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Chapter 361: Cave and Woman

Netero calling me must be about the second test. Better avoid it if I can.

Luo put away his phone and gave an apologetic smile to the villagers, then resumed his attack on the dishes on the table.

Small villages always have unforgettable food, like the cured meat on the table, with its unique preparation method. The slices of cured meat were translucent, glistening with a red hue.

"Luo, the blizzard outside won’t stop anytime soon. Stay a few more days before you leave!" The middle-aged uncle urged.

"No, I've already disturbed you for days," Luo declined.

"How could it be? If it weren't for you, I would have been a frozen corpse in the mountains," the uncle said with some excitement.

Luo didn't know how to respond, so he just buried his head in his food, but his bowl was empty.

"Give me your bowl."

Seeing this, the uncle’s daughter reached out her hand to Luo.

"Thank you." Luo handed the empty bowl to the uncle's daughter, and accidentally touched her hand. Her delicate face flushed red, and she quickly retracted her hand after taking the bowl.

Seeing this, Luo thought about finishing the meal and slipping away quickly.

After leaving the location of the second test, he came to a mountain forest. The sudden blizzard had forced him to take refuge, where he encountered the uncle who had sprained his ankle while hunting a deer. Luo had rescued him and brought him back to his village.

The blizzard came suddenly and fiercely, lasting for days without stopping. Coupled with the uncle’s enthusiastic invitation, Luo stayed in the uncle’s home for a few days, waiting for the blizzard to subside. But after a couple of days, the blizzard showed no sign of weakening; instead, it became more intense.

The sudden blizzard even destroyed many houses in the village. All the able-bodied men of the village braved the blizzard to rescue the affected villagers. Luo didn't sit idle either; with his help, the people were quickly rescued, and the snow on the roofs was cleared.

During the rescue and snow clearing, Luo did not use his nen abilities, as the villagers were unaware of such things, and using nen might scare them.

From that day on, the uncle's attitude towards Luo obviously elevated, and he began promoting his daughter with clear intentions.

Sensing the situation, Luo planned to leave right after finishing this meal, despite the blizzard.

To be honest, the uncle's daughter was very pretty, with a simple and pure temperament, making her a very suitable candidate for a wife. Unfortunately for the uncle, he met Luo.

After finishing the meal, Luo left under the regretful gaze of the uncle, heading towards the white expanse ahead.

As he left, Luo felt a sad gaze behind him, feeling helpless. He had not tried to flirt with the girl, yet she had fallen for him.

Thick clouds covered the sky, and the strong cold wind howled, carrying snow that fiercely struck Luo's body.

His vision blurred by the falling snow, only seeing the swirling snow weaving a white world in front of him.

Such a blizzard that could bury a normal person in ten minutes had no effect on Luo.

"Wow, I see you have quite the luck with women. Just sharing a meal, and you have the girl infatuated," a black cat appeared from Luo's hand and perched on his shoulder.

Luo stood on a high slope, barely able to see the steep downward incline ahead. A careless step could send him rolling down like a snowball.

He glanced at the black cat and said, "Turn into a snowboard for me to play with."

"Scram!" The black cat's fur bristled. Having just come out to tease Luo, it was startled by his words and quickly retreated into the flame crest.

If it were a life-threatening situation, the black cat would begrudgingly turn into a snowboard for Luo. But just for fun, it refused to be trampled on by Luo.

Seeing the black cat's refusal, Luo felt a bit regretful. If the black cat wasn't so stubborn, it might be able to turn into various high-class vehicles like Zoldyck's Tsubone, which would be exciting.

Despite the black cat's refusal, Luo had other ways. Using "God's Hand," he transformed a snow-covered tree into a light sled, then slid down the slope, becoming a bright scene in the blizzard.

Nen abilities are a human’s weapon against nature.

With nen, Luo didn't fear the blizzard. Traveling became playing with snow. Even on flat snowy ground, he could use nen as propulsion fuel, making the sled glide smoothly.

Until nightfall, the blizzard's intensity remained.

Luo saw a man-made cave and decided to rest there for the night.

The cave, with evident human marks, was chiseled into a three-meter-high stone wall.

Luo leaped up effortlessly, entered the cave, and unexpectedly found a person lying inside. Due to the dim light, he couldn't see if it was a man or a woman or their age, but the faint breathing indicated they were alive.


Standing at the cave entrance, Luo politely greeted as he was the later arriver.

However, the person lying on the straw pile did not respond.

Seeing this, Luo greeted again, but still received no response. If not for the breathing sound, he would have thought the person was dead.

Realizing the person might be unconscious, Luo, thinking of staying the night, called out the black cat, "Go find some firewood and food."

This time, the black cat didn't refuse but demanded its share of good food as usual.

Compared to killing demands, food requests were easier to accept, and Luo generally didn't refuse.

So, the black cat flew into the blizzard, disappearing quickly.

Luo stayed in the cave for a while, gradually adjusting to the darkness, barely seeing the simple layout inside.

The cave was neither deep nor large, with a pile of straw and a few stones forming a makeshift stove, likely a temporary rest spot for someone frequently in the area.

As he looked at the straw pile, he could vaguely see a figure.

"A woman?"

The person lying on the straw pile, turned away from Luo, had a slender figure. Her clothes weren’t clear, but she seemed to wear a headband with ears.

Luo walked quietly to the straw pile, not touching the woman, and called out several times.

"Hungry... I'm hungry..."

The woman seemed to wake up, turned over, and weakly muttered. Luo could barely hear her.

"Wait a while for food. Hang in there."

Luo looked at the woman's face, but the light was too dim to see clearly. The headband looked like Mickey Mouse ears.

Half an hour later, the black cat returned with firewood and food. Knowing the cave dweller was a woman, it stared at Luo with a strange expression.

"You really have a way with women..."

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