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Chapter 270: Decisions and Movements

President Netero has made a misstep… and thus, Luo claimed victory in this game, but the injuries to both hands were quite severe, a consequence of catching a hard ball.

Desperate to win this game that resembled an athletic competition, half of the reason was the stakes, the other half was because Luo did not want to lose.

That unwillingness to lose was the same for anyone.

As the game progressed to the later stages, turning defeat into victory was the most exhilarating experience. At that moment, Luo saw the dawn of victory, so he went all out to grasp that glimmer of light.

After the game ended, Machi and others entered the field to check on Luo's hands. They couldn't understand Luo's actions, it was just a game for amusement...

Regarding the stakes, Luo would not mention it in front of everyone, and Netero had no need to bring it up after the game ended; both were aware of it.

Machi and the others were clueless about this, naturally, they couldn't figure it out.

Luo's hands were injured, and Netero's plans to play until dawn were ruined, along with his carelessness in losing the game, his focus shifted to the other players.

Similar to the ball game, Buhara, Uvogin, and Nobunaga were forced to stay in the combat room for Netero to vent.

Luo returned to his room, and since Sanbica was not there, he contacted a doctor from Heavens Arena to treat his hands.

Bisky and Machi stood by quietly, watching the doctor busy at work.

People got injured every day in Heavens Arena, and the doctor was skilled in handling these cases, giving Luo proper treatment.

Once the doctor left, the room was left with Luo, Bisky, and Machi.

Luo lifted his hands, wrapped like rice dumplings, and thought about how troublesome the injury was.

"Be less reckless next time," Bisky said.

Luo smirked and replied, "It was worth it."

"Hmm?" Bisky seemed to hear the underlying message.

Luo just smiled and did not speak. He hadn't yet decided how to use that favor, but it was open-ended, to be used whenever he thought of it.

Looking at Luo's smile, Bisky associated it with how he took the hard catch and won the game almost underhandedly; it was probably something he could gain.

That is, Luo might have made a private bet with the President.

"You won, so did the President give you a Hunter's license?" Bisky tentatively asked.

Her guess was associated with a bet related to the Hunter's license.

"It's not the Hunter's license." Luo rolled his eyes, again with the Hunter's license, something he could easily obtain with his current abilities, why bother taking a shortcut?

"Then what is it?" Bisky asked.

"Hehe." Luo grinned mischievously, "An open-ended favor!"

Bisky was shocked, not expecting President Netero to bet so big, and moreover, to let things slide!

She felt that for someone of the President's stature, this bet was too reckless, and curious, she asked, "What if the President won?"

Luo was silent for a while, then said, "If the President won, I would have to accept the Hunter's license he offered."


Bisky almost spat blood.

President Netero… was too playful.


Two days later, Bisky still left.

Although communication and transportation were well developed, allowing for anytime contact and meetings, Luo still felt reluctant, having grown accustomed to the help Bisky often provided him as an elder.

But according to Bisky, she wasn't a nanny and would have to leave after finishing her business.

After seeing Bisky off, Luo returned to Heavens Arena, and President Netero was still there, but no longer had anyone to accompany him in playing because Buhara and the others were scared off and were now avoiding him.

In the room, Netero watched as Luo opened the door and entered, saying, "Bisky has left, huh?"

Luo nodded and sat down on the sofa.

"What favor do you want to ask?" Netero was drinking a glass of juice, bringing up the stakes after two days.

"I haven't thought of anything yet, how about making me vice president as a joke?" Luo jokingly said.

"Okay." Netero's eyes brightened, promptly responding.

Seeing Netero not only not making it difficult but also so decisive, Luo's mouth twitched helplessly, "I was joking, I can't think of any requests right now, I'll mention it when I do."

"Young man, you should seize the opportunity well," Netero stroked his beard, enticingly said.


 for Luo's joking request, Netero was more than willing, but having interacted with him these past few days, he roughly understood Luo's style. Not to mention vice president, making Luo a member of the Zodiacs was a difficult task.

Previously, convincing Ging to become a member of the Zodiacs also took him a lot of effort, and now, another one came up.

"Forget it, I won't do thankless tasks," Luo said, curling his lips.

Currently, the Hunter Association didn't even have a vice president position, and having Netero as a president, one could easily imagine the disaster of a vice president.

Netero's original intention was to come and play with Luo, no, to personally interact with Luo, then give Luo a backdoor, directly handing him a Hunter's license, but it failed.

There were two vacancies in the Zodiacs, and Netero wanted Luo to become one of them. There's a saying, proximity to power gives advantage; as long as Luo became a member of the Zodiacs, he could always have Luo accompany him in playing.

However, he also knew that this matter depended on careful handling. Not to mention Luo had not yet obtained a Hunter's license, figuring out how to get Luo to agree was also troublesome.

"Are you planning to attend this year's Hunter Exam?" Thinking of this, Netero shifted the topic.

"If nothing unexpected happens, I probably will," Luo thought that as long as he wasn't entangled in external affairs, he would basically participate in the exam.

Netero nodded, drinking up the beverage in his glass in one gulp.

Drip, drip.

At that moment, Netero's cellphone rang.

Netero casually took out his phone, pinching it with his index finger, keeping it a distance from his ear before answering.


After connecting, a very loud and resentful voice came from the phone!

This voice was Bean's, who after Netero sneaked away, very thoughtfully gave Netero a few days, only seeking Netero today.

Because, if Netero had been sought immediately after sneaking away, it would only be counterproductive.

Netero, with a dead-fish eye expression, waited for Bean's opening roar to end, then placed the phone to his ear, saying, "Oh, it's Bean."

On the other end, Bean felt like dying, angrily said, "I'm already at the rooftop helipad of Heavens Arena, please come back with me immediately."

"How coincidental? I just got back to the association," Netero calmly said.

"You... think I would believe that?" Bean's forehead was filled with black lines.

Bean was probably too excited, causing the phone to be audible without speakerphone, and Luo, who was sitting nearby, could hear very clearly. At this moment, seeing Netero blatantly lying with an unchanged expression, he felt particularly speechless.


In the interior of the Yorbian Continent, there's a large city called Ambo, where half a month ago, a suspected flu 'virus' outbreak occurred, spreading to surrounding areas with lightning speed.

After the danger was discovered, local officials immediately launched countermeasures, but in the end, they were helpless and could only resort to temporary isolation measures.

Sanbica, as a Virus Hunter, along with two other hunters from the association, entered Ambo's heavily affected area three days ago.

At this moment, in a tent, stood more than ten people, each wearing epidemic prevention suits, and Sanbica was among them.

Everyone gathered around a table, on which lay a world map, with a uniquely shaped island circled in red.

The topic of discussion among the people was not the virus, but this island.


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