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Chapter 228

Mo Hua was utterly stunned.

To become a Foundation Building cultivator, one must possess Foundation Building Spiritual Awareness, but to acquire Foundation Building Spiritual Awareness, one must first become a Foundation Building cultivator...

The saying goes, "A skilled swimmer drowns; a skilled rider falls."

What was initially an advantage of his strong spiritual awareness had now become an obstacle.

Mo Hua silently counted the ways to enhance his spiritual awareness:

First, his current cultivation level was at the seventh layer of Qi Refining. Breaking through to the eighth and ninth layers would increase his spiritual awareness.

Next, he could practice array techniques on the Dao Stele.

Normally, drawing arrays could train spiritual awareness, leading to some improvement, which is why array masters generally had stronger spiritual awareness than ordinary cultivators.

But practicing array techniques on the Dao Stele, with a clear mind, could lead to occasional insights and more noticeable enhancements in spiritual awareness.

Beyond that, Mo Hua couldn't think of other ways to enhance his spiritual awareness.

Mo Hua couldn't help but ask, "Sir, before reaching Foundation Building, is it really possible to have Foundation Building Spiritual Awareness?"

"How would you know without trying?"

Mr. Zhuang's eyes flickered slightly. "Given the current speed of your spiritual awareness growth, it's not impossible."

Mo Hua nodded but remained uncertain. "Sir, are there other ways to enhance spiritual awareness?"

After some thought, Mo Hua's eyes brightened. "For example, the Visualization Technique you mentioned."

"The Visualization Technique..." Mr. Zhuang pondered, his gaze slightly focused. "The Visualization Technique is very rare and contains dangers. It's best not to touch it unless absolutely necessary, and definitely not rely on it."

Mo Hua's heart tightened.

Mr. Zhuang continued, "Other than that, there's not much else. You can only rely on drawing arrays—learn more and practice more. But the things you practice can be different."

Mr. Zhuang took out a booklet and an ancient array diagram from his sleeve. "This is the 'Array Solution Collection' and a special array diagram."

Mo Hua looked at Mr. Zhuang. "Sir, have you had these prepared all along?"

Otherwise, how did he pull them out just after mentioning them...

Mr. Zhuang glanced helplessly at Mo Hua, thinking this child was too perceptive.

"To be prepared is to have no worries. The same goes for teaching and learning," Mr. Zhuang instructed.

Mo Hua nodded in agreement. The same applied to demon hunting: thorough preparation ensured a balanced approach to any situation.

Pointing to the 'Array Solution Collection,' Mr. Zhuang said, "This is an array book with more complex principles than the previous one I gave you. Take it back, study it carefully, and practice array solving when you have time."

"Drawing arrays can train spiritual awareness, and so can array solving. In fact, the training effect is even better."

Mo Hua then looked at the other array diagram. "What about this array diagram?"

"This array diagram is also for training your spiritual awareness."

Mo Hua glanced at the diagram and asked in confusion, "This array diagram seems incomplete?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded. "Incomplete is enough; you can't draw a complete one."

"Can't draw it?" Mo Hua examined it closely again, startled. "Sir, is this a First Grade array? Why does it have nine and a half array patterns?"

Isn't it said that a First Grade single array can only contain up to nine array patterns?

Mr. Zhuang's gaze deepened, his expression becoming solemn.

"Do you remember what I told you? The grades in the Dao Court are determined by their own rules, but the Dao of Heaven has its anomalies, not governed by human norms."

"Nine patterns for a First Grade, ten patterns for a Second Grade. But a First Grade with ten patterns is an anomaly of the Dao of Heaven!"

"This Reverse Spirit Array contains ten patterns of a First Grade array, an anomaly of the Dao of Heaven, not within the Dao Court's array inheritance norms."

Mo Hua was greatly shocked. It was his first encounter with such profound array inheritance.

With a solemn expression and a respectful heart, Mo Hua carefully examined the Reverse Spirit Array diagram again.

The ancient paper and obscure patterns, with their intricate hub, conveyed an inexplicable profundity at a glance.

Just as Mr. Zhuang had said, it was filled with a sense of anomaly in the evolution of the Dao of Heaven.

Moreover, the diagram was missing a corner, further hinting at its profound and heavy origins.

Mo Hua cautiously asked, "Is the damage to this diagram due to its inheritance?"

"No," Mr. Zhuang casually replied, "I just tore it off."

"Ah..." Mo Hua's thoughts were momentarily chaotic.

"The complete Reverse Spirit Array is too difficult for you. I tore off a corner, leaving nine and a half patterns for you to learn."

Mo Hua didn't know what to say.

Should he appreciate Mr. Zhuang's thoughtfulness or be surprised by Mr. Zhuang's unexpected actions?

"Isn't a First Grade array with ten patterns supposed to be very precious? You just tore it off like that..." Mo Hua whispered.

"Ordinary cultivators can't learn it anyway. Keeping it would only collect dust," Mr. Zhuang said. "Learn it well. If you master the nine and a half patterns, I'll give you a complete one."

"Yes, sir!"

Mo Hua then recalled, "The term 'Reverse Spirit Array' sounds familiar." After a moment of contemplation, his eyes brightened as he asked:

"Is the Reverse Spirit Array used to break array hubs?"

Generally, the hubs of arrays are gathering arrays, and breaking them requires a Reverse Spirit Array.

However, Mo Hua hadn't found any mention of the Reverse Spirit Array in the many array books he had read.

It was said that the Reverse Spirit Array was a profound pattern, often passed down within families skilled in arrays and rarely disclosed.

Mo Hua now understood: ten patterns for a First Grade, an anomaly of the Dao of Heaven, a family inheritance. No wonder it wasn't in common array books.

Mr. Zhuang nodded. "So these two tasks are actually one—array solving."

"To train spiritual awareness through array solving: one, learn to solve array patterns; two, learn the Reverse Spirit Array to solve array hubs. Different paths to the same goal."

Mo Hua suddenly understood and was impressed by Mr. Zhuang's far-sighted consideration.

From now on, he would focus on practicing array solving and honing his spiritual awareness.

As long as his spiritual awareness was strong enough, he could hope to reach Foundation Building.

"By the way, sir," Mo Hua had another question. "Besides 'intellectual entertainment' and training spiritual awareness, are there any practical uses for array solving?"

Mo Hua believed in applying what he learned, preferring useful knowledge over abstract study.

Mr. Zhuang's gaze became playful. "Array solving is naturally used to dismantle arrays."

"Can't arrays also be broken by force or spiritual power? What are the advantages of array solving?"

"Breaking arrays is too crude and creates too much commotion."

Mr. Zhuang looked disdainful, then continued, "Array solving is much more sophisticated and very discreet. You can dismantle someone else's array without them even noticing."

Mo Hua nodded, beginning to understand.

"One more thing," Mr. Zhuang added, "Array solving can also break a person's Dao Heart."

"Dao Heart?"

"When an array master's proud arrays are dismantled by you, pattern by pattern, their Dao Heart can waver. Those with weak Dao Hearts might even crumble completely."

Mr. Zhuang's lips curved into a mischievous smile, his handsome face showing a hint of mischief.

Mo Hua found it curious. "Sir, have you done this often before?"

Mr. Zhuang ruffled Mo Hua's hair with his slender fingers. "Stop being nosy."

Mo Hua chuckled.

Mr. Zhuang waved his hand. "Go study well. A skilled array master must not only draw arrays but also excel in solving them."

"Yes, sir!"

Mo Hua carefully placed the 'Array Solution Collection' and the incomplete Reverse Spirit Array into his storage bag, then bowed and took his leave.

Mr. Zhuang watched Mo Hua's departing figure, shaking his head and sighing, "This disciple is hard to teach..."

Elder Gui materialized beside him, his expression calm. "You chose a good cultivation technique."

Mr. Zhuang detected the sarcasm in his tone but didn't mind, instead saying:

"If he aspires to be an array master, spiritual awareness is paramount. Training spiritual awareness facilitates learning arrays and breaking through realms—it's a win-win."

"Have you ever seen a cultivator with Foundation Building Spiritual Awareness without reaching Foundation Building?"

"Records exist, but I haven't seen one..."

Mr. Zhuang's gaze traveled through the corridor, over the courtyard, and landed expectantly on Mo Hua, who was talking with the Bai siblings under the large locust tree.

"So I also want to see it with my own eyes."

Elder Gui's gaze sharpened. "This is not an easy feat."

Mr. Zhuang replied, "I know that. But I had underestimated this technique. This 'Heavenly Proliferation Technique'—if it can break through, any cost is worth it."

Elder Gui was slightly surprised.

Mr. Zhuang's gaze turned deep, looking far into the distance at Mo Hua, his eyes gradually becoming profound:

"Heavenly Proliferation... the evolution of the Dao of Heaven..."

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