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Chapter 542: Supersonic Fighter Jet Test Flight and Guided Missiles!

In the southwestern part of the capital, a designated flight training area gathered Lynn, Harof, Anthony, and other councilors, along with many grand wizards involved in the new fighter jet's production, to witness its maiden flight.

"Is this the supersonic fighter jet you developed? It looks quite impressive!" Harof admired the giant aircraft in front of him, which was flat in shape, over six meters tall, eighteen meters long, and had a wingspan of more than twelve meters.

Anthony and Aurora had just arrived at the training field and were immediately captivated by the new fighter jet, which perfectly conformed to aerodynamics, its streamlined body shimmering under the noon sun, made from mithril, making it unforgettable at first glance.

Although Lynn had anticipated it, Dennis's ability to manufacture it within a few months was beyond his expectations, highlighting the significant advantages wizards with atomic-level control capabilities have in engineering.

It was said that to speed up the production of this aircraft, the Alchemy Institute employed five grand wizards and over a hundred formal wizards.

"Councilors, Master Dennis, shall we begin?" A Halfling girl had already prepared early, climbed into the cockpit, and donned her protective gear, eagerly asking to start.

Lynn looked at Dennis, who nodded, signaling Lydia to begin!

As the wizards watched, Dennis felt a bit nervous despite his confidence in his creation, as this was the first manned flight.

With a deafening roar, Lydia pressed the ignition switch, and instantly, a long trail of flames shot out from two massive exhausts at the back of the jet.

The powerful thrust slammed the Halfling girl hard against the back seat, but Lydia, having been involved in the jet's construction, was prepared and managed to maintain balance by firmly holding onto the lever.

Under everyone's gaze, the silver fighter jet quickly crossed the runway and soared into the sky within seconds.

"Such incredible speed!" Grand Wizard Tim exclaimed.

"This is just the beginning!" Dennis shook his head, noting that the new fighter jet had both subsonic and supersonic modes, and the speed during take-off was relatively moderate.

Meanwhile, a thousand meters above, Lydia, having stabilized the flight, solemnly activated the supersonic mode.

The jet's internal engines rapidly accelerated, injecting a large amount of compressed hydrogen-oxygen mixture into the combustion chamber, where it ignited instantly. The high-temperature, high-pressure gas rushed through the ducts, accelerating further, and the tail flame, originally half a meter long, expanded to over two meters. The intense sonic boom echoed in the sky, presenting a spectacular sight to Harof and the others.

The silver fighter jet streaked across the sky at an unimaginable speed, breaking the sound barrier and forming a conical layer of air flow behind it, looking like a silver comet crossing the heavens.

"Is that a sonic boom cloud?" Tim watched in awe. Although they had observed this phenomenon in wind tunnel tests, seeing it firsthand was still shocking.

By calculating the distance and orientation, the jet's speed had reached three times the speed of sound, evident from the distinct three sonic rings on the tail flame.

"Everything seems to be going smoothly!" Dennis nodded in satisfaction, his biggest concern being the massive speed increase and the terrifying wind resistance causing the jet to lose balance and crash during the activation of supersonic mode.

Fortunately, Lydia's expert piloting skills prevented the feared scenario from happening.

Next was the combat test!

"Who wants to go?" Lynn turned to Harof, Aurora, Victorio, and Anthony.

The supersonic fighter jet was to be deployed on missions in foreign lands, making real combat practice crucial, especially against legendary-level enemies.

The councilors were all intrigued by the new fighter jet, with Harof eagerly volunteering.

"I'll go!" Harof transformed into a streak of light and soared into the sky.

Lynn nodded and relayed the message to Lydia through the magic network.

"Ready to fight?" Inside the cockpit, the Halfling girl showed no fear, excited at the prospect of testing her skills against legendary councilors.

But excitement aside, Lydia, with her extensive experience in flying and aerial combat, was careful not to underestimate her task, giving her full attention.

Harof's trajectory was clear under electromagnetic radar and magical detection, appearing like a bright blue star, steadily approaching Lydia.

As they rapidly closed the distance, crossing a safety margin of 1.5 kilometers, Lydia took the initiative.

The cylindrical bombs mounted on either side of the jet shot out flames matching those of the jet, then broke free and sped towards Harof at an unbelievable pace.

At the same time, Lydia pulled the lever, directing the jet to climb sharply.

"So fast!" Harof was surprised as several bombs raced towards him, each surrounded by a sonic boom cloud, but unfortunately, none were aimed directly at him.

Curious, Harof chose not to dodge but to meet them head-on, constructing

 a powerful magical shield around himself to test the strength of the attacks.

The speeds of both parties reached their peak, covering the 1.5 kilometers in less than three seconds!

Harof quickly collided with one of the approaching bombs, the explosive shockwave sweeping through the area, tearing apart the magical shield around him but immediately blocked by the legendary domain.

Is that all? Harof felt somewhat disappointed, as the explosions alone could not harm him, let alone pose a real threat to other legends.

But Harof soon noticed something wrong, as the fire from the explosion rapidly infiltrated his domain, posing an indescribable threat.

"Is this the Undying Flame?!" Harof realized immediately, his expression changing. He had not expected Lynn to employ such dangerous material on the fighter jet.

Meanwhile, back at the training ground, Dennis proudly explained to the councilors about the bombs on the jet, which also had small propulsion units installed inside.

The flight principles were similar to the jet's, and due to their compact size, the bombs could reach speeds over four times the speed of sound!

Each bomb, upon detonation, released trichlorofluoromethane compressed as a gas inside, which exploded upon contact with the outer burning material, covering an area of 300 meters. Multiple bombs launched together could turn a large airspace into a sea of fire, leaving even enemies flying at the speed of sound no time to dodge.

The only downside was the complexity of their construction, each sonic bomb equivalent to a small fighter jet. If the materials and labor were converted into money, they would cost at least 500 gold coins each!

That meant Lydia's attack had just cost several thousand gold coins!

Victorio and the others were not concerned about the expense. If a few thousand gold coins could pose a threat to a legend, it was a very cost-effective deal.

"Harof was too careless." Aurora shook her head as she watched Harof boldly collide with the bombs.

Fortunately, although the Undying Flame was powerful and could burn anything, Harof was not encountering it for the first time. Even though he was caught off-guard and looked a bit disheveled, he managed to escape being consumed by the Undying Flame.

"Using up all the bombs in one go is too wasteful. If they fail to hit the enemy, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced," Lynn noted, watching the evolving battle scenario with a frown.

Dennis understood this drawback but targeting and hitting an enemy moving at high speed was very challenging.

Only such a large-scale attack could be effective.

"Why not create a bomb that can automatically track the enemy and adjust its trajectory in mid-air?" Lynn suggested thoughtfully.

Some psychokinetic wizards could detach their consciousness to control huge golems, perhaps applying this knowledge to missiles to create tracking projectiles.

Combining principles from modern missiles with his past life's knowledge, Lynn explained to Dennis how to make the bombs automatically home in on the enemy using infrared sensing and radar detection.

Although they hadn't developed computer and chip technologies, using psychokinetic spells as a substitute seemed even more practical.

Listening to Lynn, Dennis's eyes lit up with numerous new improvement ideas. If it weren't for the ongoing tests on the new fighter jet, he would have eagerly begun research.

"Let's call it a guided missile," Lynn suggested with a smile.

Anthony, Aurora, and Victorio listened to the discussion, unsure whether to be happy or resigned. The new fighter jet already posed a significant threat to legends, and if Dennis managed to produce guided missiles, it would become even more formidable.

In the sky, the battle was intensifying. After suffering a setback, Harof became more serious, instantly covering the area with a powerful net of thunder.

However, the fighter jet was too fast. After a failed attack, Lydia switched to a hit-and-run strategy, maintaining a distance and continuously harassing Harof with machine gun fire.

While this did not pose any real threat to Harof, it was as annoying as a fly.

There were two methods to deal with such a fast enemy: the first was to use something even faster so the opponent couldn't dodge, and the second was to anticipate the position and use an area attack.

Harof experimented and quickly found that the simplest method, the first one, was the least effective.

Only thunder and laser spells could make a supersonic fighter jet unavoidable.

Unfortunately, both had limited effects.

Electromagnetic spells were blocked by the electromagnetic shield around the jet, and laser beams were fast enough but had a limited killing radius. Even a fifth-level laser beam lost much of its power after crossing five hundred meters and was not strong enough to penetrate the jet's surface, coated with high-strength graphene.

If there was a weakness, it was that the new fighter jet had no protection against gravity manipulation, which was Harof's specialty.

Using gravity manipulation to disrupt Lydia's sense of direction and combining it with large-scale spell attacks, the battle was decided within twenty minutes.

If Harof hadn't

 held back, the jet would have been shot down.

Having narrowly escaped defeat, Lydia obediently returned from her flight training. Even though she ended in a 'crushing defeat', she could not hide her excitement. After all, contending with a legendary councilor for a while was an honor in defeat!

Had she chosen to engage in a dogfight or flee from the start, the opponent might not have been able to catch up with her.

Lynn and the others were extremely satisfied. An alchemical creation that could be mass-produced and restrain a legendary-level power was remarkable.

Moreover, the fighter jet could still be improved, and Lydia's piloting skills also had room for growth.

"Now, with only two weeks left until the three-and-a-half-month deadline, you need to work harder, Lydia. In foreign lands, those enemies won't be as merciful as Councilor Harof," Lynn patted Lydia on the shoulder.

Dennis quickly called the alchemists forward to inspect and tow the experimental machine back. He had many new inspirations and was eager for Lynn to join in.

"Maybe not, I really can't spare the time lately," Lynn shook his head, declining Dennis's invitation.

Although he had already completed his theory of relativity, according to reports from Elok, the magical base stations had been built, and the high-speed particle collider was nearly ready.

The importance of the deification ceremony and antimatter was obviously greater, directly affecting their ability to defeat the Lord of the Dead.


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