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Chapter 282: Chain Reactions

The next day, Scarface found that the 'furnace' he used for his energy extraction had died.

Scarface couldn't believe it.

It was fine before, so why would she suddenly end her own life?

Scarface was both furious and agitated.

He was at a crucial point in his cultivation and needed to perform energy extraction daily, or his sinister technique would backfire.

In the short term, it would merely cause an excess of demonic fire and irritability.

But over a longer period, the backlash would intensify, causing either spiritual power disorder or complete loss of sanity.

He needed to find another woman to serve as his furnace!

But in this desolate Dahei Mountain, where could he find a woman for energy extraction?

A few days ago, the head of the stronghold had already sent word to keep a low profile and avoid trouble outside to avoid attracting attention.

With already few furnaces, now it was even more impossible.

Scarface had no choice but to find a way to suppress his demonic fire and desires to prevent losing his sanity.

On the right side of Heishan Stronghold, there was a waterfall.

The water from the waterfall flowed down from the mountain like a white ribbon, falling into the stronghold and then into the abyss below.

The water of the waterfall was bone-chillingly cold.

Seeing no one around, Scarface took off his Dao robe and storage bag, placed them aside, and meditated under the waterfall, using the cold to suppress his demonic fire.

But this method was only a temporary fix.

The unbearable heat within him still made him feel as if he was burning with desire.

His temperament grew increasingly irritable and violent, so he didn't notice his clothes and storage bag being quietly taken by the concealed Mo Hua.

Mo Hua carefully put away Scarface's storage bag and threw his Dao robe near the edge of the cliff by the waterfall.

The cliff led to a deep abyss; falling down would mean certain death.

Then Mo Hua patiently waited nearby.

About half an hour later, Scarface opened his eyes under the waterfall. Feeling the demonic fire subside slightly, he got up to leave, only to find his Dao robe and storage bag gone.

Scarface frowned, looking around, and saw his Dao robe at the edge of the waterfall.

"Was it washed away by the water?"

Scarface thought irritably.

He approached the waterfall and picked up his Dao robe.

At that moment, Mo Hua focused, and with a flick of his fingers, launched three Fireball Techniques.

The three Fireball Techniques were fast and accurate.

The first fireball hit Scarface in the face, taking him by surprise; the second hit his chest, causing him to lose balance; and the third struck his knee, aiming to make him slip off the cliff and fall to his death.

The fireballs exploded in succession, catching Scarface off guard.

As Mo Hua anticipated, Scarface was first shocked, then stumbled backward repeatedly, finally slipping and falling toward the waterfall.

Just when Mo Hua thought he was dead for sure.

A pair of hands suddenly appeared on the cliff.

Scarface, in the nick of time, grabbed the edge of the cliff with both hands, his fingers digging into the rock. Though he slipped, he didn't fall.

Scarface was a body cultivator with a strong physique. With a forceful pull, he leaped back up from the waterfall.

His eyes turned blood-red with fury.

"Who dares to ambush me?"

"Get out here!"

Scarface roared furiously, but Mo Hua remained hidden.

Feeling a bit regretful for not finishing Scarface off, Mo Hua still knew this was just the first step; if this plan failed, there were more to come.

Mo Hua quietly left with Scarface's storage bag.

Scarface continued cursing at the scene.

He released his spiritual sense, scanning the waterfall, rocks, and woods but found no trace of anyone.

"What’s going on? Where is the person?"

Scarface looked puzzled, growing angrier as he thought.

"Who the hell is trying to ambush me?"

Suddenly, a thought struck him.

Fireball Technique?

Among those he knew, only one person used the Fireball Technique.

The pale-faced man who guarded the night with him.

"That bastard, he wants to kill me?!"

But why?

Furious, Scarface quickly figured out the reason:

Energy extraction technique!

The pale-faced man had repeatedly asked him for the energy extraction technique, but he never gave it.

In this desolate Dahei Mountain, it was not easy to capture a female cultivator as a furnace.

In Heishan Stronghold, he wasn't the only one practicing energy extraction; with many monks and few furnaces, reducing one competitor was always good.

He would never give the energy extraction technique to the pale-faced man.

This time, the pale-faced man's 'spiritual slave' died, so he wanted to switch to energy extraction and targeted him.

Ambushing him with the Fireball Technique to make him fall off the cliff and then seizing his storage bag.

And inside his storage bag was the energy extraction technique!

Scarface suddenly understood everything.

"That bastard wants to kill me!"

Already inflamed with demonic fire, Scarface, now even angrier, didn't realize that the ambush's Fireball Technique was faster and more accurate than the pale-faced man's, but much weaker in power.

Enraged, Scarface cursed:

"Daring to plot against me, you're really courting death!"

Suppressing his anger, Scarface gloomily headed back to the stronghold.

Ahead, Mo Hua placed Scarface's storage bag at the pale-faced man's door and knocked.

The pale-faced man was meditating inside.

Without his spiritual slave, his cultivation was extremely slow. Hearing the knock, he frowned and asked, "Who is it?"

Mo Hua knocked again but said nothing.

The pale-faced man got up, opened the door, and found a storage bag at the door.

"Whose storage bag is this? Why is it here?"

A cultivator's storage bag was an important item, always kept close. It wouldn't be casually discarded.

Could it be a trap?

The pale-faced man, cautious, looked around but saw no one.

He looked down at the storage bag again and saw that the bag's opening was slightly open, revealing spirit stones and a book inside, titled "Energy Extraction."

The pale-faced man was stunned, then overjoyed.

He was distressed about losing his spiritual slave and having trouble finding another, and desperate for the energy extraction technique. Unexpectedly, here it was, without any effort.

Fortune favors the bold.

Feeling no guilt, the pale-faced man picked up the storage bag, took out the energy extraction book, and was about to read it when he saw Scarface approaching with a dark expression, eyes fixed on the storage bag in his hand.

The pale-faced man hesitated, then asked:

"Is this storage bag yours?"

Scarface nodded, cursing inwardly:

"Still playing dumb with me? Coward who dares not admit!"

Suppressing his anger, Scarface asked, "How did it end up in your hands?"

The pale-faced man answered truthfully, "It was at my door, so I picked it up."

Scarface's eyelids twitched.

Lying so blatantly, does he think I'm a fool?

"Give it to me," Scarface demanded.

The pale-faced man smiled, "I will, but I want to look at the energy extraction technique first."

Scarface nodded, "Okay."

As Scarface approached to take the storage bag, the pale-faced man, suspecting nothing, put the energy extraction book in his pocket and handed over the bag.

The moment Scarface took the bag, he suddenly attacked, his claw-like hands swift and lethal.

His iron-hard fingers, wrapped in a sinister green spiritual power, pierced the pale-faced man's heart and then ripped downward, tearing flesh and spilling blood.

The pale-faced man's face showed disbelief.

As he tried to counterattack, raising his hand to cast a spell, Scarface grabbed his throat.

The pale-faced man rasped, "Why... kill me?"

Scarface, even angrier, said, "Still playing dumb at death's door?"

With a forceful grip, Scarface's fingers pierced the pale-faced man's throat, killing him instantly.

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