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Chapter 61: Spiritual Power

Mr. Zhuang handed over the jade slip of the "Heavenly Proliferation Technique" to Mo Hua:

"The jade slips used for transmitting ancient techniques are quite special. Only when your cultivation reaches a certain level can you use your spiritual sense to explore the deeper cultivation methods contained within. The techniques for the Qi Cultivation stage aren't restricted, but those for the Foundation Building stage are only visible to cultivators who have practiced the 'Heavenly Proliferation Technique' and achieved the Foundation Building stage."

"Most ancient techniques are a single technique per slip. If the slip is lost, the technique is virtually lost too. Even though some techniques have multiple slips made, it’s not guaranteed you can find them. The world of cultivation is vast, searching for a rare ancient technique’s jade slip is like searching for a needle in the ocean. Besides, this is the only 'Heavenly Proliferation Technique' slip I've seen in my lifetime."

"So, you must take good care of this slip. Never lose it!"

Mo Hua solemnly received the jade slip, feeling its weight in his hand, but his heart couldn't help but be filled with joy.

This was a genuine cultivation technique. By learning this technique, he truly stepped into the ranks of cultivators. The vast path of cultivation lay ahead, and he had officially taken his first step.

Mo Hua shared the news of Mr. Zhuang teaching him the technique with his parents.

Mo Shan was delighted. Although the spiritual power derived from this technique wasn't substantial, the phrase 'not suitable for non-array masters' indicated its uniqueness. Very few true array masters had ever emerged from all the independent cultivators in Tongxian City.

Moreover, this technique was given by the profound Mr. Zhuang, rumored to be an ancient technique, naturally making it extraordinarily precious. It certainly surpassed those commonly passed down among independent cultivators.

Knowing that Mr. Zhuang did not much care for mundane items like spirit stones, Mo Shan thought of the meat and wine Mo Hua often brought him, which Mr. Zhuang always finished, probably suiting his taste.

Before dawn the next day, Mo Shan went up the mountain in the dark, hunting several demonic beasts. Three days later, he came down the mountain with a large bundle containing the most tender loins from various cattle and sheep-type demonic beasts. To keep them fresh, he didn't even store them in a storage bag.

Liu Ruhua prepared the meats by smoking, frying, and marinating them in various savory and spicy flavors, adorned with some green herbs, neatly arranged in food boxes.

She also brought out various fruit wines brewed at home and some freshly roasted pine nuts, sending them up the mountain with Mo Hua along with words of gratitude meant to convey respect without disturbing Mr. Zhuang's quiet cultivation.

Mr. Zhuang didn't say much upon receiving the food boxes, but his expression was quite pleased. Sitting in a bamboo pavilion, enjoying the breeze and the mountain view, he savored the meat and sipped the clear wine.

Elder Gui was also pleased with the pine nuts; the boxes had just been handed over when, right under Mo Hua's watch, they disappeared, none left for Mr. Zhuang.

Mo Hua also brought some for the Bai siblings, as a token of thanks.

Bai Zixi had a couple of slices of meat and drank a bit more of the sweet osmanthus wine, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright as the stars in the sky, twinkling.

Bai Zisheng, who enjoyed spicy food, ate heartily, sweating profusely yet thoroughly enjoying himself.

Seeing his eating style, Mo Hua couldn't help but comment, "You don’t lack for meat usually, do you?"

"You wouldn’t understand," Bai Zisheng said. "The meat we usually eat is from spiritual beasts. It’s tender but lacks chewiness, and the abundant spiritual energy actually makes it less flavorful."

Mo Hua felt his words were somewhat annoying; he hadn’t eaten much spiritual beast meat, except what his mother made. His most memorable meal was the one where the elder of Tongxian Sect’s embroidered chicken was stolen and even burnt by Da Hu.

After Bai Zisheng had his fill, he again asked about Mo Hua’s cultivation technique.

Mo Hua repeated what he had shared about Mr. Zhuang's technique.

Bai Zisheng was somewhat envious, "Mr. Zhuang is really good to you, but the spiritual power from this technique is too weak."

"That can't be helped. Life often doesn’t go as we wish; there are always trade-offs."

Bai Zisheng pursed his lips, "You talk like an old man despite your age."

"Does low spiritual power really matter that much?" Mo Hua suddenly became a bit concerned.

"Of course," Bai Zisheng said. "We are cultiv

ators, after all, and what we cultivate is spiritual power. With low spiritual power, you’re at a disadvantage everywhere."

"For example, if you have to fight someone, and they have a hundred cycles of spiritual power while you only have fifty, in a head-on fight, they'll still have fifty cycles left when you’re depleted, and you'll just be at their mercy."

"A cultivator uses spiritual power for everything, not just in sparring or duels, but also in forging artifacts and alchemy. Even when carrying storage boxes at the spiritual docks, you need spiritual power."

"If you forge one spiritual artifact, others can make two; if you refine one furnace of pills, others can refine two; if you carry ten boxes, others can carry twenty, earning twice the spirit stones you do. How can you compete with that?"

"Being an array master, though, it might not matter as much if your spiritual power is a bit low," Mo Hua said, somewhat unsure.

"Hmm... that's true," Bai Zisheng nodded. "The most troublesome thing for array masters is the excessive consumption of spiritual sense, not spiritual power. When drawing array formations, generally the spiritual sense runs out before the spiritual power does. Low spiritual power doesn’t impact your ability to be an array master."

Mo Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Zisheng patted Mo Hua's shoulder, "But don't worry, although your spiritual power is low, mine is high. Call me 'big brother,' and I’ll take care of anyone who bullies you."

"Never mind."

Bai Zisheng then proposed a compromise, "Then bring me beef every day, and I’ll take care of you."

"You can buy your own."

"Aunt Xue doesn’t let me eat casually, especially food without spiritual energy."


"What do you mean by 'oh'? I’m giving you face here," Bai Zisheng said.

Mo Hua ignored him, and Bai Zixi watched them, taking another small sip of her sweet wine.

In the following days, Mo Hua gave up the basic breathing exercises and officially started practicing according to the meridian diagrams and breathing methods in the "Heavenly Proliferation Technique."

After several sessions, Mo Hua distinctly felt a difference.

The speed of spiritual energy refinement was faster, the refined spiritual energy was purer, and his meridians felt more open.

The only issue was, the spiritual power he cultivated didn’t feel special.

Mo Hua asked Da Hu, who practiced the fire-based "Fiery Tiger Technique," which gave a slight burning sensation after cultivation, enhancing the power of any fire-based spells or physical techniques he practiced.

The twins practiced the "Solid Foundation Technique," harmonizing spiritual and blood energy, enhancing physical strength when operating spiritual power. Mo Hua forgot which technique the third brother practiced, but it also resulted in some unique changes to his spiritual power.

Only Mo Hua’s spiritual power seemed unchanged from before.

The "Heavenly Proliferation Technique" produced an average number of spiritual power cycles.

It couldn’t compare with disciples from clans like the Bai family, but it was above average compared to ordinary Qi Cultivation independents, not excellent, but acceptable.

Moreover, the unique aspect of this technique was probably the increased consumption of spiritual sense during practice, several times more than basic breathing exercises.

But basic breathing exercises, or general cultivation techniques, don’t use much spiritual sense to begin with, even multiple times more isn’t significant, barely enough for drawing a single array formation.

However, Mo Hua hadn’t expected anything special from this technique.

For Mo Hua, a technique that saved spirit stones was the best technique.


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