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Chapter 251: In Thought

Luo didn't know how many words Bisky exchanged with Antomu before leaving the venue. Afterward, he met with the others at the agreed place and they went back together.

That night, Luo cooked for everyone himself. Since he used ordinary ingredients, even though the meal was complete in color, aroma, and taste, it did not come close to reaching the level of last time's Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

The quality of the ingredients seems to be a gap that cooking skills alone cannot bridge.

Uvogin and the others said as much, and Luo felt helpless about it. Ingredients that are categorized by grade aren't something you can just find in any supermarket or market. Even if there were channels to purchase them, they aren't immediately available.

It's like online shopping; you place an order and at best, it arrives the next day.

Then, Luo thought of the bear paws by the lakeside of the Golden Lake and the dimensional apartment's Nen ability from the original story.

Storing a large amount of food while ensuring its freshness might be possible using the God's Hand technique from the book, although it's tricky to operate.

The next day at five in the afternoon, Luo and Uvogin stepped onto the arena, with the referee standing in the middle.

Today, Luo was prepared to take his third victory, and with Nobunaga contributing another win tomorrow, that would leave only six more victories needed. If Machi and Buhara were willing to fight him, he wouldn't mind quickly securing two more wins.

Having fought just yesterday, it was extremely rare for him to be up again today at the Heavens Arena.

Most competitors above the two hundredth floor take the ninety-day preparation period very seriously. During this time, they can continuously watch the matches and thus select suitable opponents.

The audience that adored Luo didn’t care about the potential negative consequences of his actions; they just wanted to see more of Luo’s matches.

On the platform, Uvogin looked at Luo, who was a hundred meters away, with an excited expression.

He was psychologically prepared to lose, but before he fell, he wouldn't give up any chance to win against Luo.

Having suffered many defeats at Luo's hands, he wasn’t asking for much—just to win once against Luo!

For this match, Luo decided not to use the ability of God's Hand; he planned to confront Uvogin with pure physical techniques and Nen skills.

“Please bet your dignity and honor.”

“Then, begin!”

The referee stretched out his arms inward and announced the start of the match, simultaneously retreating to the edge of the platform.


Uvogin bared a toothy grin, a silent smile that burst forth with full firepower!


A strong wind inexplicably formed, swirling around his feet before spreading outwards.

The audience couldn’t see the furious outpouring of aura from Uvogin, but they could hear the whistling of the wind.

They looked at Uvogin, somehow feeling as if they were watching a roaring tiger, exuding an overwhelming aura that was hard to look directly at.

“That idiot…”

In the spectator stands, Nobunaga slapped his forehead.

The battle hadn’t even started, and Uvogin was already wasting aura in a meaningless opening ceremony.

As a fellow Nen user, one thing was clear: when facing a stronger opponent, Nen is a resource that diminishes with use; it shouldn't be wasted like this!

Nobunaga’s thinking was not wrong, but Nen can be extended in many ways. Uvogin venting his Nen before even engaging was indeed wasteful, yet it created a certain aura.

If this had been a street fight in Meteor City, Luo would think Uvogin was a fool, but not now.

However, Luo didn’t need to create such an atmosphere.


Since his opponent was Uvogin, he didn’t need to strategize excessively to win this match.

If he preferred close combat, then bring it on!

Dense Nen covered Luo’s entire body, and in the next second, he unusually initiated the attack, charging towards Uvogin.


Seeing Luo’s action, Uvogin's uncontrollable excitement showed in his smile; he reined in his venting aura, wrapping it around his body, and then charged to meet Luo head-on.

There had been no prior discussion on how the fight should be conducted, nor was there an agreement to use only hand-to-hand combat and Nen skills to determine the winner.

However, the moment Luo charged over, Uvogin instantly understood.

His excitement was hard to contain; his blood felt like it was boiling, causing the aura on his body to fluctuate and appear as if boiling water.


The two figures

 collided, and a dull thud echoed through the venue.

Punch for punch! Move for move!

Their fists exchanged blows, creating shadows that continuously clashed in the air.

Bang bang bang…

With each punch, a sharp airflow burst forth, and amidst the dense, dull sounds, Uvogin’s laughter of excitement could be heard.

From the tenth punch on, Uvogin realized he was being suppressed by Luo, and also understood that continuing recklessly like this would soon lead him to defeat.

However, he enjoyed this process and didn’t care in which round he would fall, nor did he think about how to defend effectively.

To hell with defense!

What he wanted to do was… attack and keep attacking!

With no worries about defending, Uvogin’s offensive became even more fierce and aggressive.

In the spectator stands, as they watched such an exciting hand-to-hand combat, the audience also erupted, all emitting excited shouts.

This was the match they wanted to see!

Since the official engagement, it had been three minutes. From the start until now, Luo and Uvogin had not stopped; both were unyielding, like two bulls crazily charging at each other.

In fact, Luo could have broken Uvogin’s focus on offense over defense within a minute of the fight, but he didn’t. Instead, he allowed Uvogin to play to his fullest.

What should have been a short fight turned into Luo feeding moves to Uvogin.

Uvogin, being the party involved, didn’t realize this, nor did observers like Nobunaga and Machi. In their eyes, Uvogin seemed different today.

“About time.” Luo thought silently.

He was using Shin-Yugen-ryu techniques, while Uvogin was using a freestyle approach.

To put it metaphorically, both were building a tower of blocks, competing to see who could build higher and faster.

Luo’s method was to steadily build higher, while Uvogin’s freestyle disregarded the foundation, seeking only speed.

Initially, Uvogin’s method allowed his tower to surpass Luo’s in height, but with an unstable foundation, it was in a precarious state, always at risk of collapsing.

From the moment Uvogin chose to abandon defense and go all-in, his defeat was inevitable.

After five minutes of combat, Luo seized an opportunity and fiercely struck, using ‘Ryu’ to prioritize his move, landing a punch on Uvogin’s cheek that sent his robust body flying out of the ring.

The power of that punch was enough to knock Uvogin out.

Luo retracted his hand, reflective.

This battle, though it seemed like Luo was feeding moves to Uvogin, actually benefited both parties.

Uvogin lost, but that doesn’t mean his method is unviable.

Abandoning defense and going all-in—is that really a mistake?

Luo’s eyes showed a thoughtful look; he felt that there was merit in such a combat style, but it needed to be used at the right moment.

Antomu and Uvogin were both Enhancers, sharing similar traits.

If one were to steadily build up speed and foundation, could they surpass Antomu?

After Uvogin fell, the referee ran over to check on him. Confirming that Uvogin was still conscious but nearly delirious, the referee began the count, which lasted until the end without Uvogin standing up.

Seeing this, the referee declared Luo the winner.

Thus, Uvogin suffered another defeat at Luo’s hands, leaving one to wonder if this battle maniac could ever claim a victory against Luo in his lifetime.


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