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Chapter 525: The Expedition Team from the Exotic Realm

As a being of pure energy, it took about forty minutes to travel from the royal capital to the northern domain. The space-time portal, rather than being in a mine, was located in a valley.

As with other places, due to the massive influx of magic, the entire area was undergoing crystallization, making it sparkle brilliantly.

To supply the logistics for the expeditionary army, the Church had also set up a camp and some necessary measures here, which now conveniently managed by the council.

"Master Raphael, I didn't expect that you would be leading the team this time," Lynn greeted Raphael with a bit of surprise as he entered the valley and saw him and others gathered around the swirling space-time portal, listening to Sean explaining the workings of the quartz clock.

Raphael, known to be on the list for the next round of legendary wizard promotions, didn't seem to be in a hurry to claim his glory. Lynn had thought it would be a lower-ranked wizard, like Alade, who would take this opportunity to advance his ranking, given his slightly impatient nature.

"It's because I'm alone, unattached, and all my apprentices are independent, so I was chosen," Raphael shrugged helplessly.

Lynn chuckled, not believing that was the real reason.

At this moment, Victorio explained a few words. Raphael's expertise was broad, covering elemental studies and alchemy, and he had a certain depth of knowledge in electromagnetism and optics as well, and his reliability led to his selection for this crucial role.

"It seems you are indeed the right choice to lead this mission," Lynn nodded in agreement with Victorio's assessment.

The requirement for the team leader wasn't so much about combat power, which was secondary, but rather about avoiding combat in this mission. Instead, versatility in skills was more crucial since no one knew what they might encounter on the other side of the space-time portal.

With Lynn and Victorio's praises, Raphael's helpless look faded away, replaced by a smile, knowing his selection also represented the council's appreciation and trust.

The mission to gather intelligence through the space-time portal was dangerous, but not as perilous as a direct confrontation with the unknown master of death. Raphael was confident of returning safely.

Especially since he ranked fifth among the twenty-plus sixth-ring wizards, having collaborated with Lynn, Harof, and Victorio during the defense of the capital, killing the legendary cleric Edweil and repelling the real body of Aila descending from the Heavenly Gate.

However, many wizards criticized his military achievements, suggesting he was merely riding the coattails of the councilors. Raphael was frustrated by these envious whispers; he had risked his life for his honors, though he didn't claim the final kill, he had assisted significantly.

This mission through the space-time portal was also about vindicating himself.

Lynn looked at the other wizards participating in the mission and recognized several familiar faces.

Like Yoland, who studied astrology and geography, and Tiek, skilled in mathematics, physics, and alchemy.

There was also a psychic wizard named Tika, a linguist who mastered hundreds of dialects within the empire, and surprisingly, Ivina.

"How are you here?" Lynn asked in surprise.

A week ago, after disclosing his identity to the girl and explaining the situation, they hadn't met since. Lynn heard from a servant that after talking with Sean, Ivina had left on her own.

Lynn hadn't minded much; it was probably for the best, as meeting again after clearing things up would only be awkward. However, he didn't expect her to join the expedition team.

This puzzled him, given Ivina's former membership in the Holy Punishment Army. How had she managed to infiltrate the team?

"She came with your recommendation letter; wasn't it your arrangement?" Victorio asked, surprised, thinking Ivina was there at Lynn's behest.

Lynn's mouth twitched slightly; he had written that recommendation letter to help Ivina overcome her past restrictions, aiming for her to resume her role and perhaps become a mayor in a few years, not for this.

Seeing Lynn's expression, Victorio realized his mistake and frowned at the brown-haired girl.

Under the intense presence of a legendary wizard, Ivina remained calm and explained, "I've heard a lot about the other side of the space-time portal from Bard. I might be able to help in this mission. Like Master Raphael, I'm unattached. Even if I die there, it won't cause any negative impact."

Lynn shook his head, detecting a hint of self-destructiveness in her words.

Raphael, who had previously joked about being unattached, suddenly looked annoyed. He considered himself quite important; his friends and apprentices would definitely mourn his death.

Despite his dissatisfaction, Raphael still begrudgingly supported her. "Her strength and speed are notable, just what this exploration team lacks. She might handle emergencies well."

Ivina had

 passed the selection and capability tests. During the combat test, she alone had 'taken down' three full-fledged wizards, a remarkable feat even among those specialized in close combat.

The team needed someone proficient in physical strength to ensure they weren't helpless if their magic was disrupted.

With Raphael's comment, Lynn no longer objected, accepting Ivina's choice and turning his attention to the continuously active space-time portal, asking, "Have you tested it yet? Does it have an expansion limit? What materials can pass through, and where does its energy come from?"

Victorio had not wasted the past few days, conducting preliminary experiments, including on the portal's expansion, which seemed limitless, or at least very extensive, as the magic consumption increased synchronously.

He had once expanded the portal's diameter beyond fifty meters without reaching its limit but stopped to avoid potential adverse effects, like being detected from the other side.

"Besides, we've also tested the time flow rate differences between the two worlds," Victorio continued, glancing at the somewhat exhausted Sean. "Thanks to Sir Sean's development of the quartz clock!"

Sean, hesitant to claim the title of developer in front of Lynn, humbly spoke, "It's not quite development; you've explained the principles of the quartz clock very clearly."

"I just provided a design idea; the quartz clock was ultimately made in your hands, and it only took six days, which is impressive!" Lynn reassured Sean, acknowledging his effort, and continued to inquire if anyone had entered the space-time portal and how the time flow rate was calculated.

"No, we haven't sent anyone through yet, just used some clever methods," Victorio explained with a smile.

Since the space-time portal allowed passage, they had tried tying a rope to an object and throwing it to the other side, then pulling it back.

The result was predictably a failure.

The rope came back broken, and after several experiments, they concluded that any object passing through the portal must withstand a tearing force, like being sucked into a whirlpool.

So Victorio had the rope replaced with a sturdier steel cable, tied a heavy object to it, and quickly threw it through the portal, pulling it back swiftly.

This experiment went smoothly. They then attached a quartz clock to the heavy object, left it on the other side for a while, and brought it back, calculating the flow rate based on the time difference between the two clocks.

Lynn nodded, impressed by the method.

"According to our calculations, the time flow rate difference between the two worlds is about 7.25 times, but this gap is slowly decreasing. Based on the current rate, the time flow rates of both worlds will fully align in about 450 years..." Victorio kept explaining.

This gradual decrease was very slight, and it took hundreds of experiments and a whole day's effort, assisted by a quartz clock accurate to the hundred-thousandth of a second, to calculate an approximate value.

More precise confirmation would need to wait for Raphael and his team's return. If their time flow rate decay equation matches the calculated value, then they could confirm the finding.

"450 years? It seems we have plenty of time," Raphael quipped, concerned about the seven-fold time flow rate difference, which meant that seven years in their world would only be one year in the other.

Victorio tempered his enthusiasm. "That's based on the current rate. I suspect that the more intense the magic flow, the faster the time flow rate gap will close."

Meaning, if the space-time portal is controlled by the other side and they increase the magic flow into this continent, the time flow rate difference will also diminish, and their time advantage will not be as significant.

"Anyway, your mission is very challenging. You need to gather as much information as possible about the other world, confirm whether the Star Messenger's information is correct, and avoid contact with the enemy as much as possible," Victorio solemnly advised, then handed Raphael a fist-sized strange sphere. "I think you've seen this before and know its power, right?"

Raphael recognized it immediately. Back in the City of Fire Oil, Lynn had used a similar device to unleash the 【Skyfall】 spell, cleansing the spreading deathland radiation, with just the aftermath nearly leveling the City of Fire Oil.

Holding such a powerful weapon, Raphael's wrist trembled slightly, careful not to accidentally activate it.

Victorio explained how to use it and reminded him, "Don't use it unless absolutely necessary."

Raphael rolled his eyes. Given the 【Skyfall】 spell's devastating radius, it seemed that the device would only be used in a do-or-die situation.

"By the way, take this ring as well," Lynn offered, producing a unique ring of arcane craftsmanship.

"What does it do?" Raphael asked curiously.

"Just an experiment; it might not be useful," Lynn said nonchalantly, keeping the details vague.

Victorio glanced at the ring, noting its dark gold color and texture, which

 seemed very familiar.

"Isn't this made from the metal used for the Coronet Medals?" Victorio asked in surprise.

"Yes, I melted a Coronet Medal and used part of the material to make this ring," Lynn admitted.

You melted a Coronet Medal? The wizards around were shocked, and Raphael's grip on the ring trembled.

The Coronet Medal was the highest honor in the magical world, and the fact that Lynn was willing to melt such a precious object was almost sacrilegious.

Lynn didn't seem to care much; he had consulted Harof, learning that the strange metal came from beyond the space-time portal. They had only obtained twelve kilograms in total, used to make twelve Coronet Medals.

Now, with only two left in the council's possession, and needing to save them for others, Lynn decided to melt one for his experiments, and this ring was one of the outcomes.


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