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Chapter 671: I Am the Sun!

A blinding and terrifying light swallowed the darkness, rapidly spreading. The planet closest to the sun had already been consumed. The magical protective layer on the planet's surface showed signs of being breached.

Fortunately, several star god-level council members had arrived just in time!

Aurora was the first to act. As the God of Optics, dealing with such light pollution was her specialty. However, this force was too powerful, not merely light, but a manifestation of magical power and will. All she could do was try to diminish the intensity of these rays.

Vittorio, Anthony, Boulder, Sanchez, and Aoge each entered a planet to reinforce the internal defenses. The strongest among them, Harof, had the most arduous task: to concentrate and eliminate the weakened rays to prevent the protective barrier, built with the power of the seventh element and divine energy, from being directly shattered.

But just as Harof was about to act, the terrifying aurora rays suddenly vanished without a trace, leaving only a dazzling point of light before them.

Harof immediately realized something, his face breaking into a joyous smile.


After sixty-seven years, Lynn awakened from his endless slumber.

Of course, "slumber" wasn't quite accurate. During these years, Lynn had been tirelessly absorbing and digesting the immense and violent energy of the sun's core.

This was no easy task, so much so that Lynn couldn't even spare the mental focus to observe the outside world, fully dedicating himself to taming the star. It wasn't until just now that he finally completed the last step!

He had merged with the star!

Now, Lynn was the sun itself, or rather, the star was within him!

This was a completely different feeling from turning a planet into a divine domain. Lynn had never experienced such a tremendous energy boost, almost to the point of being uncontrollable. Just a slight movement of his body made him feel as if a vast power was about to burst forth.

Lynn knew that if this power went out of control, the consequences would be terrifying. So, he had been meticulously controlling the energy leakage while absorbing the sun's core, only encountering a mishap during the final fusion.

Lynn had restrained ninety-nine percent of the energy, but the leaking one percent was still terrifyingly powerful. When he realized something was wrong, he quickly retracted this power.

After adjusting to his current state, Lynn's gaze swept across the entire star system.

Having merged with the star, his perception could now cover the entire star system. He immediately noticed the changes within it. Except for the Eternal Star, the originally barren four planets were now teeming with life, with vast blue oceans and green forests covering most areas.

Most importantly, the number of people connected to the Magic Web had reached 1.07 billion!

This was undoubtedly a huge number. The minimum requirement to connect to the Magic Web was to be an apprentice wizard, and before he entered the star core, this number was less than 50 million!

A twenty-fold increase was astonishing!

It seemed that during his time merging with the star, the entire star system had developed very well under the council's leadership, even better than he had expected!

As Lynn pondered, he saw several streams of light flying towards him; it was Harof and the others.

"Anthony, Sanchez, and Boulder, congratulations!" Lynn's gaze swept over the newly ascended star gods, pausing before he spoke with a smile. "I didn't expect you three to ascend first. That surprised me."

Judging by the previous order of legendary ascensions, he had thought Raphael and the others would be quicker.

Boulder was quite proud. He was the oldest kingdom citizen to become a wizard in the old era.

In his forties, he was still a bard when the Wizard Council invaded the kingdom, and he began to study to become a wizard apprentice.

Thanks to his exceptional talent and the convenience of the Magic Web, his advancement was rapid, taking about twenty years to transform from a commoner to a legend.

Earlier, he had gained the qualification for ascension by making significant contributions to improving the portal technology.

Anthony and Sanchez also earned the right to transform the two remaining planets into divine domains by improving projection magic and energy life technology.

As for Raphael, being the leader of the council's daily affairs, he had so much to handle that it delayed his ascension.

However, Raphael had long since become a nine-ring legendary wizard, and his ascension was likely imminent.

In the past sixty-seven years, the council had built a total of seven hundred star-class battleships. With the geometric civilization's curvature engine technology, they no longer needed a god as fuel.

Artificial black hole technology had also made breakthroughs, but due to limited materials and space within the star system, it remained theoretical for now.

"Has it really been sixty-seven years?" Lynn was somewhat surprised. He had thought fifty years would be sufficient, but it seemed he had underestimated the difficulty of merging with a star.

"By the way, Chairman Lynn, where has the sun gone?" Boulder suddenly asked.

They were standing where the sun used to be, but the star had vanished.

"Now, I am that sun!" Lynn raised an eyebrow. Given the difference in the nature of stars and planets, he had directly used this vast energy to create an even more powerful divine body to counter the threats of the main world.

This way, wherever he went, it was like being within his divine domain.

Hearing this, Harof and the others' faces twitched. With the sun gone, what about the rotation and revolution of the planets?

Currently, they were using divine power to maintain the planets' rotation, ensuring that the inhabitants were not too affected.

But they couldn't sustain this with divine power indefinitely.

Lynn pondered for a moment before saying, "No worries, we'll just create another gravitational point!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before they could react, Lynn extended his hand. The surrounding space twisted and compressed, quickly forming a point of mass.

A ripple in space-time spread from this point, simulating a gravity similar to the sun's, pulling the planets back into their orbits.

Then, they only needed to create supermassive fusion reactors on each planet's orbit to provide light, solving the issue.

Of course, this was a temporary measure. In the future, they could consider bringing in a sun of similar mass and size from another star system.

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