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Chapter 359: If Luo Lives, Why Must There Be Ba?

Each year, the exam questions for the Hunter Test are created by the examiners themselves. As long as they do not violate the review rules, even if the questions are as difficult as climbing to the sky and lead to the complete elimination of the candidates, the Review Committee will still comply with the examiners' judgment.

The questions set by Adini were very simple. However, his question was destined to eliminate half of the candidates from the beginning because the dishes corresponding to the menu on the table were only prepared for three hundred people.

Some candidates recognized the dishes without relying on the menu. Adini should have been pleased because this showed that the outstanding candidates had the foundation to become gourmet hunters. However, this candidate actually prompted the others.

This test, which was meant to qualify only three hundred people, turned into a race of speed. But with Luo's intervention, the situation, originally clear-cut, now had everyone starting from the same point.

Adini's gaze was unhidden, but Luo ignored it, peeling crab meat, drizzling it with mint sweet sauce, eating a slice of kakaro melon first, then enjoying the Yuri caviar, followed by the mint-sweetened crab meat, and finally, a Benedictine egg as dessert.

These dishes were exquisite and quickly finished, their taste exceptional, truly deserving of their reputation from the city's most famous restaurant.

After finishing the five dishes in order, Luo looked at Adini. The latter did not eliminate him, indicating that he had passed the first test.

"The first test is risk-free, so it can't add pages."

Luo shifted his gaze to the other candidates searching for menus. These candidates were potential pages. Allowing them to pass the first test might convert them into pages in the second round.

"Let's help them."

With this decision, Luo prepared to assist these candidates. He then noticed Tonpa standing by the table, sneaking something.

Luo walked over, patted Tonpa on the shoulder, causing him to jump in fright and turn to Luo with an unnatural expression.


Luo asked with a friendly smile, his voice low.

"What?" Tonpa pretended not to understand.

"Take out the menu."

Luo, not wanting to pursue the matter, asked Tonpa to produce the menu.

Without resistance, Tonpa obediently handed over the menu.

Luo glanced at the dishes on it and asked, "Do you recognize these dishes?"

"No," Tonpa answered honestly.

Luo immediately understood that Tonpa, the old fox, never intended to pass the first test but aimed to drug others while they searched for the menu.

Such blatant actions would surely be noticed by the examiners, but they didn't stop Tonpa, indicating that obstacles created by candidates were also part of the test.

"I'll help you," Luo said with a smile.

For some reason, when Luo showed kindness, Tonpa felt a chill run up his spine, making him shiver slightly.

The self-service table was a hollow circular ring with a large space in the middle.

Luo easily crossed the table and jumped into the center, then took Tonpa's menu and loudly said, "You want me to help you get food? No problem, my good trait is being too kind and helpful. Besides, I know all these dishes, no difficulty at all."

Tonpa stood there, mouth agape, staring at Luo inside the table, not understanding his intentions.

The limited number of menus meant few candidates had found them. So, after Luo finished the test, the atmosphere among the candidates became tense, and a scramble for menus seemed imminent.

The first test's question illustrated one truth from start to finish: there is not enough porridge for the monks, whoever is faster gets it.

Just as the scramble for the menus was about to erupt, Luo's loud words once again shifted the delicate situation.

Candidates, focused on the menus, turned to see Luo quickly picking five dishes for Tonpa and instructing him on the order of consumption.

Tonpa, with no other choice, followed Luo's instructions, gulping down the delicate dishes.

Nearby, Adini's forehead twitched continuously. Luo, standing in the middle of the table, was like a thorn in his eye, impossible to remove.

Is this kid here just to cause trouble?

Adini's anger was evident but he didn't stop Luo.

The core of the test was to assess observation and action, with resource grabbing as the outer shell, so disputes among candidates were inevitable. There was no restriction on helping or cooperating.

Anger mixed with aura drifted towards Luo.

This aura was unconsciously emitted by Adini, lacking intentional attack, so it was weak but could still affect ordinary people.

Noticing the aura's influence on Luo, Adini, though angry, suppressed it in time, but not before it covered Luo for two or three seconds.


Retracting his aura, Adini found Luo unaffected and focused his eyes on him, discovering Luo's aura was slowly dissipating like an ordinary person's.

So how did Luo, not a Nen user, resist his aura? Even with exceptional willpower, there should have been some reaction.

As Adini pondered this, some weaker candidates handed their menus to Luo, who quickly dished out the ordered food and instructed on the sequence of eating.

The second candidate nervously followed suit, looking at Adini who didn't disqualify him, and was overjoyed.

With the first and second candidates daring to try, others lacking confidence in snatching menus crowded around Luo, waving their lists.

"Hey, don't push! I was here first!"

"Boss, help me first!"

"Move aside, I was first!"

The restaurant turned into a marketplace, making Adini's head throb.

"Line up properly."

Luo, like a professional caterer, took menus, swiftly picked dishes, and efficiently served them.

What was supposed to be a test turned into a cafeteria rush under Luo's intervention.

Tonpa, watching Luo in action, didn't understand why he did this and felt a crushing blow to his spirit.

If Luo exists, why must there be Tonpa?

Why so cruelly deprive me of my interest?

Candidates with menus could serve themselves, while those who lined up honestly got their meals with Luo's help. At the nine-minute mark, three hundred qualifiers were ready.

With only three hundred portions of the correct dishes, the final passers would always be just three hundred, another reason why Adini didn't stop Luo.

Most qualifiers thanked Luo sincerely.

"Qualified candidates, get your number tags. The examiner for the second test will arrive in five minutes."

Adini glared at Luo, then headed to the kitchen, leaving a staff member to distribute number tags.

Number tags weren't given initially because Adini had only prepared three hundred from the start, showing his rigid principles.

Adini went to his office, picked up his phone, and reported to the Review Committee.

The head of the Review Committee was Netero, who watched the test each year from behind the scenes. Naturally, Adini reported to him.

Upon hearing the test content, Netero burst into laughter.

Hearing Netero's laughter, Adini was puzzled. Shouldn't he be angry about the disruption, not so happy?

In the restaurant, Luo controlled his dissipating aura, forming a Ten around him. Previously letting it dissipate was just a disguise.

Luo walked to Tonpa, smiled, and patted his shoulder, saying, "Tonpa, see you next year."

As he patted Tonpa's shoulder, he injected the previously extracted laxative into Tonpa's body.

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