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Chapter 204: Identity

Elder Yu was halfway through his triumphant laughter when he realized what Mo Hua was praising him for. He gave Mo Hua a stern look:

"How is this risky? This is called having three burrows for the cunning rabbit! Learn more and be more careful in everything you do."

Mo Hua hurriedly nodded, "I will definitely learn more!"

Being more careful in everything is always a good thing; otherwise, you'll suffer in the future.

"But things can’t always go so smoothly..." Mo Hua frowned again.

"Of course," Elder Yu said, "plans are just plans; the actual situation changes constantly. You have to adapt accordingly. This is what I've learned over the years, often losing out in my dealings with the Qian family."

Mo Hua couldn't help but ask, "Even with such calculations, you still suffer losses?"

Elder Yu sighed, "What's the use of just calculations if you have no cards to play? Even a clever woman cannot cook without rice."

There weren't many spirit stones, and he was the only Foundation Building cultivator, so it was good enough to be able to contend with the Qian family.

But now things were different.

Elder Yu glanced at Mo Hua.

Now with Mo Hua, who could draw arrays, he had more cards in his hand, so naturally, he wouldn't let everyone suffer losses to the Qian family again!

Thinking of this, Elder Yu couldn't help but pat Mo Hua on the shoulder and said emotionally:

"Thanks to you."

Mo Hua didn't understand why Elder Yu suddenly praised him out of nowhere, but he still smiled happily.

As for what happened next, it was just as Elder Yu said, plans are just plans, and there will always be changes.

Things proceeded according to Elder Yu's plans, but there were still some deviations.

Some artifact refiners left the Qian family and defected to Elder Yu, while some were retained by the Qian family with increased wages.

The materials from the demon hunters were mostly not sold to the Qian family, but some markets still secretly did business with the Qian family.

Although things did not go entirely as hoped, they did cause the Qian family a lot of trouble.

Qian Hong had to deal with these trivial matters every day, and when he came to his senses, he realized something was wrong.

They lowered the price, and Yu Changlin was also lowering the price against them.

They had lowered the price so much that most of the spirit tools they had refined were consumed, while Yu Changlin was still lowering the price against them.

And it seemed that Yu Changlin still had quite a few spirit tools left...

Why was that?

The demon hunters' artifact refining shop had just started, how could they possibly produce so many spirit tools?

Qian Hong couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought.

He sent Qian family cultivators to secretly inquire, but Elder Yu kept the secret of the refining furnace tightly, and they couldn't find out anything.

When he saw the spirit tools refined by the other side, an absurd idea emerged in his mind.

Could it be that the demon hunters' refining furnace was no worse than the Qian family's?

Or even better than the Qian family's refining furnace?

Qian Hong went to ask Master Qian. Master Qian looked at the spirit tool, his expression serious, and after a long time, he sighed:

"Only a first-grade refining furnace with a first-grade Molten Fire Array could refine such a high-quality spirit tool."

Qian Hong's eyelids twitched, "So, the array master among the demon hunters..."

Master Qian sighed deeply and said slowly, "He is a genuine first-grade array master!"

Qian Hong felt a chill in his heart, then he said in a daze:

"How much did Yu Changlin have to pay to invite a first-grade array master?"

Master Qian also shook his head.

He couldn't understand either. A first-grade array master had such a high status that even if he came to the Qian family, they would have to greet him with utmost respect. Why would he help those demon hunters? What benefit could he possibly get?

Master Qian frowned and said, "Next, we must find out this array master and figure out his identity, or we'll continue to suffer in the dark."

Qian Hong's eyes narrowed, "I must find him..."

Master Qian glanced at Qian Hong and reminded, "It's enough to find out his identity. Do not offend him."

Qian Hong frowned, "He's repeatedly opposing our Qian family, and we still have to be polite to him?"

"This array master is extraordinary. If he is willing to help our Qian family, our Qian family will be like a tiger with wings, and it will only be a matter of time before we rise to the second-grade family."

"I'm afraid he might not be willing."

"Then don't offend him first. It's best to win him over. If not, try to keep him out of it. Only as a last resort should we consider a life-and-death struggle," Master Qian said.

Qian Hong didn't understand, "Is this array master really that important?"

Master Qian said, "This array master is already known to use the first-grade Earth Fire Array, first-grade Earth Stone Array, and first-grade Molten Fire Array."

"Even if he can use these three first-grade arrays, so what?"

Master Qian sighed, "It's rare to master three first-grade arrays, but it's not a big deal. The problem is, what if he knows far more than just these three? What if he knows some arrays that you and I have never even heard of?"

Qian Hong's expression became serious.

"Before he shows his stance, it's best not to offend him lightly," Master Qian said solemnly, "The Dao of arrays is vast and profound. Some array masters know arrays that you can't even imagine their power..."

Qian Hong's pupils quivered, and he couldn't help but show a look of dread.

At this time, the array master whom Qian Hong feared was sitting on a wall, gnawing on a chicken leg, swinging his legs, and chatting casually with Master Ban.

The artifact refining shop was already built and operational, and the pill refining shop was still under construction.

Elder Yu had already paid the first installment of spirit stones to Master Ban.

With the spirit stones, Master Ban felt secure and worked even harder.

The overall layout of the pill refining shop was consistent with the artifact refining shop, starting with the basic structures, then having Mo Hua draw the arrays, and finally having the craftsmen finish the construction.

The basic structure wasn't completed yet, so Mo Hua came to check the layout and inspect the array diagrams.

But since the inspection was already done once when building the artifact refining shop, and the layouts were the same, the inspection for the pill refining shop didn't take much time.

Mo Hua just took a few looks and understood.

Having nothing to do for the moment, he climbed onto the wall, eating a chicken leg, and chatted with Master Ban.

Master Ban was grateful to Mo Hua.

Mo Hua drew the arrays quickly, allowing the artifact refining shop to be completed roughly on schedule. Once the project was completed, they could settle the spirit stones.

Moreover, Mo Hua's deep array skills at such a young age were something Master Ban had never seen before.

He was also happy to chat with little Mo Hua. Basically, whatever Mo Hua asked, he would answer.

From craftsmen's building techniques to the life of cultivators, from family members to cultivator customs.

What good food and fun places were in other places, what strange customs, what bad people did what bad things, they chatted about everything.

Mo Hua's curiosity was satisfied, and his horizons broadened.

Every cultivator's life is like a painting, no matter how ordinary, there are always some colors that others have never seen.

These stories, if Mo Hua didn't chat with them, he would probably never know.

Someday in the future, will he be able to travel across the Nine Regions, meet more people, hear more stories, and see more of the extraordinary colors in those ordinary paintings?

Mo Hua dreamed about it.

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