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Chapter 423: Drawing Blood

The match ended, and the audience dispersed.

After several years, a new challenger fell in defeat, remembered by the audience in an unfriendly manner.

Leaving the Heavens Arena and returning to the presidential suite at the hotel, Killua couldn't help but voice his curiosity.

"Luo, the move you used earlier, was that 'Limb Twist'?"

Besides 'Limb Twist,' the high-speed movement that left no trace was also a remarkable trump card.

No sign of any disturbance could be seen—this was Killua's genuine impression.

Luo closed the door, took two chilled carbonated drinks from the fridge, and said, "That move is called 'Limb Twist,' quite an accurate name."

'Limb Twist' is a move operated fundamentally by the limbs. It doesn't demand much strength but requires exceptional sensitivity and coordination.

'Limb' refers to the body parts, while 'twist' adds an unpredictable rhythm to the movements, like a melody that alternates between high and low.

Killua caught the carbonated drink thrown by Luo, his face filled with confusion. Luo's response undoubtedly confirmed his previous suspicions.

Not even knowing the name of the move ruled out the possibility that someone in his family had taught Luo 'Limb Twist.' The remaining possibility was that Luo had observed Killua using it several times and then figured it out on his own.

Seeing Killua's adorably puzzled expression, Luo smiled and said, "My physical skills are not low. My bodily coordination far exceeds your imagination, so it's not surprising that I learned 'Limb Twist.' The difficult part is mastering it and using it more effectively."

Initially, Biscuit subjected Luo to a hellish physical training regime, opening a door for him. For the next six to seven years, Luo never slacked off, training both Nen abilities and physical techniques simultaneously.

Luo learned the Zoldyck family's 'Limb Twist' within a week on his own. This was the result of years of accumulation, though mastery was still a long way off.

"But to use 'Limb Twist,' you need the right rhythm, which isn't something you can grasp quickly," Killua still couldn't believe it.

"True, but it's not that hard."

Luo opened the drink, took a big gulp, then placed it on the table beside him. He raised his hands and started moving them slowly, like a conductor leading an orchestra.

His moving hands seemed to dance like butterflies, creating a series of afterimages.

Rhythm and melody, to some extent, share common points.

Luo didn't understand music, but when he absorbed the harp version of the Dark Sonata, he not only learned how to play it but also grasped the seven tones of resentment, gaining an instinctive understanding of melody and rhythm.

Killua's eyes widened, following Luo's moving hands, seeing the rhythm-filled afterimages, and feeling deep admiration.

"Limb Twist is a very useful technique for attacking, but remember, only when your opponent's breathing is disrupted can you launch a lethal strike without reservation. Otherwise, always leave a margin in every attack."

Luo lowered his hands, sharing his understanding with Killua.

"My dad said the same thing." In Killua's still-limited perspective, Luo's abilities always seemed incredible.


Luo shrugged.

The next day, Killua won the match on the 50th floor, advancing to the 60th floor, but in the match the following day, he surrendered again, dropping back to the 50th floor.

Two days passed peacefully, and it was time for Luo to leave.

Although Killua was extremely reluctant, no matter how much he pleaded, Luo couldn't stay.

"Keep it up, aim to reach the 190th floor soon."

At the hotel entrance, Luo ruffled Killua's soft hair. He didn't want Killua to see him off at the airport, so they said their goodbyes at the hotel.

"Okay." Killua nodded.

"Go back to your room."

Luo smiled, waved his hand while walking away, and got into a taxi. Only then did Killua reluctantly return to the hotel.

In the taxi, Luo sat in the back, resting his face on his hand, watching the scenery pass by outside the window.

Killua wasn't alone. The Zoldyck family had two capable butlers secretly protecting him.

On the surface, the Zoldyck family's training methods seemed extremely harsh, always accompanied by the risk of death. But since they weren't a large family, they retained a bit of leniency.

For instance, allowing Killua to train alone at the Heavens Arena, they still sent two skilled butlers to follow him in the shadows. Their duty was to eliminate any threats outside the training.

If Killua was in a tough fight in the arena and in danger, the butlers wouldn't intervene. But if an enemy of the Zoldyck family tried to assassinate Killua, they would take action.

Killua entered the elevator, went to the top floor, and walked down the wide, red-carpeted hallway.

Suddenly, it seemed as if the air was filled with sharp ice crystals, making Killua jump back in alarm, his nerves on edge, cautiously eyeing the corner ahead.

"Sharp reaction, kid."

A slightly sharp voice came from around the corner, and a man in a yellow vest appeared.

His face was long, and his eyes, mouth, and ears were larger than normal. He was Saiyu, whom Pariston wanted to plant as a spy in the Zodiacs.

He came to the Heavens Arena with two options: recruit Luo or eliminate him. Before arriving, he preferred the former, but after seeing Killua, he chose the riskier second option.

Capture Killua alive and use him as bait to set a trap for Luo.

Saiyu's body exuded a powerful aura, creating immense pressure on Killua, who didn't understand Nen.

Seeing the hostile man, Killua felt a stabbing pain in his forehead, a dangerous premonition pounding in his chest. Before the icy chill could engulf him, he turned and ran.

Seeing Killua flee so decisively, Saiyu's lips curled into a meaningful smile. He stepped forward, chasing Killua, his arm subtly raised, a barely visible starting gesture.

Killua headed for the emergency stairs, running with all his might, not even looking back.

So, when he frantically turned the corner, he didn't notice the two shadows emerging from the rooms on either side of the floor behind him.

Those two shadows were the Zoldyck family butlers. When Saiyu released his aura, they calmly hid their presence, waiting until Saiyu focused on chasing Killua before launching their attack.

A pincer attack, choosing the perfect moment, creating a deadly situation!

However, Saiyu's meaningful smile was meant for these two Zoldyck butlers.

"First one."

As if expecting it, Saiyu swung his slightly raised arm backward, Nen energy surging in his palm. In an instant, a rod resembling a Ruyi Jingu Bang materialized, extending rapidly. The rod's rounded end pierced through the heart of one butler, blood splattering on the walls and floor.

The trap set for Saiyu reversed in this moment.

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