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Chapter 699: The Fate of Humanity

"Warning, the Second World is about to collapse. Warning, the database has been breached. Warning, warning..."

As the Divine Domain continued to expand, a series of alerts began to echo incessantly within the collapsing data space.

The data 'humans' immersed in the virtual world all felt the threat, rushing from their respective planets and star systems like madmen.

Millions of star fleets, flying gods and demons, roaring dragons, and ferocious monsters surrounded Lynn. Magic and divine spells, fantasies, and technology attacked Lynn simultaneously.

The scene was grand, but Lynn didn’t even glance at it, as these were mere data simulations that couldn’t even break through his Divine Domain.

Suddenly, a wave of unease surged in his mind. In a flash, Lynn disappeared from his original spot.

The next moment, a cannon fired from a galaxy-class battleship penetrated the expanding Divine Domain, shattering the nearby void!

The dissipating shockwave tore through the entire virtual space, even affecting real-time space.

'Zero' had cleverly hidden the real attack amidst a sea of false data assaults!

Seeing more and more enemies gathering, making it increasingly difficult to discern true attacks from false ones, Lynn no longer held back. As he reappeared, countless beams of light shot out from his body, instantly blasting tens of thousands of advancing gods and demons to pieces.

Facing an unimaginably vast power gap, some terrified data humans fled in all directions, while others loudly begged Lynn to spare them and the entire data plane.

Lynn ignored them, striking down with his palm once again, reducing everything within a million kilometers to a bloody pulp...

"Kill him!"

Realizing the high-dimensional being before them wouldn't accept surrender, the data humans charged at him like madmen. Even knowing they had no chance of winning, they continued to attack, appearing extremely tragic.

In the center, under siege, Lynn felt like he was becoming the ultimate demon king, but he knew these were just data simulations trying to shake his resolve.

"Slash!" An anti-matter sword suddenly appeared in Lynn’s palm. With a wave, a dazzling and ever-extending sword edge sliced through the surrounding void. The data humans disintegrated into their original data particles without even having time to scream, vanishing into the air.

But Lynn’s target wasn't these 'fakes'. The anti-matter sword tore through the virtual space, directly cleaving the data universe.

As 'Zero's emotion simulation device was cut off, the once terrified and angry data humans became expressionless. Realizing that the invader wouldn’t be swayed by such tragic emotions, 'Zero' stopped wasting computing power here, and the entire virtual space began to collapse.

What appeared before Lynn was a network connected by countless data threads, densely packed, distributed like brain neurons throughout his field of vision.

The gods and demons, roaring dragons, and powerful superhumans disappeared with the collapse of the data space, replaced by numerous Vanguards, mechanical guards, and various war machines.

But before any further attacks could commence, Lynn snapped his fingers, reconstructing the atomic formulas using arcane laws. The millions-strong mechanical army disassembled and exploded...

At the same time, the Divine Domain had already enveloped the entire metal brain, and 'Zero's prompt became increasingly urgent.

[Warning, third-level defense breached. Warning, database breached. Warning, signal not found...]

As the Divine Domain eroded, the prompt gradually became calm, and finally, the entire metal 'brain' twisted and disintegrated, transforming into a brilliant crystal stone suspended in Lynn's palm.

This was the core of the entire silicon-based civilization. Holding it was akin to controlling half the galaxy!

At this moment, Lynn's thoughts weren't here. He was immersed in the vast data. This was 'Zero's last attack, attempting to overwhelm him with massive amounts of data.

Even though his main god-level computing power had reached beyond the comprehension of low-level civilizations, it still took Lynn over ten hours to fully digest it.

Sure enough, humanity had perished...

Lynn sighed. The information he obtained from 'Zero's database confirmed his previous speculation: all the humans existing in the virtual space were data simulations.

The Federation was convinced that consciousness upload technology was absolutely feasible because the breakthrough in quantum ghost technology revealed that human consciousness could exist independently of the body in a quantum state and connect to data networks.

And all this started with Quantum Black Box Experiment No. 3999!

It was the quantum experiment accident that led to his death...

The details and purpose of the experiment were classified as top secret, and much of the data was deleted and destroyed during the Federation’s civil war.

The only known fact was that a higher-dimensional civilization seemed to have interfered with the experiment. Based on the discoveries from this quantum experiment, the Federation successfully completed consciousness transfer and simulated emotion technology.

Lynn pondered as he collected 'Zero's core. In a step, he arrived at a vast industrial area on Earth.

This was once the Federation’s Quantum Research Institute No. 11, now transformed into a production base for Vanguards.

Due to the shielding of the intelligent core, numerous newly-produced Vanguards wandered aimlessly, turning the entire production base into chaos.

Lynn shifted his high-dimensional coordinates to avoid detection, and then space and dimension split open before him. The mystical Fate Cone reappeared.

Chaotic microparticles stretched to the horizon, representing an unpredictable future. Lynn's target this time was those fixed past events.

He wanted to see for himself what happened during the Federation year 2549 quantum experiment, why he traversed, and if it was related to interference by higher-dimensional civilizations.

With the activation of his fate divinity, time seemed to rewind rapidly. The vast production base around him collapsed quickly. Over a thousand years of events on this land flashed before Lynn like slides.

He saw the rebels occupying this place, the Federation's space-based weapons destroying the land, and tens of thousands of steel machines establishing this production base within a month.

Lynn silently watched. He wasn't prepared to interfere, nor could he alter the past, for all this was already set in stone. He was merely seeing the past information remaining in the microparticles.

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