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Chapter 235: Malicious Aura

Luo and Buhara's match ended, and the two exited the arena, but the cheering did not subside. They had paid for fifty floors' worth of tickets but witnessed a fight worthy of nearly two hundred floors, leaving them thoroughly satisfied.

Even those who lost bets weren't too disheartened.

Luo advanced to the sixtieth floor after winning, while Buhara, having lost, was demoted to the fortieth floor. Soon after their exit, the next batch of contestants would take the stage for another fight.

Luo had won the match by accumulating ten points, knocking down Buhara five times to achieve a perfect score, an uncommon feat in the history of these fighting competitions.

Due to Luo's choice to target the abdomen and Buhara's thick skin, the internal injuries were not severe.

Under everyone's gaze, they walked side by side out of the arena, unaware that this fight would be remembered by many.

In the hallway, after confirming Buhara's injuries were not severe, Luo took out his phone and called Bisky to check their location.

After learning the location of the hotel, Luo hung up and proceeded with Buhara towards the elevator.

Riding the elevator to the ground floor, Luo and Buhara encountered the young woman who had received them earlier.

"Please take care," she said with a smile, greeting Luo.

Luo smiled back at her and then left the first floor with Buhara, heading outside.

The young woman watched Luo's retreating figure, her eyes gleaming.

Leaving the Heavens Arena, they noticed the sky had darkened, with only a faint afterglow remaining.

On the streets, the crowd was even larger than during the day, and the night scenery of the bustling city was composed of dazzling lights and the surging crowd of people.

"Boss, did Big Sis teach you all those fighting techniques?" Buhara asked while his gaze wandered to the upscale restaurants lining the streets.

"Yes," Luo nodded.

"I think the 'Lying Palm' technique that Dafei taught me is really effective, but I can't seem to land a hit on you," Buhara recalled the recent fight, his mood once again turning gloomy.

Luo considered for a moment and said, "Your 'Lying Palm' combined with Nen should be quite powerful, but without the aid of Nen, it's too obvious and straightforward."

Buhara's attack mainly involved his large hands, and the fighting technique Dafei had developed was clearly meant to be used with Nen, enhancing its effectiveness.

Buhara nodded, half-understanding. He had always used the technique with Nen, which explained why it felt weak without it.

Unbeknownst to him, if Luo were to fight using Nen, even without using God's Hand, his quick manipulation of aura in the first round's elbow strike could knock Buhara down instantly.

Luo looked ahead at the brilliant lights and the lively street scene, images of his fights with Bisky flashing through his mind.

He then smiled slightly, feeling fortunate to have met Bisky. Without her, it would have taken him much longer to reach his current level.

After walking less than a kilometer, they arrived at the 'Arita Hotel' and took the elevator directly to the 56th floor.

Bisky had already booked the rooms for them. They intended to book the top floor, but due to the special nature of the Heavens Arena, the top floors of surrounding hotels had been reserved by wealthy tycoons for a long time.

Entering Bisky's room, Luo received the room card from her.

Upon Bisky's inquiry, Luo reported today's match results while Sanbica administered treatment to Buhara.

"I didn't expect you two to be matched together," Bisky said, her thumb resting against her smooth chin. If she had known earlier, she would have stayed.

"I'm hungry!"

After receiving treatment, Buhara's stomach began to grumble loudly.

Luo looked at Buhara, who always seemed to have endless energy around mealtime, and shook his head resignedly, thinking about the significant expense about to be incurred. At this rate, their savings would be depleted in half a month.

However, by then, they should have reached the two hundredth floor and earned enough prize money to cover their expenses.

The group left the hotel and headed to the food street.

As mealtime approached, the Black Cat timely appeared, and he and Buhara swept through the food stalls, drawing startled glances from passersby.

Buhara and the Black Cat seemed like an insatiable duo, leaving the food vendors on the street laughing merrily.

After a hearty meal, everyone returned to the hotel. Buhara took a bath and went straight to sleep, while Luo went to Bisky's room

 to practice simple and effective Nen techniques with Sanbica.

They trained until their Nen was completely depleted.

Though not very tired physically, Luo still let Bisky summon Miss Cookie to give him a massage.

"Sanbica, I'll go register tomorrow," she said suddenly, sitting nearby.

Luo, lying on the bed, turned his head towards Sanbica and replied, "That's good, you can at least make some money."

"Yes," Sanbica nodded slightly. Lately, besides continuously updating various virus data, she had seldom gone out to handle virus-related incidents.

Bisky glanced at the two, then walked to the balcony, gazing at the night view below. She thought about leaving Luo and the others soon and felt a bit reluctant.

Accustomed to being alone, she had not expected to feel this way one day.

"I really look forward to seeing their future achievements," Bisky thought silently.

Two matches a day, winning one would advance ten floors, and in a day, one could advance twenty floors.

Luo progressed rapidly, winning each match with a single knockout, and in a week, he reached the two hundredth floor. Sanbica and Buhara, who had registered a day later and lost to Luo in one match, also won every match.

However, Luo reached the two hundredth floor a day earlier than them, winning over two hundred million Jeni in prize money and gaining a vast number of fans.

Every time he competed, the stands were invariably packed, mainly because bets on Luo to win were low-risk, though not very lucrative.

One day, Luo alone entered the elevator that led directly to the two hundredth floor, quietly watching the numbers slowly change.

After reaching the two hundredth floor, he would need to register again, and the arrangements for the matches would change, starting from this floor with Nen users only.


The elevator doors opened, and Luo stepped out, following the directional signs to a corridor near the reception area. Just past this corridor and a left turn was the reception.

A woman in uniform stood in the middle of the corridor, her slightly disheveled hair draped over her shoulders. Her features were pleasant to look at, but her eyes were slightly dark and her expression somewhat weary.

Behind her, a malicious aura composed of numerous murderous intents stirred, but it did not originate from her, though she stood amidst it unaffected.

Feeling the overtly hostile aura directed at him, Luo remained calm.

The woman in uniform, noticing Luo's exceptionally calm demeanor enveloped by the aura, slightly raised the corners of her mouth and called out his name.

"Mr. Luo."

Luo smiled and pointed behind her towards the corridor, seriously saying, "It seems someone isn't welcoming me here."

The woman nodded, smiling, "Just a reminder, there are one hundred and ninety-eight contestants on this floor lying in wait."


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