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Chapter 701: Reversal of Causality, Power of Fate!

The entire laboratory fell into a deathly silence. Over a hundred Federation researchers were plunged into panic. Several stubborn scholars ordered the AI to conduct another self-check, but the result remained the same: [No anomalies detected, all programs operating normally].

“Could it be that some alien civilization is observing us?” A researcher stammered, looking around in terror.

If we rule out an experimental accident, then there is only one possibility left—quantum probability collapse is unrelated to the observation by mantises, spiders, or other arthropods. Some form of intelligent life, which we cannot see, is watching this experiment!

Although the Federation has been exploring the stars for hundreds of years, due to the lack of breakthroughs in curvature engine technology, it is still confined within the solar system, without ever encountering any aliens.

Some arrogant Federation researchers even believed that Earth being able to naturally evolve human beings, such high-intelligence creatures, was an extraordinary exception. Perhaps they were the first civilization to step into the starry sky.

However, today, right here, in an otherwise ordinary quantum experiment, they discovered that an alien civilization seemed to be nearby, and they hadn't noticed it at all...

Lynn was also observing the quantum laboratory. Previously, the records in the 'Zero' database indicated that a higher alien civilization might have interfered with this experiment, so he had been closely monitoring the entire process but had not detected anything unusual.

Could it be that their technological level had reached the point where they could shield themselves from his perception?

Or maybe the alien civilization's observational instrument exists outside the range of "retrospection."

Thinking of this, Lynn tried to expand his divine domain further, but as soon as he started, the AI controlling the experiment issued an unusually intense alarm.

[Warning, quantum data interference detected. Warning, energy supply limited...]

As soon as he made a move, the AI started issuing warnings, and Lynn thought of a rather absurd possibility.

Could the observer be himself?

But he had clearly tried, and he couldn't interfere with anything, only passively view past information, like watching a movie, a recording...

Wait, a recording?

Lynn paused, then his thoughts exploded. The reason the Federation created a quantum black box and had the AI delete all experimental data was to prevent anyone from looking into it in the future.

After all, for quantum-level particles, the barriers of space and the sequence of time are meaningless!

For example, in the delayed-choice double-slit experiment, photons can always precisely determine whether their trajectory will be 'observed.'

Even if the observation occurs after the photon has made a choice, it will be 'predicted' in advance, violating causality!

And the essence of the Fate Divinity's time retrospection is also a kind of observation of past information. Lynn hadn't considered this because the time span was too long!

Who would have thought that an observation over a thousand years later could affect the results of an experiment over a thousand years earlier!

This discovery was an unexpected surprise for Lynn, but for Shar and others in the past, it was terrifying and horrifying!

The alien civilization observing the quantum experiment could understand their language and launched an attack beyond their comprehension as soon as they realized they were discovered.

"Immediately send all experimental results to the terminal, tell them an alien civilization interfered with this experiment!" Shar said in panic. "Also, activate the highest level of protection right away!"

Shar did not attempt to locate the observer, let alone counterattack, because any alien civilization capable of crossing the vast star sea to reach Earth would surely have technology far superior to the Federation!

His only hope was to report the news and rely on the highest level of protection in the laboratory until the Federation's professional negotiators arrived.

Shar's response, though not perfect, was swift and decisive. However, a researcher suddenly shouted, interrupting him.

"We must not activate the protection, stop it, stop it now!"

Shar was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized that the protection system here also used quantum technology!

With the black box in place, it would normally be absolutely safe, with no issues. But now, it was different. The unknown alien observer could even see the quantum reactions inside the black box!

As soon as Lynn realized something was wrong, he withdrew his divine domain and ceased quantum-level observation, but it was too late. Quantum probability collapsed in an instant, and the activated protection system, unable to locate the enemy, began an active attack!

Powerful antimatter beams swept across amid the terrified shouts of the researchers, killing a dozen on the spot. The laboratory walls were sliced open, and the energy system was also detonated!

Terrifying annihilation waves rapidly expanded, soon engulfing the entire laboratory. Lynn instinctively wanted to intervene and rescue, as this disaster was caused by his observation.

Undoubtedly, the rescue failed!

All atoms within the divine domain seemed nailed down, and even with the power of a chief god, he could not move them. The result was predetermined from the start!

Lynn could only watch as over a hundred researchers were enveloped and disintegrated by the expanding annihilation waves.

At that moment, the Past Divinity suddenly reacted. Amid intense vibrations, space and time seemed to be torn apart by some force.

In that instant, Lynn sensed that part of his Past Divinity had been cut off, at the very moment his past self was annihilated by the wave!

Within a few seconds, the entire laboratory was destroyed.

Perhaps due to the impact of the Past Divinity's explosion, or because the quantum probabilities in the entire area were frozen, three researchers did not completely die but were transformed into quantum ghosts.

And his past self's body was entirely torn apart and annihilated, with his soul preserved intact under the protection of a trace of chief god-level divine power, then seemingly drawn to a higher-dimensional space.

Lynn speculated that the attraction between magic forces drove his past self to the Eternal Star.

At this point in time, the Moon God Diana should have already discovered and descended upon this universe, but due to spatial barriers, it took over a thousand years to arrive.

Understanding the cause, Lynn's expression became somewhat strange. In a sense, he was the behind-the-scenes culprit causing the silicon-based civilization to replace human civilization, as it was this quantum accident that led to the substantial breakthrough in the Federation's quantum technology.

Of course, the breakthrough in quantum technology was just a trigger. The real cause of humanity's downfall was the unfair distribution of wealth and power, with people finding solace in virtual reality due to the pains of reality.

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