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Chapter 72: The Alchemy Furnace

Old Master Feng shook his head, "It's been quite a few years, last time the array was repaired was either ten or twenty years ago. Using it for so long without issues is quite remarkable."

"What about this alchemy furnace..."

Old Master Feng twisted the crane carving on the exterior of the furnace, and both the inner and outer layers of the furnace began to rotate until they separated, revealing the array patterns inside.

"I'll keep my promise to you, but first, I want to test you," said Old Master Feng as he pointed to the array patterns inside the furnace. "Identify these arrays first."

Mo Hua leaned in closely and studied them seriously, pondering for a moment before responding, "Magma Array, Wooden Qi Array, Spirit Gathering Array... Is this a composite array containing these three arrays?"

Old Master Feng was slightly astonished, "You've even learned composite arrays?"

A single array formed from array patterns is a basic array, and connecting several such arrays forms a composite array.

Composite arrays are stronger than basic arrays and can achieve more complex spiritual energy effects, but without a strong foundation and heritage, an array master couldn't learn them, let alone a common wandering cultivator.

Old Master Feng knew that Mo Hua was studying array patterns and also knew about Mo Hua's exceptional spiritual awareness and his talent in arrays, but he did not expect Mo Hua to recognize a composite array at a glance.

Mo Hua said modestly, "I can't draw composite arrays yet; I've only read about them in books. I haven't even mastered the basic arrays yet."

Old Master Feng nodded, "For someone your age, it's good enough to know them. This is a Wood-Fire Spirit Control Array, a composite array that utilizes the spiritual effects of fire and wood elements. The wood element nurtures medicinal herbs, while the fire element refines their medicinal properties. These elements can be harmonized through the array to concoct the desired elixirs."

"This seems much more complex than a tool forging furnace..." Mo Hua was astounded.

"Want to give it a try?" asked Old Master Feng.

"Yes," said Mo Hua, "I can't draw composite arrays, but if it's just about repairing the array, I should be able to manage by following the existing patterns."

Liu Ruhua took Mo Hua's hand gently and said, "If you're not sure, don't bother Old Master Feng."

Old Master Feng smiled, "No worries, let him try. It doesn't matter if he makes mistakes, it's all part of learning. Whether it's alchemy or drawing arrays, if you're afraid of making mistakes, you won't gain any deep insights."

"Thank you, Grandpa Feng!"

Mo Hua then took no further reservations, and asked Old Master Feng for fire and wood spirit ink to begin repairing the array patterns.

The Wood-Fire Spirit Control Array had been failing due to wear and tear over years of alchemy, causing some array patterns to become dim and unable to channel spiritual energy, rendering the entire array ineffective.

Mo Hua's task was simple: to restore the dimmed and inactive array patterns back to function, ensuring the smooth flow of spiritual energy through the entire array would be considered a success.

With the array brush in his small hand and dipped in spirit ink, Mo Hua began to redraw the array patterns.

Old Master Feng silently praised him as he drew each stroke with ease and without hesitation, clearly the result of diligent practice. It was evident that Mo Hua had put in significant effort into learning arrays.

Out of the three arrays, two had broken patterns, but there were also six or seven dimmed patterns that needed to be redrawn.

Mo Hua's spiritual awareness couldn't sustain drawing so many patterns, and the spiritual energy consumption was also quite high, so he had to rest two or three times before finally completing the array repair.

At the third level of Qi cultivation, having repaired a total of eight or nine array patterns, even though he rested for a while, his spiritual awareness was much stronger than Old Master Feng had anticipated.

Old Master Feng looked at Mo Hua with increased seriousness.

"Grandpa Feng, I've finished drawing. Could you check if the alchemy furnace is fixed?"

"Oh, alright, let me see."

Old Master Feng came back to his senses, collected his thoughts, and inspected the alchemy furnace. Although he had some expectations, he was still genuinely surprised and appreciatively said, "Well done, you've really fixed it. You've really helped this old man out this time."

Mo Hua chuckled.

Liu Ruhua lightly tapped Mo Hua's forehead, "Old Master Feng is praising you, and you don't even show modesty."

Her tone carried a bit of reprimand, but her expression was filled with satisfaction.

Old Master Feng began refining elixirs in the furnace, spending an hour to complete

 the elixirs before placing them into a blue and white porcelain vial, handing it to Liu Ruhua.

"Take one twice a day, morning and evening. Come see me after you finish them."

Liu Ruhua bowed, "Thank you, Old Master Feng."

Mo Hua also expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Grandpa Feng."

Before they left, Old Master Feng suddenly called out to Mo Hua, pondering for a moment before advising, "Mo Hua, if you ever encounter poor cultivators, help them within your abilities."

Mo Hua nodded but curiously asked, "Grandpa Feng, why do you suddenly say this?"

Old Master Feng looked at Mo Hua and said, "I am old now, having spent my life just able to help the wandering cultivators of this area with alchemy and healing. But you are different; you might be able to help more cultivators in the future..."

"Comprehend the Dao of Heaven, benefit all beings, this is what my master taught me when he saved me, a destitute and desperate man, and passed on his alchemy skills to me, allowing me to have today."

Old Master Feng's master held such a belief, saving Old Master Feng, and because of such kindness, Old Master Feng also saved Mo Hua, who was born weak and frail, and Liu Ruhua, who was afflicted with fire toxin.

Moved by this, Mo Hua solemnly nodded, "Grandpa Feng, I will remember."

Old Master Feng's eyes showed a trace of gratification.

Mo Hua then thought to ask, "But what if some people are not worthy of being helped?"

"Not helping those unworthy of help is also a form of benefaction," Old Master Feng said meaningfully.

After returning home, Mo Hua continued to study array patterns in his room.

Liu Ruhua, after cleaning up the restaurant, sat in front of the hall sewing clothes.

Just as midnight approached, Mo Shan, who had been out hunting demons, returned home dusty and weary. He wore several demon beast pelts on his shoulders and had several storage bags tied around his waist. His clothes were scratched and stained with blood. Seeing his wife, his tired expression softened:

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

Liu Ruhua took off the pelts and storage bags from Mo Shan and handed him clean clothes to change into, "I couldn't rest easy without you home. Did you get hurt this time?"

"Just some minor scratches, I've applied medicine, it's nothing serious. How's Mo Hua?"

"He's in his room reading, probably asleep by now."


Liu Ruhua brought over some food, and Mo Shan began to eat heartily.

The dim candlelight flickered quietly, and the room was filled with tranquility.

Seeing Liu Ruhua's smiling lips, Mo Shan asked with a smile, "What's the happy news?"

"Yes," Liu Ruhua said, "Old Master Feng praised Mo Hua today for his skill in drawing arrays..."

Liu Ruhua recounted the day's events and then said, "I often hear others praise Mo Hua for his talent. Children are easily praised when they are smart, but it doesn't always mean much. However, Old Master Feng, with his vast experience, said Mo Hua has a gift. This means Mo Hua might truly become an array master..."

Liu Ruhua sighed, "I'm weak, and it affected Mo Hua from birth. As the saying goes, 'You live off the land you're on.' Around Tongxian City, there are many demons, and most cultivators can only make a living as Demon Hunters. Mo Hua is frail and couldn't handle that line of work. We can't look after him forever, and I was always worried that if something happened to us, and we couldn't be there for him, how Mo Hua would manage on his own. Now that he has a chance to become an array master, not having to fight with demons, I'm relieved."

Mo Shan gently held his wife's hand, "Don't worry, Mo Hua is a smart and sensible child, he will surely make something of himself. We'll watch him grow up, achieve success, marry and have children. So, you must take care of yourself, we still have many days ahead..."

"Yes." Liu Ruhua nestled gently into Mo Shan's embrace.

In the room, Mo Hua's eyes were open. Since he had been practicing array patterns day and night, his spiritual awareness had greatly improved, allowing him to hear his parents' conversation.

A tear moistened the corner of Mo Hua's eye, which he gently wiped away, then his spiritual awareness dived back into his sea of consciousness, continuing to practice array patterns on the Dao Stele.


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