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Chapter 342: A Way Out

"This is an invitation from Lanshan Sect, a Second Grade sect in Lanling Province."

Master Luo said, "Lanshan Sect is a well-known sect in Lanling Province, with a Golden Core cultivator presiding. It is just a matter of time before it becomes a Third Grade sect. The array inheritance there... is fairly decent."

Master Luo initially wanted to say "profound array inheritance," but considering the enigmatic array master behind Mo Hua, he couldn't bring himself to use the word "profound," so he could only say "fairly decent."

"Lanshan Sect is founded on array formations, with a strong atmosphere of array techniques, unlike other sects with many conflicts of interest and scheming."

Master Luo continued, "I have some connections with them. Coincidentally, I also plan to seek refuge in Lanshan Sect, so I took the liberty of recommending you, Mr. Mo. I hope you don't mind."

Mo Hua quickly waved his hand, "Master Luo, you're too kind."

Master Luo then handed the invitation to Mo Hua, "Mr. Mo, you may take a look first."

Mo Hua politely accepted the invitation.

The invitation was made of an unknown type of paper, elegant and exquisite, with text written in gold-infused ink.

Mo Hua opened the invitation and glanced at the document.

The invitation was concise and respectful, essentially inviting Mo Hua to Lanshan Sect as an instructor, and once he breaks through to Foundation Building, he could become an elder.

It was an extremely formal sect document, not a private agreement.

This was quite solemn.

Holding the invitation, Mo Hua felt its weight and couldn't help but frown.

Seeing Mo Hua's expression, Master Luo quickly said, "Mr. Mo, don't be in a hurry to refuse."

Mo Hua was taken aback, "I haven't said I would refuse yet..."

"Nor should you rush to agree."

Mo Hua was even more confused, "Master Luo..."

Master Luo smiled slightly, "Everything is negotiable..."

Master Luo was adept at handling interpersonal matters, always finding a way to navigate through, grasping the intricacies precisely.

"If Mr. Mo wants to accept, I can discuss the conditions with them."

Master Luo explained in detail, "Within the sect, instructors and instructors differ, as do elders and elders. Although the titles are the same, the actual power and status can vary greatly."

"The invitation doesn't specify, but these positions should be outer sect roles. In terms of authority and benefits, the outer sect is not as good as the inner sect."

"Some peripheral guest elders may not even have higher status than seasoned inner sect instructors."

Master Luo looked at Mo Hua and said softly, "Mr. Mo, your biggest disadvantage is actually your identity as a rogue cultivator."

"Being a rogue cultivator means being an 'outsider.' To the sect, you are not 'one of their own.' Even if the higher-ups in Lanshan Sect treat you with courtesy, some disciples and array masters below will still be unaccepting..."

"Are all sects in the world so exclusive?" Mo Hua asked.

"It's not just the sects in the world; it's all people in this world who are exclusive..." Master Luo said.

"So, what is usually the best way to handle this?" Mo Hua asked sincerely.

He wasn't really thinking of joining Lanshan Sect; he was simply curious and wanted to hear Master Luo's opinion.

In fact, Master Luo didn't care if Mo Hua really wanted to join Lanshan Sect or not.

Mo Hua's willingness to ask him questions met his expectations.

If Mo Hua asked, and he answered, it would be a favor, no matter how small, and could win Mo Hua's goodwill.

Master Luo patiently said, "The best way is not to be an outer sect instructor but to join the inner sect, endure some grievances, and start as an inner sect disciple."

"With your talent in array formations, Mr. Mo, soon no one in the inner sect will be able to teach you. Then, it will naturally be your turn to teach others. Being an inner sect member who can teach others, you will naturally become an inner sect instructor."

"At that point, all the branches within Lanshan Sect will try to win you over. You can choose one to show goodwill to, or choose none and focus on learning array formations."

"Array formations are your foundation. As long as your array skills are exceptional, you will have a superior status, and others will not dare to offend you."

"When you reach Foundation Building and become an elder, you will also be a person of power and influence."

"Moreover, you are so young that even the head of Lanshan Sect will go to great lengths to win you over. Not just Lanshan Sect, but all the prominent cultivators in Lanling Province will give you respect..."

As Master Luo spoke, he smacked his lips, feeling envious himself.

A renowned array master...

Unfortunately, he didn't have the ability, the talent, or the possibility to receive such treatment.

"What if I don't want to join the inner sect?" Mo Hua asked.

Master Luo wasn't surprised and instead expressed understanding, "Joining the inner sect means binding yourself to Lanshan Sect, with many restrictions. If you want to leave in the future or seek a higher position, Lanshan Sect will not let you go and might turn against you..."

Others might be eager to join the inner sect of Lanshan Sect, but Master Luo knew this did not include Mo Hua.

He knew Mo Hua's talent. Although Lanshan Sect was a significant power in the Second Grade province, in the broader cultivation world, it wasn't much.

Lanshan Sect might not be able to contain Mo Hua.

Master Luo continued, "If you don't want to join the inner sect and only wish to stay temporarily or use Lanshan Sect as a stepping stone for a higher position..."

"Then start as an outer sect instructor and become a guest elder, but you can add more conditions and get better treatment."

"In this case, you don't need to get too close to the inner sect, at least not proactively."

Mo Hua was puzzled, "Shouldn't I build good relationships?"

Master Luo shook his head, "Too close and it’s disrespectful, too distant and it’s dismissive. No need to deliberately distance yourself, nor to get too close."

"If you distance yourself from the inner sect, they will resent you. If you get too close, they will despise you. Even if they don't say it outright, they will look down on you in their hearts."

"Just focus on learning array formations, avoid causing trouble, and remain detached. This way, you won’t offend anyone."

"What if there’s internal strife in Lanshan Sect and they force me to choose sides?" Mo Hua asked Master Luo again.

"That depends on the situation," Master Luo said.

"What situation?"

Master Luo pondered, "Depends on whether you want to stay, who is forcing you, whether their methods are excessive, and whether it violates your principles."

"If it's trivial, you can tolerate it. If they overstep, you can directly resign and use it as leverage."

"Would that work?" Mo Hua was stunned.

"It might not work for others," Master Luo silently added in his mind, "like me..."

"But it will definitely work for you!"

Looking at Mo Hua, Master Luo continued, "As long as you excel in array formations, you will be welcome everywhere. If you resign, they will fear it..."

"Firstly, talented array masters are rare and hard to recruit; secondly, if word gets out that they forced a master of array formations to resign due to infighting, Lanshan Sect's reputation will suffer, so they won't dare to go too far..."

Mo Hua nodded, then realized a problem, "Master Luo, didn't you say Lanshan Sect doesn't have many 'conflicts of interest and scheming'? Now it sounds like you're teaching me how to 'scheme'..."

Master Luo was at a loss for words, realizing he had contradicted himself.

Master Luo awkwardly smiled and could only say, "There aren’t as many conflicts, but as long as there are people, scheming is inevitable."

Mo Hua also smiled, knowing that Master Luo was telling the truth.

He pondered for a moment, feeling somewhat hesitant.

Joining Lanshan Sect seemed good, but Mo Hua felt this might not be the path he should choose.

Master Luo added, "Mr. Mo, if you go to Lanshan Sect, your parents can also go with you. Lanshan Sect agreed to give them positions within the sect, not prominent ones, but comfortable and leisurely."

Mo Hua was stunned, then felt tempted.

He didn’t want his parents to suffer. If they could enter the sect and have stable positions, they could enjoy some peace and happiness.

"What about the other rogue cultivators in Tongxian City?"

Master Luo sighed, "Mr. Mo, to be honest, you might not like what I say..."

"The fate of other rogue cultivators is not something we can consider. It’s enough if we can take care of ourselves."

"And although you are a rogue cultivator, in reality... you are no longer just a rogue cultivator."

"If you are willing, many sects will recruit you, and many families will flatter you. Your status is already different from other rogue cultivators."

"In the face of great disasters, rogue cultivators have only one path, full of uncertainties and thorns..."

"But Mr. Mo, you are different. You have many paths, and all of them are very good..."

Mo Hua's emotions were complex, and he remained silent for a while, lowering his gaze.

Master Luo observed Mo Hua's expression and, seeing that he wasn’t angry, felt relieved.

These words might seem to sow discord.

And he did have personal motives in saying them.

In his eyes, Mo Hua was very important, much more so than other rogue cultivators. So, while he felt sympathy for the

 plight of other rogue cultivators, he didn’t dwell on it.

But Mo Hua's choice was very important to him.

He hoped Mo Hua would have a bright future and become a renowned master of array formations.

In this way, he could "ride on his coattails" and further his own skills in array formations.

As for other matters, as an ordinary array master, he had no time or ability to care for them.

"Mr. Mo, you can think about it. If you want to go to Lanshan Sect, I will negotiate for better terms for you."

"If not, it’s fine. I can say some good words and politely decline them."

Master Luo had considered everything thoroughly.

Mo Hua nodded, grateful, "Thank you, Master Luo. Regardless of the outcome, I will remember this favor."

Master Luo modestly said, "It's a small matter, Mr. Mo, you're too kind."

In his heart, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

If Mo Hua went to Lanshan Sect, his introduction would be a great help; if Mo Hua didn’t go, he would still remember Master Luo's goodwill.

Either way, he had made a good impression, and his efforts were not in vain.

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