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Chapter 236: Oppression

"Can't survive?" Mo Hua was startled.

Ji Qingbai nodded. He initially didn't want to go into details, but seeing how Mo Hua, despite his young age, handled himself adeptly in the inner mountains, he realized Mo Hua's abilities and character were not to be underestimated. He could no longer treat him like a child.

Moreover, if they planned to make a living in Tongxian City in the future, they would inevitably need help from his father, Mo Shan. So, he spoke truthfully:

"Qingxuan City is not like Tongxian City. The scattered cultivators in the city no longer have the protection of a Foundation Building cultivator."

"The last Foundation Building cultivator among the scattered cultivators in Qingxuan City, Elder Zheng, passed away a year ago. Over the past year, without a Foundation Building cultivator among us, we scattered cultivators have been oppressed by the families, living a life of increasing hardship."

"Although it was difficult before, we could still barely make a living. But now, the spiritual stones we earn decrease by the day. Forget about cultivation; we can barely afford basic necessities."

"Moreover, those family disciples constantly provoke and oppress us scattered cultivators. If we swallow our anger, we might be fine, but any resistance brings even harsher oppression."

"If conflicts escalate, resulting in fights, scattered cultivators without a Foundation Building cultivator cannot compete with the family cultivators. We can only end up defeated."

The more Ji Qingbai spoke, the angrier he became, and his wounds throbbed with pain.

Mo Hua handed him some pills.

Ji Qingbai accepted the pills, took them, and thanked Mo Hua. Then, he glanced at the unconscious female cultivator and said:

"This child is called Fu Lan. Her father was a demon hunter like me. He was accidentally killed by a demonic beast during a hunt years ago, leaving her mother to raise her alone."

"Last month, the young master of the Kong family in Qingxuan City wanted to take her as a concubine. Though he called it a concubine, she would be treated no better than a slave. Her mother disagreed and was severely injured by the Kong family. The injuries were not treated properly, and she died within half a month."

"After that, the Kong family's young master continued to harass her. Ji Li and I couldn't stand it, so we taught him a lesson, but it caused a great disaster and enmity with the Kong family. I had no choice but to flee Qingxuan City with these two children."

"The scattered cultivators in the nearby immortal cities are also having a hard time. After much thought, only Tongxian City seemed better, with Elder Yu in the Foundation Building stage to protect us, offering some safety."

Ji Qingbai sighed, "But the journey here was tough. We were hunted by the Kong family, and after barely escaping, we were attacked by unidentified cultivators in Dahei Mountain. My son and I almost lost our lives."

Ji Qingbai was grateful, saying to Mo Hua, "If it weren't for you, we would have been in great danger."

Mo Hua replied, "I was just borrowing someone else's authority, nothing much."

For someone so young to understand and use borrowed authority effectively and to come out unscathed showed both wisdom and skill.

Ji Qingbai silently admired Mo Hua.

Mo Hua, thinking about what Ji Qingbai had just said, felt both angry and puzzled:

"Doesn't the Dao Court care about the Kong family's misdeeds?"

Ji Qingbai's expression turned bitter, "The Dao Court in Qingxuan City has been bribed by the Kong family and other families. When scattered cultivators break the law, they are punished according to the rules, but when family disciples break the law, it is brushed aside. The Dao Court turns a blind eye, and the matter is settled."

Mo Hua frowned, "Is there no solution at all then..."

Ji Qingbai shook his head, "If there were any way out, who would want to leave their homeland?"

Mo Hua listened with a heavy heart.

Without Elder Yu in the Foundation Building stage, Tongxian City today could become Qingxuan City tomorrow.

Seeing Ji Qingbai's downcast expression, Mo Hua comforted him:

"Don't worry, Tongxian City is doing well now, and no one will bully you here."

Hearing this, Ji Qingbai felt slightly relieved.

His expectations were not high; as long as there was a place to settle down, earn some spiritual stones, and feed his family, that would be enough.

The group continued to rest and heal. Mo Hua, having nothing to do, looked at the burly man nearby and suddenly felt curious.

Throughout the journey, the burly man had not said a word.

Mo Hua had initially thought he was a chatterbox because of how fiercely he cursed.

Mo Hua stared at the burly man for a few more moments, then suddenly asked in surprise, "Are you Elder Yu's son?"

The burly man froze for a moment, frowned, and asked, "Do you know my father?"

As expected.

Mo Hua thought the man bore some resemblance to Elder Yu, though more robust. Elder Yu was much leaner.

Moreover, this burly man's temper and manner of cursing were somewhat similar to Elder Yu's, indicating a family trait.

"I'm quite familiar with Elder Yu," Mo Hua said.

The burly man snorted lightly but said nothing.

He assumed Mo Hua was boasting. His father was a Foundation Building elder, and Mo Hua, at the seventh level of Qi Refining and much younger, couldn't be that familiar with him.

Mo Hua asked again, "What's your name?"

The burly man didn't want to answer.

Seeing this, Ji Qingbai intervened, "His name is Yu Chengwu."

"Oh." Mo Hua realized, "Is Yu Chengyi your elder brother?"

Yu Chengwu was surprised, "You know my brother too?"

Mo Hua nodded and asked, "Should I call you Uncle Yu then?"

"No need," Yu Chengwu replied indifferently.

Mo Hua found it strange and quietly asked Ji Qingbai:

"Is he always like this? He must have a hard time getting along with others."

He seemed to be ignoring people who spoke to him.

Ji Qingbai's expression was complicated, "He usually talks a lot, but he has some issues with your father, so he probably doesn't want to talk to you."

"Some issues with my father?"

This was unexpected for Mo Hua.

His father, Mo Shan, was known for being righteous and well-liked among demon hunters, rarely having conflicts with others.

Mo Hua speculated several possible reasons for the conflict and asked Ji Qingbai:

"What kind of issues?"

"It's not a big deal," Ji Qingbai sighed, "He's a competitive person and can't beat your father, so he doesn't like him."

"That's it?" Mo Hua felt a bit disappointed.

Yu Chengwu, feeling annoyed, said, "What would a kid know?"

Mo Hua didn't argue and instead asked, "Do you know me?"

Yu Chengwu glanced at him, "You're Mo Shan's son, so of course, I know you."

From his tone, it seemed he had known for a long time.

Mo Hua thought back and said, "When Qian Xing was causing trouble and Da Zhu helped me fight, were you watching from the sidelines?"

Yu Chengwu raised an eyebrow, surprised, "Yes."

"Then why didn't you intervene earlier?" Mo Hua asked.

"Why would I intervene in a children's fight?" Yu Chengwu said indifferently, "Besides, your father is Mo Shan. I didn't want to get involved."

"Then why did you intervene later?"

"When children fight, it's none of my business. But when the Qian family's higher-level cultivators got involved and bullied scattered cultivators, I had to step in."

Mo Hua nodded, thinking that although Yu Chengwu had a bad temper, he was quite righteous.

"Do you have a wolf tooth club?" Mo Hua asked again.

Yu Chengwu, exasperated, said, "Didn't I just tell you I have issues with your father?"

Why was he asking so many questions?

"Your issues with my father are your business. What does it have to do with me?" Mo Hua replied confidently.

Besides, from a child's perspective, their conflict seemed a bit childish...

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