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Chapter 576: Lunar Fortress!

In July, the warm summer breeze swept through, bringing joy once again to the central region of the kingdom with a bountiful harvest.

Covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, endless, golden, neatly arranged wheat fields stretched as far as the eye could see. Through the joint efforts of magic and hundreds of thousands of laborers, more than 300,000 hectares in the central region had been transformed into the kingdom’s granary!

This area alone was sufficient to supply nearly eighty percent of the magical kingdom's food and livestock needs. Five years ago, Beat was just a farmer in a territory directly governed by the royalty. Although the relatively low taxes in these territories meant that a good harvest could satisfy his hunger, drought or war within the kingdom would make life exceedingly difficult.

However, since the wizards conquered the capital and occupied the entire kingdom, Beat’s life had undergone tremendous changes.

Initially, when those wizard lords proposed consolidating scattered lands for centralized, mechanized farming, it was met with spontaneous resistance from countless farmers. For these peasants, who had been tilling the land for generations, the fields were more precious than life itself; they were, in some respects, even more important than life itself. As long as they had land, they could at least secure the bare minimum to survive.

Most people did not believe that the wizards, demonized as followers of an apocalyptic cult by the church, would be so benevolent. Thus, they were highly resistant to the so-called agricultural reform plan.

But a group of farmers had no power to resist the spellcasters who wielded what was known as magical miracles.

Fortunately, the council had no intention of mass slaughter, opting instead to first cultivate wasteland and entice some less steadfast citizens to participate in the management through words and benefits.

Beat undoubtedly seized this rare opportunity, responding to the wizards' grand farming scheme and quickly became a large farm owner managing thousands of acres. He also witnessed farming magic beyond his imagination.

Plowing and planting required neither human nor animal labor; one only needed to operate a massive alchemical creation, which a few people could manage to easily cultivate thousands of acres.

Even watering and fertilizing were handled by specialized elemental wizards, who cast a spell called "NPK Yield Enhancement" weekly, significantly increasing the wheat yield for the following year.

Their most important task, however, was to combine their past experience with the wizards' agricultural experiments.

Indeed, those lofty wizards were all too busy, sparing little effort on such 'trivial' tasks as crop cultivation. After struggling through the first difficult year, they ceased assisting in planting and began mass-producing a kind of alchemical powder that increased soil fertility and reduced pests.

Having enjoyed the convenience of fully automated farming, Beat whimsically rented an airship with all his savings for daily watering and fertilizing tasks.

After all, farmers were hard to recruit these days, with magic workshops offering frighteningly high wages. Those who had vehemently opposed the agricultural reform, wishing to die in their fields rather than give them up, had all gone to work in workshops making iron and glass.

Thus, renting an airship was a reluctant but necessary measure. Thanks to these miraculous alchemical creations, his family could efficiently manage a thousand acres.

However, Beat was not without worries; his greatest concern was the centralized planting. If a massive drought or flood occurred, wouldn't the entire kingdom's food supply be doomed?

Yet, over the years, Beat was surprised to find his worries seemingly unfounded. Those wizard lords appeared to have the ability to predict the weather. This past year was even more bizarre, with the timing and amount of rain being precisely controlled.

Some time ago, a wizard apprentice even sent them a survey asking how much rain they needed each season, how many sunny days were ideal, and which days were best for rain...

After reviewing the survey, Beat was baffled, not understanding the purpose of such detailed questions. Could it be that simply by filling out a report, the skies would rain on schedule?

However, the situation was more exaggerated than he imagined. After collecting surveys from hundreds of large farm owners in the eastern region of the kingdom, they produced a weather schedule for the four seasons. After observing for a full year, Beat was amazed to find the region's weather exactly matched the schedule.

Beat secretly inquired with a wizard managing the farm, only to learn it was the "Domain," a powerful ability possessed by only very powerful wizards.

In fact, not just the kingdom, but the entire continent was under the control of the Star of Magic. When it declared clear skies, it would never rain; when it called for wind, there would be no thunder.

Armed with this information, Beat installed a statue of the Star of Magic at home overnight. In his view, this was no longer just magic; only the omnipotent God described in the Bible could perform such miraculous deeds.

Moreover, under imperial rule, they had to attend church weekly, a habit they had developed over time. Suddenly stopping was

 somewhat unsettling.

Therefore, even though the council officially opposed it, many citizens still maintained the habit of prayer, simply switching their deity from the Moon God to the Star of Magic.

No matter the effectiveness, praying couldn’t hurt!

In the evening, after harvesting a thousand acres of wheat, Beat led his wife and three sons in their routine prayers before sitting down to enjoy tonight's dinner—a generous serving of five white bread loaves, a bottle of honey wine, and a palm-sized piece of camel meat.

This was considered lavish; five years ago, even the minor nobility might not have such meals daily.

As Beat mentally calculated how much money this quarter’s wheat would bring in, he listened to his youngest son recount the latest gossip from the Wizard Academy.

Such as the wizards building a flying magical city and the capital's recent fascination with a thing called a "recording stone," which could record past events.

Most mysteriously, rumors circulated that the council was recruiting pioneers at a high price to establish an outpost on the moon.

Beat paused mid-bite, shocked as he looked at his youngest son, half-believing it was a joke. But his son quickly assured him that his tutor, a wizard lord, had said so, and the council was even offering twenty silver coins a month as compensation!

Half-believing, Beat looked up at the bright moon in the sky, feeling increasingly out of touch with the world.

Just as Beat and his family discussed, after more than a month of trials, Lynn successfully opened the portal between the Eternal Star and the moon.

The capital was bustling with activity due to the council's recruitment order.

The concept of traveling to the moon was both novel and full of unknowns for the kingdom's citizens, and under the promise of substantial rewards, the kingdom was never short of adventurers.

In just a week, the initial five thousand people needed for the moon trip were assembled.

In fact, what the council needed to establish was not just an outpost but a war fortress!

After the last battle with the Lord of the Undead, which devastated tens of thousands of kilometers of land, Lynn had long decided that future battles could no longer be held within the Eternal Star. If they truly fought without restraint, even the slightest aftermath could devastate all living beings on the planet!

The moon, not too far from the Eternal Star and enveloped by the Moon God's domain, which somewhat performed the functions of an atmosphere, along with the gravity issue that could be adjusted by setting up a force field array, was undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

Once the moon outpost was completed, coupled with the two galaxy-class warships the council was currently manufacturing, it would signify their step into interstellar civilization!

Lynn could then extend his divine domain to the moon, erasing Diana’s remaining power completely, leaving no chance for the once Moon God to rise again.

"So, you've found a way to locate the extraterrestrial realm?" Harof couldn't help but ask during a meeting in the capital's council hall, listening to Lynn describe the war preparations.

"Indeed!" Lynn nodded, benefiting from the remnants of the Moon God’s spirit they had discovered on the moon.

Dead for thousands of years, the remnants' memories were extremely chaotic, but he had successfully extracted some useful information, such as the high-dimensional coordinates of the extraterrestrial realm and a method to pinpoint it.

This required a medium, conveniently provided by the Moon God’s faint connection to the extraterrestrial realm.

"If that's the case, then it's our turn to attack!" Anthony said eagerly. Previously, they had been confined to defending the Eternal Star, dealing with the undead armies emerging from several portals, which was incredibly frustrating.

Raphael even suggested that last time they prepared a vast amount of nuclear weapons to combat the Lord of the Undead, but the war ended too swiftly. Plus, fighting on their own territory, they really couldn’t let loose.

This time, conducting an external war, they could start with a nuclear bombardment.

Lynn turned to Victorio, asking, "How long until our new warships are ready?"

"In about two more months!" Victorio responded thoughtfully.

Lynn nodded. Two months should be enough to establish an outpost on the moon.

Although delaying further to integrate the resources of the continent and the moon to build more galaxy-class warships wasn't an issue, Lynn was somewhat concerned that the main world might discover the extraterrestrial realm first.

Just as he could extract the extraterrestrial coordinates from Diana’s remnants, if Aila were captured, the position of the Eternal Star might also be exposed… It's always better to strike first than to be caught off guard.


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