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Chapter 357: Completion

After completing the array hub, it was necessary to extend the lines from the hub to all corners of the large array, connecting thousands of individual arrays.

All of these individual arrays were of the Five Elements type, with the lowest grade having six patterns and the highest being a First Grade Nine-pattern array.

Given the sheer number of arrays, no matter how fast Mo Hua could draw them, it was impossible for him to complete so many within two months alone.

Thus, assistance from other array masters was essential.

Mo Hua, as the main array master, had two primary tasks. One was the overall design and planning of the individual arrays: determining where to use which type of array, how many were needed, and how to control them centrally via the array hub.

The other task was to ensure compatibility among the individual arrays. Some arrays might seem fine on paper but could conflict with each other when spiritual power flowed through them.

In such cases, it was up to the main array master to adjust and modify the design.

Mo Hua handed over the comprehensive array diagrams to Master Luo, asking him to assign tasks to specific array masters.

Being young, Mo Hua's direct orders might not command respect from the other array masters, who might harbor resentment even if they didn't express it openly.

But Master Luo was a First Grade array master with significant prestige, making him the ideal person for the job.

Mo Hua's responsibilities included filling in the individual arrays, checking their compatibility, and adjusting the flow of spiritual power between the individual arrays and the array hub.

Another crucial task was the derivation calculations for the array hub.

The hub of the large array was extremely complex, and Mo Hua had to work diligently to fully understand it.

In case of emergencies, if the First Grade Five Elements Demon-Slaying Array failed to suppress Feng Xi, he could attempt to dismantle the array to eliminate the demon and prevent future troubles.

This was a last resort, to be prepared but never used unless absolutely necessary.

Demon-slaying with the large array wasn't just his task; it concerned the entire Tongxian City and even the stability of the entire Heishan Province for centuries to come.

Therefore, every detail had to be meticulously planned.

Mo Hua spent his days drawing arrays, checking the work of other array masters, and making adjustments based on compatibility and spiritual power flow.

At night, while others rested, he submerged his spiritual sense into his sea of consciousness, using the Dao Stele to calculate the spiritual power trajectories of the Five Elements Demon-Slaying Array's hub.

As he progressed in his calculations, his understanding of the large array grew clearer, making the daytime adjustments much easier.

Master Luo was also busy drawing arrays in recent days.

The large array comprised numerous individual arrays, and with the tight schedule, he had to give his all to complete the assigned tasks on time.

Mo Hua had to "check" Master Luo's arrays after completion.

During these moments, Master Luo felt particularly tense.

He recalled the unease and apprehension he felt as a young array apprentice, waiting for his teacher to review his work.

Mo Hua was like the teacher, while he, once again, became an apprentice awaiting review.

Mo Hua's reviews were swift.

If he read through from start to finish without pausing, it meant the array was fine, and Master Luo could breathe a sigh of relief;

If Mo Hua paused, Master Luo's heart would tighten;

If Mo Hua frowned while reviewing, Master Luo's heart would skip a beat, and he would even break out in a cold sweat.

Despite repeatedly reminding himself that he was now a First Grade array master and no longer an apprentice, and that Mo Hua was just a young array master who hadn't been officially ranked by the Dao Court, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Other array masters' critiques didn't bother him because he was confident in his skills, but Mo Hua was different. If Mo Hua pointed out a mistake, it was undoubtedly a real error.

Master Luo sighed inwardly, marveling:

"How can there be such a vast difference between First Grade array masters..."

Before meeting Mo Hua, he believed that the skill levels of First Grade array masters were similar, with only minor differences.

Now he realized that some array masters were like shallow pools, while others were like the unfathomable depths of the ocean.

His admiration for Mo Hua grew.

However, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had misjudged something, leading him to observe Mo Hua closely.

Mo Hua, with hands as delicate as an apprentice's, drew arrays with the precision and fluidity of a master.

He worked swiftly, his lines flowing seamlessly, creating intricate and precise arrays effortlessly.

Master Luo was astonished.

Such mastery wasn't possible without extensive practice.

But it didn't make sense... Mo Hua was too young to have practiced so much.

Continuing his observations, Master Luo discovered something startling:

Mo Hua controlled all the adjustments of the large array himself, ensuring compatibility among the individual arrays, and even corrected errors in the array hub personally.

Realizing that Mo Hua had drawn the entire array hub and controlled the entire array system alone, Master Luo felt a chill run down his spine.

What kind of prodigy could single-handedly manage a First Grade array construction?

Master Luo stood stunned, unable to believe his eyes.

This was truly a thirteen-year-old main array master!

He had completely misjudged the situation...

With such unparalleled array skills, there was no need for any formal ranking.

In Master Luo's eyes, Mo Hua was already a master, radiating golden brilliance.

This was a genuine First Grade array master...

Master Luo's respect for Mo Hua deepened, and he began to speak to him with a slight bow.

Mo Hua found it strange, thinking Master Luo was simply exhausted.

Master Luo's dedication to the array construction increased. He scolded the other array masters for their mistakes, a stark contrast to his usual polite demeanor.

His attitude surprised the others, but they soon realized that Mo Hua had a real chance of completing the large array.

With Master Luo's seriousness, the other array masters also committed themselves fully to the project.


Working together, the cultivators advanced the array's construction amid busy, monotonous, and exhausting efforts.

Despite Commander Yang's repeated disruptions, delaying Feng Xi's refinement process, the blood energy on Dahei Mountain continued to intensify.

Meanwhile, the outline of the large array began to take shape at the former site of Heishan Stronghold.

Its circular exterior and square interior symbolized the harmony of heaven and earth.

The internal layers and trenches formed a complex array maze.

The entire array was grand and menacing.

All the participating cultivators felt a sense of awe and momentary disorientation, realizing they were indeed constructing a large array and might actually complete it.

After many more days and nights of hard work, with countless cultivators contributing their efforts, the array was finally preliminarily completed.

After the initial construction, the arrays needed verification.

Mo Hua inspected all the arrays, tested the spiritual power flow, and, with Master Luo, meticulously checked for potential issues.

Only after these thorough checks did Mo Hua nod in approval.

His nod signified the array was functioning properly.

All the cultivators behind him felt relieved, their worries lifted.

Finally, the large array was complete!


On the twenty-third day of the tenth month in the year 2025 of the Dao calendar,

The entire manpower and resources of Tongxian City were mobilized.

After two months and five days,

Deep within Dahei Mountain, the First Grade Five Elements Demon-Slaying Array was officially completed!

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