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Chapter 673: Low-Dimensional Bosons and High-Dimensional Fermions

Lynn had seen such issues many times before and was not surprised by them. High-level intelligent life forms inevitably encounter conflicts.

Previously, in the land of wizards, the conflict between commoners and wizards had already begun to surface.

Wizards, who held power, wealth, and status, replaced the nobility after their elimination.

The difference between them was that wizards represented advanced productivity. Even an apprentice could be worth ten laborers, while nobles had nothing special aside from their status.

However, these conflicts had temporarily eased with the progress in productivity since Lynn's arrival but had now resurfaced.

The reason was simple: the number of wizards had reached one-fourth of the population, becoming an unavoidable issue.

Lynn's solution, implemented by the council, was simple: advance the magical process of the entire kingdom. If everyone became a wizard, the conflict between wizards and commoners would naturally dissolve. The only problem was that it was too slow, requiring at least fifty years to achieve, with each generation passing away.

Fortunately, there was more good news than bad. Besides the population surge, the council had absorbed various technologies provided by the geometric civilization over the years. Antimatter annihilation furnaces built on various planets had replaced the outdated hydrogen fusion reactors, increasing efficiency by dozens of times, making energy seemingly inexhaustible.

Now, the tenth generation of spaceships no longer required gods as fuel to achieve light-speed cruising. Various data had also improved several times with breakthroughs in material science.

One good news after another delighted Lynn, far exceeding his previous expectations.

"What should we do next? Return to the grand universe?" Harrof asked.

"I think we should stay here. The fifty-fold time flow allows us to accomplish much," Vittorio opposed, suggesting they remain in the Quantum Sea since they could sustain themselves there.

Others had different opinions. Boulder preferred to stay, as he had only completed his promotion twenty years ago and was still some distance from achieving mid-level divine power.

Aurora and Anthony leaned towards returning. They had been here for sixty-seven years, feeling somewhat bored in this "small" world. Most importantly, the promotion of star gods required finding suitable planets in the outside world, which was currently the best way to improve the council's overall strength.

After pondering for a while, Lynn decided, "Then let's return in three years!"

Having just completed his promotion, he needed time to familiarize himself with his new powers, but staying here indefinitely was not suitable either.

Although the fifty-fold time flow gave them an advantage, major breakthroughs were unlikely in the short term since the council had already absorbed and utilized the basic technologies from the geometric civilization.

Additionally, they had almost exhausted the resources of this star system and urgently needed external resources.

Furthermore, there were still many matters to handle with the geometric civilization. Seventy years here was about a year and a half in the grand universe. He had sensed some non-humans in the Magic Web's connection, indicating that some leaders had ascended during this time.

After deciding on the departure time, Boulder and others returned to their divine domains to make final preparations.

Lynn flew alone into the Quantum Sea to familiarize himself with his new powers.

The connection with various divine duties was just the shallowest part; the more crucial breakthrough was at the microscopic level.

Now, he could "see" things smaller than protons and neutrons.

For instance, electricity and light...

In essence, basic particles. Previously, Lynn could only roughly sense their existence, but now he could "see" them more directly.

As he expected, the electrons scattered throughout the Quantum Sea were actually part of a vast higher-dimensional electron. However, this connection was beyond human comprehension, being both continuous and discontinuous.

The freer the electrons, the closer their connection, allowing them to easily traverse dimensions and appear anywhere in the universe. Those influenced by magnetic fields, gravity, and other factors, however, were like kites bound by a string, limited to swinging within a confined area.

And dimensions curled layer upon layer...

After observing for about half an hour, Lynn felt dizzy, a fatigue emanating from his divine soul. Even with the computational power of a billion-level wizard, he could not long observe higher-dimensional spaces and had to stop temporarily.

Reaching out, Lynn used divine force to draw a wisp of dust from the star system, disintegrated it into protons and neutrons with material deconstruction, and then used electromagnetic divine power to temporarily eliminate strong nuclear forces, dividing it into smaller quarks and leptons, continuing to cut them.

However, this time he hit a wall. Lynn tried to make two heaps of quarks collide at light speed, but only some high-energy state quarks lost some energy without being shattered.

Next came attempts with electron knives and spatial cuts on a smaller scale...

Lynn tried various methods, all to no avail.

According to the standard model theory of the Federation, fermions and bosons were likely the basic particles of the universe. Quarks and electrons belonged to fermions, while photons belonged to bosons, distinguished by their combination methods.

In simple terms, bosons could stack infinitely in one region, possessing low-dimensional characteristics, akin to a low-dimensional object with no width or height continuously stacking in a high-dimensional space without occupying any space.

Fermions, on the other hand, were limited in number within the same space.

However, Lynn believed that fermions and bosons were not the most fundamental particles in the universe. Although tiny, they were still far from the Planck length.

In fact, the geometric civilization had already confirmed the existence of particles smaller than electrons, naming them "cosmic origin particles," believing they formed all basic particles, were the essence of energy conversion, and marked the boundary between the tangible and intangible, the true unified theory.

However, even with the geometric civilization's methods, they could not capture, influence, or separate these cosmic origin particles.

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