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Chapter 196: The Large Furnace

After mastering the First-Grade Molten Fire Array, the next step was to officially draw it on the refining furnace.

The following day, Elder Yu informed Mo Hua that the refining furnace had arrived.

A towering, several-zhang-high refining furnace stood imposingly in the courtyard.

Its design was ancient and simple, standing on three legs, with a lid like an eave and a large belly like a cauldron. Its entire body was engraved with cloud patterns, cast from refined iron, exuding a deep, dark gray luster.

Mo Hua looked up at the refining furnace, mouth agape.

At just over ten years old, Mo Hua already appeared small, and standing before the furnace, he seemed even tinier.

Not only was Mo Hua astonished, but Master Chen was also deeply shocked.

He walked around the furnace, examining it from every angle, wanting to touch it but hesitant, as if this enormous refining furnace were a phantom that would vanish upon contact.

He had never seen such a large refining furnace in his life.

In his youth, he had studied by renting others’ small and simple refining furnaces, which had weak fires that took half a day to heat a piece of iron rod. It was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the spiritual tools were poorly refined.

Later, he worked as an assistant in artifact crafting, toiling day and night. After saving up for a long time, he finally bought his own refining furnace, qualifying him to open his own artifact crafting shop.

His furnace was small, and the shop was modest, but he was content.

Many artifact crafters might spend their entire lives without owning a refining furnace, let alone running a shop.

He had also studied at larger artifact crafting shops and had seen a true First-Grade refining furnace. The enormous furnace and the blazing flames inside had filled him with envy.

But those belonged to others, unrelated to him. He could only look at them, knowing he might never use a First-Grade furnace to craft a spiritual tool in his lifetime.

Yet now, a brand-new, perfect refining furnace stood before him.

This was a true First-Grade refining furnace, larger than any he had seen before.

And he could use this furnace to craft spiritual tools!

Just the thought made Master Chen feel as if he were dreaming; it was still hard to believe.

Elder Yu, feeling a bit proud, asked, “How about it? Isn’t this furnace big enough?”

Mo Hua nodded slowly, “This is indeed very big.”

“Didn’t you ask for a large refining furnace? The bigger, the better?”

“I did, but this seems a bit too big…” Mo Hua stammered, then asked, “Are all First-Grade refining furnaces this large?”

“No, this one is especially large, which is why it couldn't be sold,” Elder Yu replied.

Mo Hua was puzzled, “Couldn't be sold?”

“Yes, too large to be useful, so it couldn't be sold,” Elder Yu examined the furnace and continued, “Most small artifact crafting shops use smaller furnaces. Even medium and large shops don’t need such a big First-Grade furnace.”

“The larger the furnace, the harder it is to draw arrays inside, and it uses more materials, making it costly to produce and expensive to sell. If we hadn’t discovered a spirit mine and become wealthy, we couldn't afford it.”

“Then why did they make such a large furnace if it couldn't be sold?” Mo Hua asked, still confused.

“How would they know it wouldn’t sell if they didn’t make it?” Elder Yu patted the furnace, “And now it’s sold, we bought it!”

Mo Hua had no rebuttal.

Elder Yu chuckled, “We got a bargain. This furnace had been unsold for years, and I used that as an excuse to haggle the price down hard.”

Mo Hua was secretly amazed. If Elder Yu thought the price was harshly reduced, it must have been drastically low…

“Well, now that the furnace is here, the rest is up to you,” Elder Yu patted Mo Hua’s small shoulder.

“Alright, don’t worry!”

Mo Hua had the furnace disassembled, measured its dimensions, and recorded them on paper before beginning to design the array.

This large furnace was perfect for Mo Hua to try drawing a First-Grade Molten Fire Composite Array.

However, there were many kinds of composite arrays including the First-Grade Molten Fire Array, and the specifications and forms of refining furnaces varied greatly. Deciding which array to use, what type of composite array to construct, and how to draw the array on the furnace required careful consideration.

After much deliberation, Mo Hua chose an array called the “First-Grade Molten Fire Spirit Control Composite Array” for this large furnace.

The First-Grade Molten Fire Spirit Control Composite Array consisted of a basic five-element array hub structure, maintaining two First-Grade Molten Fire Arrays, one Spirit Gathering Array, one Cold Qi Array, and one Gold Stone Array.

There was one array hub and five arrays, including two First-Grade arrays!

This was the most difficult array Mo Hua had attempted, with immense spiritual sense consumption and strength requirements.

Mo Hua decided that if he could master it, he would draw this composite array. If not, he would cut corners, omitting one First-Grade Molten Fire Array, significantly reducing the composite array’s difficulty.

This was a compromise and a fallback plan.

If possible, Mo Hua still aimed to complete the composite array.

After all, such an opportunity to practice array drawing on such a large First-Grade refining furnace might not come again.

Mo Hua spent time based on the furnace’s dimensions and inner layout, designing the initial array diagram for the First-Grade Molten Fire Spirit Control Composite Array.

After checking it over and ensuring no omissions, Mo Hua took the diagram to Mr. Zhuang.

Mr. Zhuang raised an eyebrow involuntarily, thinking how outrageous the things his disciple brought to him for advice were getting.

He was only at the sixth level of Qi refining but was asking about a composite array containing two First-Grade arrays, and he had adjusted it based on the furnace.

Though not perfect, it was functional.

Mr. Zhuang glanced over it and casually pointed out a few spots, “Reconsider these areas. The way you’ve drawn it, the spiritual power flow will be obstructed, consuming more spirit stones during refining.”

Mo Hua nodded earnestly.

Spirit stones were precious and must not be wasted!

“Also, the array hub’s function here is not just to connect single arrays to form a composite array but to control the flow of spiritual power, adjusting the furnace’s heat. Pay close attention when you draw it.” Mr. Zhuang advised.

“Yes, sir.”

Mo Hua asked a few more questions, which Mr. Zhuang answered.

As Mo Hua was about to leave after asking his questions, he suddenly remembered another one and humbly inquired, “Sir, do I have the strength of a First-Grade Array Master now?”

Mr. Zhuang looked at him silently, “Yes.”

You’re already drawing composite arrays with two First-Grade arrays. If you’re not a First-Grade Array Master, then there aren’t many who qualify in the cultivation world.

Mr. Zhuang thought silently.

Mo Hua asked again, “Should I go for the Dao Court’s certification?”

Mr. Zhuang remained silent for a long while before saying, “There’s no rush. Achieving fame young isn’t always a good thing. You still have much to learn. Let it settle first.”

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