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Chapter 416: Confidence

This time, the task entrusted to Milluki by Luo was far from smooth.

Milluki encountered a powerful opponent, who utterly defeated him, leaving him in tatters.

In such cases, it would be wise to tackle the toughest challenges last and deal with the easier ones first. However, Milluki's pride flared up, and not only did he fail to inform Luo of the situation, but he also stubbornly confronted his formidable opponent.

As a result, half a month passed with no progress in Milluki's work.

Luo was unaware of this. He would always delegate tasks to Milluki without inquiring about or interfering in the process, only awaiting the outcome.

For the past half month, Luo stayed at the Zoldyck residence, not venturing anywhere. He spent his days training, reading the books in the Zoldyck family library, playing with Killua, or teaching him some combat techniques.

As for Nen, Luo, under the Zoldyck family's request, did not reveal anything to Killua. He used the excuse of magic tricks to cover up the techniques he employed.

On the sixteenth day of staying with the Zoldycks, Luo followed his usual routine, first training in his room, then stepping out for a stroll. He keenly noticed a change in the Zoldyck household's atmosphere.

Sensing this, Luo remained calm and did not delve deeply into the Zoldyck family's affairs, continuing his daily routines.

Five days later, Luo learned from Killua that Alluka's ability had been discovered. A butler had already died, and Killua had been summoned by his parents to divulge the hidden secret, though he withheld some information.

The Zoldyck family, recognizing Alluka's potential threat, immediately took action. They started constructing a special room for Alluka beneath the mansion and Illumi requested to investigate Alluka's ability thoroughly.

Killua was unaware of these developments, but Luo knew everything clearly.

"Luo, I'm feeling uneasy," Killua came to Luo's room one day, his eyebrows drooping, eyes dull, lacking his usual vitality, looking somewhat helpless.

Luo, as always, reached out and ruffled Killua's head, saying, "Don't think too much."

"But..." Killua bit his lip. He noticed that while his family's attitude towards Alluka hadn't changed, their gaze had. He wasn't sure if he should tell Luo about this discovery.


Luo looked at Killua quietly, his peripheral vision catching sight of someone outside the window. He knew who it was and was aware of the actions the Zoldyck family was taking and would take next.

Even if Killua sought his help, Luo couldn't offer much assistance.

"Nothing," Killua felt it inappropriate to bring up his family, so he changed the subject, "Luo, Alluka and I want a super luxurious dinner tonight!"

Luo was momentarily stunned, sighed softly in his heart, and smiled, "Alright, I'll prepare it for you tonight."

"Okay! It's a deal." Little Killua nodded, turned, and ran towards the double wooden doors. He paused midway, then continued, the doors opening and closing behind him as he left the room.

Luo stared at the closed wooden doors for a moment, then turned to the arched, vintage-style window, and said faintly, "Are you that idle now? Not even going out to work, acting like a stalker every day."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared outside the window. It was Illumi, who opened the window and climbed into the room.

Illumi was still young, dressed in branded sportswear, with short, neat hair, unlike the long, enviable locks he would later grow.

"I suggested to Dad to have you leave," Illumi said.

"And then?" Luo asked calmly.

"Dad refused," Illumi sighed deeply, leaning on his chin, troubled, "But I don't understand why Dad would reject the proposal. This period is really not suitable for outsiders to stay in the house."

"Blame me then," Luo walked over to the sofa, sat down, and crossed his legs, looking quite undisturbed.

Illumi snorted coldly, "I don't want Killua to develop a dependency on you. You need to understand the boundaries."

Killua would never want to rely on you anyway.

Luo retorted in his mind, then said, "Do you know why Silva rejected the proposal?"

Illumi looked at him calmly, waiting for him to continue.

"Because I've never interfered with your family. No, I should say I've never disrupted the Zoldyck family. Or rather, I follow the rules," Luo said, leaning his head on his hand.

"What are you trying to say?" Illumi's brows furrowed.

Luo smiled, "I'm saying your brother complex is getting worse."

Malevolent intent suddenly flared, a dark aura emanating from Illumi.

"Wow," Luo exclaimed.

The hostile aura appeared abruptly and vanished just as quickly.

Illumi reined in his emotions, his handsome face expressionless as he seriously assessed Luo, "Can I kill you?"

"No, I don't want to die yet," Luo smiled, "Besides, can you do it?"

"I couldn't before, but now, who knows," Illumi said blandly.

Luo's eyes flashed, understanding that Illumi's newfound confidence stemmed from Alluka's ability. He chuckled, "That ability is indeed a bit invincible, but it comes with risks. I think you should understand the rules before considering using it."

Hearing Luo's words, Illumi's expression changed, his eyes becoming sharp, "Did Killua tell you?"

"Sort of. I'm Killua's 'secret sharer.' Jealous?" Luo taunted.

The malicious aura around Illumi flared up again; the term "secret sharer" really got to him.

"How much do you know about Alluka's ability?" Illumi suppressed his emotions, frowning.

Luo looked at Illumi with a strange gaze, "I know as much as Killua knows. Otherwise, how would I be the secret sharer?"

Illumi turned and left without another word. In that moment, he realized his mistake.

Since Killua shared the secret with Luo, the information Luo held was the same as what Killua reported to the family. His previous question had been unnecessary.

For Killua's sake, he thought it might be necessary to use Alluka's ability to kill Luo. However, during their conversation, he couldn't understand why Luo was so confident.

Illumi left, leaving Luo alone in the room.

"Killua didn't reveal all the secrets to you, and I know those untold secrets," Luo thought silently.

Illumi's earlier murderous intent was pure. His worsening brother complex might drive him to do something drastic, like wishing Alluka to kill him.

But Luo wasn't worried at all, as he had already verified an issue that dispelled any concerns from Nanika.

"If Illumi wants to implant a needle in Killua's head, should I...?" Luo pinched his chin, shaking his head slightly, "No, this matter was approved by Silva and Zeno."

Sighing softly, Luo resigned himself.

Ten days later, Luo went to Milluki for results, only to find a significantly thinner Milluki, stunned.

At the same time, Alluka was locked up.

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