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Chapter 675: The Decisive Disc Council Meeting

What exactly is magic power, and why does the Magic Empire so easily trade this extremely precious energy source? These two questions had puzzled Ita for a long time.

However, cutting-edge scientific research always comes with unknown risks, and they had witnessed the wonders of magic power. If they could utilize and master it, it would undoubtedly propel their civilization to a new level!

It was with this thought that Ita temporarily set aside his confusion and prepared to solve the problem with scientific development.

However, their research into the phenomenon of magic power spontaneously entering the Quantum Sea gave Ita a rude awakening. The magic power derived from the death of intelligent beings spontaneously returned to the Magic Empire's base.

This made Ita smell a strong scent of conspiracy, with countless possibilities flashing through his mind.

Since the other side could make some magic power enter the Quantum Sea during a form change, they might be able to manipulate and control other magic power as well.

If they spread magic power throughout the entire Geometric Civilization, what would happen? Ita could hardly imagine.

This was a complete trap.

The other party's trade of magic power was not a gift but a deliberate attempt to make them spread and use this energy source.

Ita instinctively wanted to inform the leader, Gerter, of this news. Before figuring out why magic power spontaneously returned to the Magic Empire, they had to suspend all use and research of magic power!

But just as Ita was about to press the emergency communication button, he suddenly stopped and looked at his assistant, hesitating as he asked.

"Have we received a reply to the message we just sent?"

"Yes! Lord Gerter is very pleased and is preparing to convene a high-level Disc Council meeting to publicly commend our achievements!" the assistant replied.

However, Ita did not feel happy at all, constantly recalling the recent years' anomalies of this star region's ruler, Gerter.

Since completing the energy conversion, Gerter had begun to have some personal guards and high-level individuals in the star region undergo energy state transformation.

Ita had felt it was strange before, as these people, unlike Gerter, whose lifespan was near its end, had no urgent need. They could have waited another decade or so, even if it meant improving the success rate by just five percent.

Moreover, regarding magic power research, Gerter had always given them the green light, never rejecting any experimental requests, even blatantly violating the laws of the Geometric Civilization.

As a researcher, Ita's moral baseline was low, so he conducted large-scale human experiments without any scruples. But based on his understanding, Gerter's past style was conservative. Even if it was for the continuation of the Geometric Civilization, relaxing constraints seemed somewhat far-fetched.

Thus, a second guess emerged in Ita's mind. Their energy conversion technology was developed based on magic power, essentially a way to use this special energy source.

Could the Magic Empire also exert some influence on those who relied on magic power and had completed energy conversion?

Or perhaps the energy ascension of the Geometric Civilization was precisely what the other party wanted them to do…

The more Ita thought about it, the more frightened he became. If this guess were correct, the Geometric Civilization was undoubtedly in a perilous situation.

Even more pressing for Ita was that, as far as he knew, many Disc leaders had already completed energy state conversion. Even in this laboratory, more than sixty percent had completed the conversion.

Who was trustworthy, and who was not, Ita could not completely determine.

The internal signals of the star region were relatively isolated, making it impossible for Ita to contact the Supreme Leader…

Wait, Gerter seemed to be preparing a high-level meeting…

Ita suddenly recalled the assistant's words and realized this was the perfect opportunity to expose the Magic Empire's conspiracy, as most leaders would be present.

With this in mind, Ita carefully crafted a message and sent it out.


Several days later, in the grand cosmos, Galaxy 0001, thousands of galactic warships arrived at the outermost edge of stellar gravity through temporary wormholes. After inspection, they were allowed to enter.

This was the core hub of the Geometric Civilization, the birthplace of the civilization, with the most stringent defenses. Moreover, this time was a high-level Disc Council meeting, usually held once every century, with all top officials in attendance.

The meeting location was set within a higher-dimensional space.

Although the Geometric Civilization's research on dimensions was still in its early stages, creating an independent higher-dimensional space was achievable.

The purpose was naturally to avoid enemy strikes. With so many important figures gathered, any attack from a hostile civilization would have dire consequences.

Gerter was neither the latest nor the earliest to arrive.

In the vast conference hall, electromagnetic waves of various frequencies flickered continuously as almost all high-level officials debated Gerter's proposed energy ascension plan for the race.

There were stubborn conservatives who believed they could not abandon their carbon-based life traits, and there were radicals who thought they should completely release constraints and achieve energy ascension as quickly as possible.

Diplomatic strategies regarding the Magic Empire were also a focal point of contention, with dozens of proposed plans, each fiercely debated.

Ita hadn't seen such a lively scene for a long time.

It must be said that contact with the Magic Empire had injected new vitality into the entire civilization. The last time such a situation occurred was over a thousand years ago, recorded in the optical brain when they had just discovered the seventh element.

Once everyone was present, the Supreme Leader pressed the alarm bell, and a strong electromagnetic wave immediately covered the entire venue, turning all communications into chaotic signals.

The thousands of Disc leaders present immediately realized the meeting had begun, with Gerter being the first speaker. This high-level meeting was also his proposal.

"I will explain the recent progress in energy conversion technology..." Gerter wasted no time, directly announcing the successful achievement of batch energy state conversion technology with a success rate of ninety-five percent, and even boasted that they had complete confidence in raising this rate to one hundred percent by the end of the year!

This undoubtedly addressed the main concern of the opposition, as even a high probability would cause unease as long as there was a chance of failure. No one could guarantee they wouldn't be the unlucky one.

"As for the technical aspects, Ita will explain to you all!"

Hearing this, the Disc leaders present all looked over. Ita nervously stood up, understanding that this would be his only chance.

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