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Chapter 337: Help

Menchi wasn’t very old, but her movements were agile, and her speed wasn’t slow either. However, the man wielding a kitchen knife was far faster than her. With just one swift move, he overtook her and grabbed her.

This man had an extremely ordinary appearance and a very weak presence. Luo felt he had seen him somewhere before but couldn’t recall exactly. The reason he was worth noting was that this man also possessed Nen abilities.

Zizhu was the man's name. He was a professional gourmet hunter who had once prepared three dishes for Elly and the others on a ship. Luo had confirmed the accuracy of the White Smoke font by verifying one of the dishes with him.

It could only be said that Zizhu's appearance was too ordinary and his presence too weak, causing Luo to forget about him long ago, only vaguely finding him familiar.

“Let go of me!” Menchi shouted angrily several times. Her collar was grabbed, and she was suspended in mid-air, her feet constantly kicking Zizhu.

Every kick was full of force, but Zizhu didn’t react at all. With the protection of his Nen, such an attack felt like a mosquito bite.

Zizhu coldly looked at Menchi and with a wave of his arm, flung her out.

Menchi flew through the air and landed heavily at the feet of the mustached man with a thud.

That merciless throw made Menchi cry out in pain. Her petite body curled up on the stage, unable to recover for a moment.

Below the stage, Luo frowned slightly. He clearly saw that the man had slightly used Nen to enhance the force of the throw. Otherwise, with Menchi’s physical strength, she wouldn’t be this out of breath from one fall.

The mustached man looked at Menchi, who was curled up in pain at his feet, then glanced at the expressionless Zizhu, not knowing what to say.

Should he thank him or condemn him?

If he placed it on a scale, it probably wouldn’t tilt either way.

Escaping responsibility seemed to be something Zizhu hated deeply, which was why he was so harsh on Menchi.

“Damn it…”

Menchi’s brows furrowed in pain, but she didn’t intend to give up running away, thinking of finding a suitable opportunity to escape.

The mustached man didn’t know that Menchi hadn’t given up on running away. He signaled to the two workers on the stage to take Menchi away, then looked at Zizhu and the chef, the two participants, and asked with a smile, “Which master will go first?”

“He will.” Zizhu glanced at the chef. He was the third to register and should wait a bit longer.

The chef nodded and walked towards the workstation.

At this moment, Menchi, who was lying on the ground, suddenly leapt up and, enduring the pain, ran towards the left side of the auction stage. She would rather face the two workers head-on than stay near Zizhu.

The two workers, caught off guard, let Menchi slip past them.


The two workers turned and chased after her.

Seeing Menchi insist on running, anger flashed in Zizhu’s eyes. With a step, he overtook the two workers and caught up with Menchi in a few breaths, grabbing her by the back of her collar again.

At the moment she was grabbed, Menchi's heart skipped a beat, thinking she was done for, as another fall would definitely be unbearable.

“I told you, those who escape responsibility are purely useless.”

Zizhu said coldly and threw Menchi back, aiming for the area near the mustached man again.

Menchi closed her eyes in an instant, lamenting in her heart and cursing this troublesome man.

Zizhu didn’t hold back with this throw either. He hated those who escaped responsibility the most, and this view was not limited by age.

Seeing Menchi being thrown again, some guests below the stage sighed in pity, while most felt indifferent.

Luo couldn’t stand it anymore. In a flash, he jumped onto the stage and caught Menchi. The moment he touched her, he skillfully enveloped her in Nen, not only cushioning the impact but also protecting her.

Menchi had prepared herself for another heavy fall, but instead of the expected impact, she fell into a warm embrace, feeling no pain at all.

“This is a bit too much.”

Luo held Menchi and calmly looked at Zizhu, who had slowly lowered his hand.

What he meant by “too much” was naturally the use of Nen to enhance the throw. Even though Menchi’s physical fitness was better than that of her peers, it didn’t change the fact that she was still a child.

As a Nen user himself, Zizhu should understand this implication.

Zizhu did understand and said coldly, “If she doesn’t get a lesson now, what will happen in the future?”

“You're quite passionate.” Luo shook his head slightly. In his view, Zizhu’s actions had far exceeded what the organizers had intended by throwing Menchi twice, clearly crossing the line.

Zizhu looked at Luo carefully and said after a moment, “I recognize you, Barney’s mercenary.”

Because Luo had once brought up the question of the rainbow ship dish, Zizhu remembered him. At the time, he thought that despite Luo’s young age, he had great insight. He didn’t expect that after a few years, Luo hadn’t changed much in appearance, but had grown much taller.

Hearing Zizhu's words, Luo finally remembered. It turned out to be the gourmet hunter from the ship. After the Yorknew incident, he had heard Kenda mention about the liver and gourmet competition, saying it was Zizhu.

“So it’s you. No wonder you looked familiar.” Luo said in realization.

At this moment, Luo noticed a gaze from his embrace. Looking down, he saw Menchi looking up at him with her eyes wide open.

“Are you alright?”

Luo smiled and put down the dazed Menchi, then squatted down and whispered in her ear.

Seeing Luo’s actions and feeling the faint warmth near her ear, the usually bold Menchi blushed instantly.

“Removing the poison sac of the sea urchin fish will turn it into a completely poisonous creature. But there is a way to neutralize the poison. Listen carefully.” Luo whispered in Menchi’s ear.

Luo’s head was close to Menchi’s ear not to flirt with her, but to tell her the solution.

This matter was originally Menchi’s fault, and 1.5 million wasn’t much to Luo. But he didn’t want to pay for Menchi.

Paying would easily solve the problem, but it would set a different precedent. He wouldn’t pay for Menchi but could tell her a method, letting her bear the responsibility herself.

At first, Menchi thought Luo wanted to do something else, but as she listened to Luo’s words, the shy look on her face gradually faded, replaced by a look of disbelief.

Luo spoke quickly, finishing the solution in no time, then stepped back with a smile, watching Menchi.

“You…” Menchi’s face was full of astonishment.

“The rest is up to you.”

Luo finished speaking and turned to leave the stage, leaving Menchi to face the two workers who quickly approached.

Menchi didn’t have time to think much. Seeing the two workers looking displeased, she momentarily forgot the pain and stretched out her hand, shouting, “Wait a minute, I can neutralize the poison of the sea urchin fish.”

In her haste, she mixed up “neutralize poison” with “remove poison.”

As soon as she said this, the hall fell silent.

If there was a way to remove the poison of the sea urchin fish, today’s contest wouldn’t have this “skilled winner” segment. So no one was willing to believe Menchi, including the mustached host.

Luo’s small action was noticed, but with his young appearance, he had no credibility.

Seeing no one believed her, Menchi resolutely said, “I can demonstrate it for you right now!”

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