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Chapter 523: You should have already experienced a higher perspective, right, Ivina?

"Lott?" Lynn paused, a name he found nostalgic.

"He's my older brother, the eldest son of the Pedrol family, with brown hair and a bit shorter than you, born on the borders of the Nordland Duchy in the harbor town..." Ivina continued to relay information about her brother Lott.

Since that night of the great fire in the harbor town, this had been a persistent ache in her heart.

Whether she joined the Divine Punishment Army or infiltrated the City of Fire Oil as an undercover agent, she never gave up on finding Lott.

But the progress was not smooth; the only information she had was that her brother might have been involved in that conflict at the harbor town, perhaps escaping by ship from the Empire to the sacred land of the wizards overseas.

She had subtly inquired with several professors at the academy; indeed, a ship had arrived from the Empire to the wizards' land at Iyeta Harbor years ago.

In fact, many wizards knew this because Lynn, the Speaker of the Star of Magic, had arrived in the wizards' land by that ship, bringing a revolution in magic.

However, in all the tales, the name Lott never existed.

At first, Ivina thought her brother might have used an alias, but Philip, who taught elemental studies, clearly told her that there were only two wizards among those who arrived by ship at the wizards' land—none other than Lynn the Speaker and a witch named Jonny!

This revelation made Ivina's heart sink, perhaps her brother Lott had died in that great battle at the harbor town, along with a high archbishop and three thousand elite guards, all perished in an explosion that obliterated half of the town.

But she still wanted an answer! "You must know about him, right, Speaker?" Ivina asked, holding onto her last hope.

"Of course!" Lynn nodded, seeing the surprise in the young girl's eyes.

Before Ivina could continue, Lynn sighed and said, "It's been nearly four years, and I think, over these years, you must have already experienced higher perspectives, right, Ivina?"

His words were somewhat abrupt, even baffling, yet Ivina understood, staring at Lynn with disbelief.

Though several years had passed, Ivina still remembered every word someone had spoken to her that night.

Beyond the harbor town was the Nordland territory, beyond Nordland was the Seccas Empire, and beyond the empire was a much broader world...

Comparatively, her hysterical pursuit of everything—a knight's title within a rundown noble village—was laughable.

But these words should have been known only between her and Lott.

"Bro... brother?!" Ivina, staring at Lynn, almost had her eyes pop out, her voice trembling.

Her gaze swept over Lynn like a scanner, checking every detail.

The hair color was right, the physique matched, just a bit taller, and the face didn't quite match, but that might be due to the four years that had passed.

But... how could this be?

Ivina couldn't believe the conjecture that sprung up in her mind. After all, her brother was timid, mediocre, hardly notable for any merits, although Lott had seemed quite formidable on that fateful night at the harbor town, far beyond her expectations, but the gap between him and the renowned Star of Magic in front of her was like that between a dragon and a mole.

However, now there seemed no other possibility...

Facing the young girl's excited and expectant look, Lynn first nodded, then shook his head, cruelly saying, "I'd love to respond to you, but unfortunately, I am not Lott, nor am I your brother, just someone who happened to use his identity for a while."

"Borrow... use?!" Ivina struggled to understand the term.

"More specifically, see for yourself!" Lynn sighed, placed his hand on the girl's head, and transferred the relevant memories into Ivina's mind.

The memories were quite complete, starting from when he witnessed Lott falling from the city wall, to contemplating how to evade the church's pursuit, to using Lott's identity to infiltrate the town, gather intelligence, and find a ship headed for the wizards' land...

With his current status and power, there was nothing much to hide in these experiences.

A flurry of memories like a slideshow surged through the young girl's mind, turning her excitement to astonishment and panic, her lips whitening.

Ivina had considered many possibilities, like Lott possibly dying that night at the harbor town, or not taking the ship to the wizards' land at all, perhaps going elsewhere, or maybe avoiding her due to his disdain over the years.

But she had never imagined that Lott had died, much sooner than she had thought.

Without a doubt, the cause of his death was her...

Ivina vaguely remembered the night before L

ott fell into the water; she had mocked him several times in a fit of anger, even harshly saying that if he failed the knight's exam that year, he might as well be dead. Lott, as before, did not respond, and then he never returned that night.

Back then, she had maliciously hoped that her brother would never come back, so her father would focus on her, seeing her efforts and contributions...

Now her 'hopes' and 'dreams' had indeed become reality, Lott was truly dead...

"I killed him..." Ivina's mind reeled, murmuring to herself, her face losing color, her body beginning to tremble.

Lynn silently shook his head; Ivina's cold, sharp words weren't the sole 'killers' of Lott, but also the coercion from their father, Baron Pedrol.

It must be said, the Pedrol family was full of 'talents'.

An eldest son mediocre and too timid to meet his father's expectations, a stubborn younger sister with distinct talent and resentment, longing for recognition, and they had to deal with a father, ambitious but lacking in ability, obsessed with restoring the family's glory.

In Baron Pedrol's eyes, his children were merely tools. Ivina's beauty and her skills in swordsmanship were pawns to woo the Duke of Nordland, and the only son, Lott, was of course the sole candidate to restore the family's glory.

Lack of talent could be compensated by effort, or other means if necessary, as long as they could connect with the Duke and convince the church's bishop, it wasn't impossible to secure a spot in the knight's selection.

Baron Pedrol's thoughts were indeed beautiful, but he evidently did not consider whether Lott was willing or capable of accepting such arrangements.

The previous seven knight selections were all disastrous, and the expectations and burdens of family restoration nearly suffocated Lott, with Ivina's sarcasm being the last straw that broke the camel's back, leading Lott, already feeling inferior and timid, to the thought that everything would be better if he were dead.

"Your brother might not have been outstanding, nor a Star of Magic, but he truly cared about you," Lynn spoke softly. "His death is not entirely your fault, and death cannot be reversed. If you want to do something to make up for your mistakes, why not do something more meaningful, and live out his part as well?"

"Although the council has cleared the nobility, there are still many like your father, Baron Pedrol, within the empire; ignorant, stubborn, with outdated views, events like infanticide, lynching, and duels still occur frequently in the kingdom..."

"No one can stop what has already happened, but at least we can reduce those unpleasant events from happening again."

Lynn offered a few words of consolation, patted the continuously trembling shoulders of the young girl, then picked up the observing black crow and left the room alone, letting Ivina have a moment to herself.

As he gently closed the door, a muffled sobbing echoed synchronously.

"People, only after losing something, realize what is most important..." Lynn said reflectively.

Initially, he had only intended to use Lott's identity as a temporary stepping stone to enter the harbor town and find the crippled Laude, who ended up hiding like a ground rat, but instead, he was caught by Baron Pedrol's steward due to his leaked whereabouts, forcing him to head back.

Fortunately, the Pedrol family's situation was very complex, and their relationships could be described as estranged relatives at best, allowing Lynn to muddle through with the descriptions in Lott's diary.

Now, regardless of the circumstances, this karmic cycle was thoroughly resolved, and whether Ivina could come to terms with it was beyond his control.

Lynn's thoughts soon freed themselves from these trivial matters, as there were more important issues to deal with, such as arranging personnel to enter the time portal as soon as possible and clarifying the time flow difference between the two worlds.

This was extremely important, as it largely indicated how much preparation time they still had.

Thinking this, Lynn turned to the attendant who had brought Ivina over and asked, "Is Mr. Sean, who developed the pendulum clock, still in the capital?"

"Responding to the Speaker, Mr. Sean is probably still advancing his studies at the Alchemy Institute," the attendant replied respectfully.

"Then have him come to the reception room later," Lynn guessed that the emotionally unstable Ivina would need to cry for a while, so he changed the meeting place to the reception room.

"Please wait a moment; I'll go notify Mr. Sean right away," the attendant withdrew very respectfully.

The wait was not long; upon learning that the renowned Star of Magic had summoned him, Sean hurriedly grabbed his latest invention and rushed to the manor as fast as possible.

"Speaker, you wanted to see me?" Sean entered the

 room and immediately bowed to Lynn, his attitude very humble.

"Yes, there are some matters for which I need your talents!" Lynn nodded, pointing to a seat nearby, indicating that Sean could sit down and discuss at leisure.

"I'd be glad to serve you, Speaker!" Sean sat down on the chair somewhat stiffly, aware that neither his talent nor strength was likely impressive to the Star of Magic, if his only unique feature was his invention of the pendulum clock.

The other party had specifically sought him out, probably for the improvement and subsequent popularization of the pendulum clock.

Sean was very self-aware, having brought his latest achievement in advance.

A forty-centimeter-long special pendulum clock.

"This is my new creation, improved after taking your advice. I've added a minute hand and hour hand, as well as features for striking the hour and adjusting the date..." Sean explained the functions of the new pendulum clock to Lynn, his face shedding any trace of restraint.

Lynn took the pendulum clock and examined it, finding it nearly perfect except for a somewhat crude appearance.

"Your pendulum clock is very well made; I think in the future, every city, town, and even every person will use such convenient timekeeping devices," Lynn did not stint his words of praise.

Sean was naturally overjoyed, quickly immersing himself in the grand prospects laid out by the Star of Magic.

However, Lynn suddenly changed the subject, "But this time, I want you to continue improving the timing device. Its precision is still lacking. It might suffice for general situations, but it will be hard to play much of a role in some precision-timed magic experiments."

Especially for accurately assessing the time flow difference between the two sides of the time portal, neither the pendulum clock nor a magic hourglass would suffice.

Lynn's words pulled Sean from his complacent state, knowing well that precision was a major weakness of the pendulum clock.

Because the timing principle of the device relied on the isochronism of the pendulum swing, achieving second-level time scale division stability was already quite good.

"Speaker, give me three days; I will find a way to improve the precision of the pendulum clock to within one-tenth of a second, no, one-twentieth of a second!" Sean said determinedly.

This renowned Star of Magic, rarely asking for his help, Sean naturally did not dare to be negligent nor miss this rare opportunity.

"Not enough!" Lynn shook his head, stating bluntly, "I hope the timing device you develop can reach a precision of one-millionth of a second!"

One millionth of a second?!

Sean's face was filled with astonishment and disbelief, followed by a wry smile.

"That's probably... impossible, Speaker."

If it were fifty-thousandths of a second, or even one-hundred-thousandths, he might have a way to try, but one millionth of a second was sheer fantasy.

Even the reaction speeds of legendary speakers were not that fast, right?

"Of course, it's possible, as long as you find a more definite timing method than a pendulum, you'll find it's simpler than you think!" Lynn said with a smile.


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