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Chapter 226: Boss, I've Graduated

Geru was not particularly desirous of the taste of the Happiness Mushrooms. What she wanted more was to know what method Luo had used to remove the toxins from the Happiness Mushrooms while retaining their properties.

This secret had a fatal attraction for any poison hunter.

However, it wasn't a decision she could make on the spot to hand over the types of poison she carried to Luo.

She hesitated, while Luo patiently waited for her answer.

As a remarkable poison hunter, Geru naturally relied on poisons to survive. She carried five types of poison, among which two were deadly enough to kill a person upon entering the bloodstream, derived from plants and animals respectively, and quite terrifying.

Moreover, these two poisons had been modified by her, and only her specially formulated antidote could neutralize them.

Despite having modified lethal poisons, Geru rarely used them; her most commonly used poison was the black scorpion venom, which could paralyze a target within ten seconds without being fatal, allowing her to use it extensively without worry.

She was more aware of the horror of deadly poisons than anyone else. Given to a child without any strength, they could still produce terrifying effects, especially since they were modified by her and not to be lightly given to others.

"What do you think?" Luo looked at the hesitating Geru.

"I carry five poisons, but I can only give you three," Geru carefully considered before deciding not to hand over all types of poison to Luo, respecting her bottom line as a poison hunter.

Besides the two deadly ones, the other three poisons were non-lethal but could still produce decent effects when used properly.

Luo thought for a moment, neither agreeing nor objecting, but asked, "What's the reason?"

"I don't want to give them to you," Geru's reason was simple and clear.

"Alright, then three it is."

Luo scratched his cheek, not insisting, and accepted the three poisons.

Seeing Luo agree, Geru didn't dawdle. In the presence of Daihu and Sanbica, she pulled out three transparent glass poison tubes from the inner pockets of her clothes. The tubes, similar in size to her index finger, were neat and delicate.

The three poison tubes, held between her fingers, contained poisons of three different colors: pitch black, light green, and light blue.

Luo took the poison tubes without making direct contact with the poisons, so he couldn't obtain any effective information. He glanced at Daihu, thought for a moment, and did not ask further. He packed away the poison tubes and handed over a bowl of mushroom soup.

Geru took the stone bowl and tasted the soup, instantly becoming entranced.

Her interest in poisons was strong, and her demand for gourmet food was low, but after tasting the mushrooms, only one thought remained in her mind.

"This is the best food she has ever eaten."

"At the same time, this was also the taste experienced by those who committed suicide after consuming Happiness Mushrooms."

The taste known only to those who had died was like this.

It was a taste that could be addictive. Daihu and Sanbica also wanted more, but Luo stopped them, saying this deceptive taste was enough to try just once.

As for the black cat, Luo didn't care, allowing it to eat its fill.

When Geru snapped out of the miraculous taste experience, the black cat had already finished off the mushroom broth in the pot and turned its attention to the uncooked Happiness Mushrooms.

He noticed that the taste was the same, cooked or not, so there was no need for Luo to cook anymore. After sweeping the Happiness Mushrooms off the floor, he went outside to look for more.

"How did you do it?" Geru put down the stone bowl and looked at Luo.

Luo beckoned Geru with a finger, signaling her to come closer.

Geru understood and walked over.

Luo leaned close to Geru's ear and whispered, "Just extract all the toxins."

Geru's eyes slowly widened, her pupils trembling slightly, the intensity of the trembling increasing.

This was not excitement, but anger.

She held back her anger and said, "Just like that?"

"Yes, just like that," Luo nodded seriously.

"Are you deceiving me?" Geru struggled to calm her emotions, glaring at Luo.

"No, this is the truth," Luo smiled. What he said was indeed the truth. He didn't neutralize the deadly poison with other substances while retaining its properties; he simply extracted the poison, which was precisely what others couldn't do.

In short, Luo was the only one in the world who could do this.

At that moment, if looks could kill, Luo would have been slashed a thousand times by Geru.

Unable to fight back, she accepted her fate, picked up the body of the toad, and prepared to leave.


Luo quickly called out to her.

At the door, Geru turned and said angrily, "Wait for your grandpa."

With that crude remark, she slammed the door and left.

Watching Geru leave, Luo touched the back of his head, his face filled with helplessness.

He realized the glass tubes holding the poison were of very good quality and had wanted to ask Geru for a few more.

"Never mind, such things can be custom-made," Luo thought to himself.

Luo's whisper was not heard by Daihu, who was suppressing his intense curiosity with rationality, which was very painful for him.

"It's about time for you to leave too."

After Geru and Daihu had left, Luo unceremoniously issued a dismissal order to Daihu.

With a look of misery, Daihu had no say in the matter and had to leave obediently.

The Hunter Exam was about to start this year, and he was heading straight for the clues. He vowed to obtain the license this year.

After sending Geru and Daihu away, Luo closed the door and began to study the poisons he had just acquired.

"Compared to viruses, the effect of deadly poisons is indeed superior," Sanbica sat next to Luo.

When Luo was negotiating with Geru for the poisons, she had seen through Luo's intentions, as she had previously used Nen with Luo and knew the effects of his Nen.

"That's true, but viruses have irreplaceable advantages," Luo first took out the black poison, dropped a bit on the table, and said at the same time.

"What advantages?" Sanbica asked curiously.

"Gradual consumption," Luo pressed his index finger on the black poison.

"Gradual consumption..." Sanbica understood, nodding her head, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Luo.

The advantage of viruses is gradual consumption. As long as they break through the immune system, no matter how strong the target's body is, no matter how large the target is, the virus can gradually consume it. This is something deadly poisons can't achieve, although the onset is slow.

Luo's attention was on the black poison, not noticing Sanbica's gaze.

"This is black scorpion venom."

Luo put away the black poison tube, took out the light green one, dropped a bit, and touched it with his index finger. The White Smoke font provided the information.

"This is the poison of the red-headed dart frog, and it's also modified. Just a tiny bit can dissolve a person's muscles."

After obtaining the information, Luo put away the light green poison tube, took out the last light blue one, similarly dropped a bit, and then touched it with his index finger.

"This is the poison of the sea slug, one drop can put a person to sleep for seven days and seven nights, also modified."

Besides the black scorpion venom, the poisons of the red-headed dart frog and the sea slug had been modified, even the already developed antidotes could not quickly cleanse the toxins.

"Truly a professional poison hunter," Luo muttered to himself.

After figuring out the details of the three poison tubes, Luo put them away, knowing that if used correctly, they could be quite effective against enemies.

Two hours later, Bisky returned, rested for a while, and then took Luo outside in the rain for sparring.

Time flowed, and the calendar turned to a new year.

In early March, over a month after the Hunter Exam had ended, Buhara ecstatically called Luo.

"Boss, I've graduated!"

That was the first thing he blurted out, and Luo was momentarily at a loss.

What the heck does graduated mean?


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