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Chapter 265: The Chairman's Hobby

Playing ball?

Luo remembered that Netero used the game of "playing ball" to tease Kite and Gon. It was called playing ball, but it was actually a game of snatch.

Being teased unilaterally is not a pleasant thing.

Luo was aware of his limits; after giving it some thought, he firmly declined: "Not interested."

Biscuit was leaving tomorrow, so he wanted to fully enjoy Ms. Cookie's massage tonight; he had no time to play with Netero.

Seeing Luo's prompt refusal, Netero hooked his pale beard with his index finger, as if he had no good way to convince Luo to play with him.

Using the Hunter License? Clearly, that wouldn't work. He actually wanted to give the Hunter License to Luo directly, but Luo seemed uninterested in it.

Just as Netero felt at a loss, Luo suddenly pointed at Buhara and said, "If you really want to play, let Buhara accompany you."

Upon being saddled with the task, Buhara immediately shook his head vigorously, jokingly saying he'd rather take a few punches from Biscuit than play ball with Chairman Netero.

"Ah, the youth these days, they just don't understand how to show some consideration for the elderly."

Netero stood up and walked to the side, twisting his waist and sighing, "I'm just an old man looking to play with the frailest person after a meal to help digestion. It's disheartening to be refused, and then to be offered a big guy to bully an old man."

The frailest... Was this some sort of provocation?

Luo rolled his eyes, slowly put down his chopsticks, and said earnestly, "Chairman Netero, you came here specifically for me, didn't you?"

To not even pass the 230th floor and directly invite him to play ball after a meal clearly showed he came for him, but Luo wondered what Chairman Netero's motive was.

"Indeed." Netero admitted unabashedly.

Luo rubbed his forehead and asked, "Just to have me accompany you to play ball?"

Netero stroked his beard and seriously replied, "Pretty much."

Luo hadn't participated in last year's Hunter Exam, and Netero, regretful yet helpless, had watched Luo's battle with Antomu on broadcast the other day. What he thought was that he hoped Luo would quickly get his license, as talents like him were rare and needed to be recruited as soon as possible.

Most importantly, once Luo became a member of the Association, Netero could have Luo by his side to pass the time when bored, and with two vacancies in the Zodiacs, Luo could fill one.

Thus, on a whim after watching the match, Chairman Netero dropped his duties, commandeered a flying ship, and flew to Heavens Arena to find Luo.

It was all good to bum a meal, play ball, and chat; he was ready with a Hunter License, looking for any excuse to hand it to Luo.

Chairman Netero's whimsical nature was quite frightening; he epitomized the phrase "at one's whim," never hesitating to abuse his authority, nor caring about Luo's background or age.

Biscuit sighed lightly; she understood the chairman. To have Luo accompany him to play ball, he had abandoned the Association's duties, a truly characteristic act of the chairman.

"May I refuse again?"

Luo spoke with sincerity, although Netero had specifically come for him, he didn't want to be tormented.

"Of course." Netero smiled lightly and calmly said, "But I can't guarantee whether your sleep quality tonight will be good or bad."

"That's a threat, right?" Luo groaned.

Netero immediately put on a "What are you talking about? I don't understand" face.

Biscuit, watching from the side, felt that she could no longer let the chairman continue being so capricious. Was he not concerned about his image?

She looked at Luo and said, "Luo, just accompany the chairman for a bit."

"Don't, it's the last day!" Luo widened his eyes; he really had to listen to Biscuit.

Biscuit knew what Luo meant by that and said, "I'll stay another day."

Luo was reluctant, but since Biscuit had said so, he could only agree.

Netero looked at Biscuit, then at Luo, stroking his beard in silence.

Ten minutes later, in the combat room left by Antomu, only Luo and Netero were present.

Netero held a volleyball in his hand, tossing it up continuously, appearing quite eager.

Luo, unwillingly, asked, "What

 are the rules?"

"You've never played volleyball?" Netero stopped tossing the ball, looking surprised.

"I have," Luo glanced around the environment and said, "But this isn't a volleyball court, and how do we play volleyball with just two people?"

Netero suddenly realized, holding the ball in his right hand and raising his left hand, smiling, "You're right. Let's set some temporary game rules."

"…" Luo.

Netero didn't think too long, just glanced at the field and made a decision, saying, "The game rule is simple: make the opponent unable to catch the ball."

"Can we use Nen?" Luo asked.

"That's natural; wouldn't it be boring without Nen?" Netero tossed the volleyball.

Luo silently nodded. With Nen, he could use his domain to reduce the impact force of the volleyball, which was quite advantageous.

"Then, I'm serving." Netero held the ball in his right hand, opened all his aura nodes, and his aura covered his body, flowing unusually quietly.


Seeing the aura on Netero up close, Luo's expression changed.

Was the aura flowing? It should be, but the flow was imperceptible. If it were the same during combat, it would be impossible to make judgments based on the aura's flow.

How was that achieved?

"Luo, make sure you enjoy yourself."

Netero suddenly spoke, pulling Luo's attention back.

Luo twitched his mouth, also opening his aura nodes, allowing the aura to cover his body.

Then, Netero infused aura into the volleyball, and with a flick into the air, he raised his right hand and slammed down on the volleyball.


With a muffled sound, the volleyball instantly deformed, turning into a black shadow flying towards Luo's right court at lightning speed.

"So fast!"

Luo's eyes swiftly shifted right, and at the same time, he quickly moved right, gathering aura in his palm, creating a spherical domain. He then framed the incoming volleyball within it.

The volleyball flew into the domain and visibly slowed down rapidly. In just a few seconds, Luo, manipulating it in mid-air, stopped it right in front of his palm.

"Ho ho." Netero watched the scene, his eyes showing interest; this first ball was less than half his strength.

After completely neutralizing the force in the volleyball, Luo held the ball, looking at Netero fifty meters away, and said, "My turn now."

He infused aura into the volleyball, held it half a meter in front of him with his domain, then gathered most of his aura in his right hand.

Bright Nen light burst from his right hand, appearing like a shining lightbulb to Netero.

"Using 'Ko' with some reservation, you're really not holding back." A smile flickered across Netero's face.

Dividing a small part of the aura to infuse the volleyball in a 'circular' manner, a bit of aura kept it floating in mid-air, then he gathered the remaining aura in his right hand.

This was Luo's full-powered strike.


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