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Chapter 175: Returning Home

Elder Yu scolded Qian Hong loudly again.

This time, Qian Hong, who was already mentally unbalanced, finally couldn't bear it anymore. Just as he was about to act recklessly, cultivators from the Dao Court arrived.

Elder Yu had informed the Dao Court beforehand, fearing that the Qian family would act rashly.

More than ten people from the Dao Court arrived, led by the highest-ranking chief, along with the deputy chief and several officers, including Zhang Lan.

With the Dao Court intervening, it meant that the matter was settled.

Qian Hong had no choice but to leave with the disciples of the Qian family, though his expression was venomous, clearly unwilling to let it go.

He glanced coldly at Elder Yu, then his gaze swept over Mo Hua and the other demon hunters, pondering deeply.

Who among the demon hunters was the array master who had caused him so much trouble?

All the demon hunters present were suspects, but the ten-year-old Mo Hua was the first to be ruled out.

In Qian Hong's understanding, an array master capable of drawing first-grade arrays would at least be middle-aged, with cultivation at least at the ninth level of Qi cultivation.

Mo Hua, whether in age or cultivation, did not catch his eye.

Elder Yu noticed that Qian Hong's gaze did not linger on Mo Hua and didn't care, letting him guess.

"Guess all you want, if you can figure it out, I swear I'll treat everyone with respect and never curse again!"

Elder Yu thought silently.

Even knowing now that Mo Hua could draw first-grade arrays, it still felt like a dream. If Mo Hua hadn't demonstrated it many times in front of him, he wouldn't have believed it.

A ten-year-old first-grade array master, it was simply unimaginable.

Qian Hong would never guess it, no matter how much he thought.

The Qian family left, and Elder Yu was discussing matters with the Dao Court chief.

Zhang Lan glanced at Mo Hua and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

This child, Mo Hua, wherever there was trouble, there you were...

You never missed any excitement.

Mo Hua also saw Zhang Lan and winked at him, his big, shiny eyes twinkling.

Zhang Lan shook his head, a bit helpless.

After Elder Yu finished talking with the chief, he looked pleased and told everyone to go home and rest, and they would discuss the rest later.

Mo Hua then went home with Mo Shan.

Liu Ruhua was tidying up the dishes at the restaurant entrance, her eyes occasionally glancing towards the road, her expression both hopeful and anxious.

Before long, Mo Shan appeared at the entrance holding Mo Hua's small hand.

Liu Ruhua quickly put down the dishes and hurried out to meet Mo Hua, hugging him tightly as if afraid he would disappear in a blink.

Mo Hua, a bit embarrassed, blushed and said, "Mom, I'm fine."

Liu Ruhua then carefully examined Mo Hua, seeing that he had no injuries and looked good, though a bit thinner, she was relieved.

She felt a bit heartbroken, "You've been inside for so long, you must not have had enough to eat. Did you finish all the food I packed for you?"

Mo Hua patted his empty storage bag, "I finished it all!"

Liu Ruhua nodded, "You're still young, you need to eat more."

"Mm-hmm," Mo Hua agreed.

Liu Ruhua examined him again and then smiled warmly, "You must be hungry, I made lots of delicious food for you."

Mo Hua's eyes lit up, and he said crisply, "Mom, you're the best!"

Liu Ruhua smiled brightly and led Mo Hua into the restaurant.

Mo Shan, who had been left standing aside, shook his head helplessly.

Mo Hua had a hearty meal, took a bath, changed into clean clothes, and then fell asleep on the bed.

During the days guarding the spirit mine, although he hadn't fought much directly, he had used spells to sneak attack and draw arrays to deal with enemies, which was mentally and physically tiring.

Now, back home, carefree, he could finally have a good sleep.

Liu Ruhua brought some wild fruits and pastries for Mo Hua. When she entered the room, she saw Mo Hua sleeping soundly, his cheeks puffed up as if eating something in his dream. She couldn't help but smile and shake her head.

She placed the wild fruits on the table, tucked Mo Hua in, and after looking at him a few more times, quietly left.

When Mo Hua woke up, he rubbed his eyes and realized it was already dark. Hearing voices, he walked into the living room and saw Elder Yu and Yu Chengyi discussing something with Mo Shan.

Elder Yu smiled warmly and waved him over.

Mo Hua, puzzled, asked, "Elder, what are you talking about?"

Elder Yu said, "We're discussing the distribution of spirit stones."

"Can I listen too?"

Elder Yu nodded, "You have a share as well."

Mo Hua pulled a small stool over and sat down. Elder Yu then explained, "We finished mining the spirit mine, but the spirit stones are impure and irregular, so they can't be used directly. They need to be handed over to the Dao Court to be exchanged for standard spirit stones, which are pure and refined, usable for both circulation and cultivation..."

"Of course, there will be a cut for the Dao Court and some for the Dao Court officers as bribes. Even so, what we get will be a substantial amount of spirit stones."

"According to merit, these spirit stones will be distributed in four grades monthly to all demon hunters for their cultivation and daily use."

"Mo Shan has the highest merit and will get the highest grade. Mo Hua, you too."

Mo Hua was surprised, "I also get the highest grade?"

Elder Yu nodded, "You should actually get more, but since your family already has two highest grades, it's not appropriate to give you more."

In Elder Yu's mind, Mo Hua's contributions far exceeded the highest grade.

Whether it was using the Fireball Technique to repel the Qian family cultivators, forcing hidden cultivators to show themselves, or using arrays to help defend and escape, all were crucial to the battle.

But according to demon hunter tradition, the highest grade was the limit, and Elder Yu couldn't make an exception.

Mo Hua didn't mind, happy to get the highest grade.

After all, although he had used spells and drawn arrays from the rear, the real fighting and risking their lives were done by others.

The demon hunters bled, got injured, and fought desperately.

Mo Hua had only helped from the side.

Then he thought of something, looking a bit sad, "A lot of people died this time, right..."

Elder Yu patted Mo Hua's head, "Death and injury are inevitable, don't dwell on it."

Mo Hua understood but still felt sad.

Elder Yu said, "Death is a part of life. People die from old age, illness, and accidents. Compared to that, dying to protect the spirit mine means their families will get more compensation. It's the best outcome."

Mo Hua nodded silently.

Elder Yu looked at Mo Hua and sighed, "Suffering is inevitable. Over the years, demon hunters have always lived this way. But people must look forward."

Mo Hua nodded, "Elder, I understand."

Elder Yu felt relieved and said no more.

Mo Hua, however, understood that all suffering stemmed from weakness.

If he were strong enough, the Qian family would be no threat. If his arrays were powerful enough, the Qian family would be easily defeated.

As long as the arrays were strong enough...

Mo Hua's eyes were resolute, and he silently vowed:

"One day, within my arrays, no cultivator will ever bleed or die again!"

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