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Chapter 269: Concealment

Mo Hua wanted to master the Reverse Spirit Array.

But the Reverse Spirit Array was a ten-pattern array, requiring the spiritual awareness of the Foundation Building stage. By that time, Mo Hua might already be close to Foundation Building.

Mr. Zhuang probably found it troublesome, so he started making grand promises...

Mo Hua thought silently.

Then he noticed Mr. Zhuang looking at him with a half-smile, which startled Mo Hua. He knew Mr. Zhuang had sensed his silent complaints.

Mo Hua couldn't figure out how Mr. Zhuang knew.

Mo Hua could only laugh awkwardly and say, "Sir, you rest well. I won't disturb you."

Leaving Mr. Zhuang's Sit and Forget Abode, Mo Hua quickly took out the Concealment Array and began to study it carefully.

The Concealment Array was a type of water-based array, but its effects were different from typical water-based arrays.

Therefore, its array hub and patterns were different, appearing more profound.

However, Mo Hua already had enough spiritual awareness. The next step was to practice drawing it repeatedly.

Practice makes perfect. After drawing it dozens or hundreds of times, even the most complex patterns would become second nature.

Moreover, Mo Hua had the Dao Stele, had learned the Visualization Techniques, and practiced the Heavenly Proliferation Technique.

In a few days, he could practice the array nearly a hundred times.

For others, it might take months, or even half a year for those with poor aptitude, to practice the array a hundred times.

Thus, Mo Hua learned arrays much faster than ordinary cultivators.

In just three days, Mo Hua mastered the Concealment Array.

He drew the array on paper and injected a bit of spiritual power to activate it, and indeed, the whole sheet of paper disappeared.

Mo Hua scanned with his spiritual awareness and could still detect the array patterns, but they were slightly blurred due to the water-based spiritual power covering them.

Paper, being inanimate, couldn't deceive spiritual awareness.

If a cultivator used the Concealment Technique, concealing their aura with their spiritual awareness, other cultivators, unless possessing strong spiritual awareness, wouldn't be able to detect them.

Diao Laosan, though experienced in sneak attacks, had poor martial arts and Daoist techniques, relying solely on the Concealment Technique to cause trouble for so long.

Unfortunately, he met his match in Mo Hua, whose spiritual awareness was exceptionally strong.

He was unlucky and deserved his fate.

Diao Laosan's spiritual awareness was mediocre, so using the Concealment Technique was still hard to detect, let alone Mo Hua, whose spiritual awareness was naturally strong.

Mo Hua drew the Concealment Array on his Dao robe.

Ordinary Dao robes, being soft, were not suitable for drawing arrays.

In other words, Dao robes that could bear arrays were very expensive.

Although Mo Hua no longer lacked spirit stones, he didn't want to waste them.

When he reaches Foundation Building, his daily consumption of spirit stones would increase several times, so saving a little now was prudent.

Mo Hua bought half a bolt of fabric suitable for drawing arrays, quite expensive, costing a hundred spirit stones.

Mo Hua drew the Concealment Array on the fabric and had his mother sew it onto the inside of his Dao robe, making the array effective without wasting spirit stones.

Mo Hua tried it out and found that the Concealment Array still had flaws.

The array was drawn on the Dao robe; the parts covered by the robe were indeed concealed, but the uncovered hands and face still showed faint blue shadows.

This was within Mo Hua's expectations.

Dao robes capable of concealment were also considered spiritual tools and were extremely expensive, not available even in Tongxian City.

Given their high price, the materials and craftsmanship of Dao robes as array mediums were very meticulous.

Mo Hua knew that simply drawing an array on fabric and patching the Dao robe couldn't compare to those high-end items.

The quality matches the price; Mo Hua understood this well.

Mo Hua still asked his mother to help him check.

Liu Ruhua, seeing his confident demeanor, watched with a smile.

Mo Hua wore the Dao robe, activated the Concealment Array, and then used the Concealment Technique.

The combined effects of the Concealment Technique and Concealment Array created an invisible water flow covering his body, making Mo Hua's figure disappear completely.

Liu Ruhua was genuinely surprised.

She covered her mouth, muttering, "I really can't see him..."

Mo Hua's voice came from the empty space in front of her, "Mother, really?"

Liu Ruhua nodded, "Really."

"Then how about using spiritual awareness?"

Liu Ruhua used her spiritual awareness to sense and then shook her head, "Nothing at all."

Mo Hua revealed himself, smiling.

Liu Ruhua smiled too, but then frowned slightly and reminded him, "Concealment Technique is good, but don't use it for bad things."

"Mother, don't worry," Mo Hua laughed.

Still not entirely reassured, Mo Hua tested it with his father Mo Shan, Zhang Lan, Bai Zisheng, and Bai Zixi.

None of them could see through Mo Hua's Concealment Technique.

Mo Shan was surprised but also felt more at ease.

With the Concealment Technique and the Passing Water Step, it was more than enough for self-defense against Qi refining cultivators.

As a father, he no longer worried about Mo Hua facing dangers in the inner mountains.

Zhang Lan found it very tricky.

The techniques Mo Hua learned were becoming increasingly bizarre and harder to counter.

Passing Water Step made him elusive, Water Prison Technique trapped his opponents, and now the Concealment Technique made him invisible...

Not only invisible, but even his aura couldn't be sensed with extended spiritual awareness.

Usually, cultivators practicing the Concealment Technique had flaws, detectable by those with strong spiritual awareness.

But Mo Hua's spiritual awareness was too strong, making it nearly impossible for anyone to see through him.

Would it take a Foundation Building cultivator to counter this Qi refining seventh-level little cultivator?

Zhang Lan felt a headache thinking about it.

Then he realized, since he had a good relationship with Mo Hua, there was no need to target him. Instead, he could seek Mo Hua's help when needed, so why worry?

With this thought, Zhang Lan felt much more at ease.

Bai Zisheng was envious, his mouth agape.

If he mastered the Concealment Technique, he could sneak out and play without Aunt Xue knowing.

Bai Zixi, also surprised, furrowed her brows and said something similar to Liu Ruhua: "Don't use it for bad things."

Mo Hua didn't know what to say.

Even experienced cultivators like his father Mo Shan, the skilled Zhang Lan, and the knowledgeable Zisheng and Zixi couldn't see through his Concealment Technique.

Mo Hua couldn't help but nod, satisfied with its effectiveness.

But then he wondered, "If Qi refining cultivators can't see through it, can Foundation Building cultivators?"

Should he find someone to test it?

Foundation Building cultivators were rare in Tongxian City. The one he was most familiar with was Elder Yu.

Mo Hua, using the Concealment Technique and activating the Concealment Array, stealthily went to Elder Yu's home in broad daylight.

Elder Yu, seemingly having just finished a conversation with another cultivator, was sitting alone in the living room, drinking tea.

Mo Hua quietly entered the room and chose a chair by the door, sitting far from Elder Yu.

Elder Yu didn't react.

Mo Hua moved a bit closer.

Elder Yu still seemed unaware, sipping his tea.

Mo Hua, careful not to make any noise, moved even closer, now just two seats away from Elder Yu.

Mo Hua silently watched Elder Yu, thinking he should have noticed him by now.

But Elder Yu kept sipping tea, seemingly oblivious.

Mo Hua was delighted, not expecting the Concealment Technique to be so effective.

Even Elder Yu, at the Foundation Building stage, couldn't see through it.

At that moment, Elder Yu looked up, his expression playful, and smiled at Mo Hua, saying:

"Is it fun?"

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