging on the front wall.

Dusk, flames, and a headless figure.

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