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Chapter 516: Everything Has a Wavelength!

Calculate a person's wavelength?

The wizards present could hardly believe it—could people also exhibit wave-like properties?

Jeffrey's face was full of disbelief. Even as one of the pioneers of light wave properties, he dared not claim that people have wave-like properties—such a bizarre statement!

Lynn acted as if he hadn't seen the surprise of the crowd. Using his hand as a pen, he casually wrote a few symbols in the air—the famous de Broglie wavelength formula!

The formula was incredibly simple, clear at a glance.

It was even unbelievably simple!


The symbol λ represents the wavelength.

P was very familiar to them—it's momentum, the product of an object's mass and velocity!

The only unfamiliar element was h, which Lynn explained.

"This is the quantum constant, like the gravitational constant, it is a fixed value, 6.626×10^(-34) joules per second!"

Hearing the term "quantum constant," the wizards keen on researching the microscopic domain immediately showed a look of realization.

This was a concept Lynn mentioned in his paper "The World of Probability—Quantum Mechanics" published in the Magic Daily, discussing studies on radiation light and the particle nature of electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic waves propagate as electromagnetic fields, but when interacting with charged particles, they exhibit discontinuities in energy and momentum.

Thus, the Star of Magic hypothesized that they are emitted and absorbed not continuously, but in quanta—there must be a minimum value!

This value is the quantum constant—the smallest divisible amount of energy!

And the entire wavelength calculation formula translates to an object's wavelength being the quantum constant divided by its momentum!

With the computational power of a grand wizard, Anthony calculated in just a second that an adult moving at a normal speed would have a wavelength of about 10^(-37) meters, a scale almost negligible.

Not to mention the naked eye, even the perception of legendary wizards couldn't possibly reach such a scale.

"But this quantum constant should just be your hypothesis!" Jeffrey was not convinced by the wave formula Lynn presented.

After all, using a hypothetical element to prove one's theory flawlessly, wasn't that nonsense?

Lynn hadn't yet spoken when Elok, unable to hold back, explained.

"This is not a hypothesis; it is the Dean's highest achievement in the study of electromagnetic and thermal radiation! We have already found a way to emit single photons, and this wavelength formula is 100% accurate in calculating the wavelength and frequency of light and electricity. It can even predict the potential locations of microscopic particles and perfectly matches the experimental results!"

Hearing Elok's explanation, Lynn's lips curled into a smile. Once quantum fields are involved, Planck's constant becomes a priority to confirm, as it is linked to many formulas, also considered a physical constant following the speed of light and the gravitational constant!

Unfortunately, due to limited conditions, Lynn could only replicate Joseph von Fraunhofer's rotational geometry device to measure the Planck constant, and the accuracy was not high.

To further improve the accuracy, they would likely need a particle collider.

Hearing Elok mention that they had found the photons, Anthony and others were utterly astonished.

Why were the double-slit interference experiments always conducted with electrons? Naturally, because they couldn't emit photons one by one!

Some steadfast wave-supporting wizards even believed that photons didn't exist at all—this thing had already been determined to be electromagnetic waves!

It was a wave, not a particle!

But if Elok wasn't lying, then this conclusion would also have to be overturned; waves also possess particle properties!

Beside, Alade noted another more explosive message, excitedly saying, "Did you just say that you can predict the locations where microscopic particles might appear?"

The wizards in the room also caught on, and even Harof, Aurora, and Victorio, three of the councilors, couldn't sit still anymore.

Due to the many bizarre properties in the microscopic domain, and because they are too small, it is impossible to measure them to any degree. Even the gravitational deformation magnification method used to measure atoms had failed.

Thus, so far, everything about the quantum—its shape, mass, and trajectory—remains completely unknown.

For example, in the double-slit experiment, they didn't know where the next electron might appear, or even if it would hit the fluorescent screen.

This is the biggest problem currently faced in studying microscopic particles; all its properties seem chaotic, with no clue to be found.

"If you're talking about predicting, of course, that can be done," Lynn laughed, then continued to explain. "But this isn't the kind of precise prediction you're thinking of. It should be called a probability cloud distribution model!"

Predicting the exact location of a quantum at any given moment is nearly impossible.

Because the Federation has

 proven countless times through experiments that this thing is truly random, not cyclical pseudo-random.

But if over a hundred thousand electrons are emitted, then the accuracy of this probability cloud distribution model could reach over 99.9%!

Just like flipping a coin in hand, as long as the number of flips is sufficient, the number of times it lands heads or tails will tend to approach 50%!

"So every microscopic particle is constantly throwing dice, deciding where it will appear the next moment when observed?" Jeffrey couldn't comprehend. "Doesn't this need to consume energy?"

"Why not the other way around? Maybe energy is only consumed when the probability collapses," Lynn shrugged.

This strange yet plausible statement left Jeffrey speechless.

Alade and others were contemplating Lynn's wavelength formula and probability cloud model.

They hadn't yet confirmed the latter through experiments and couldn't evaluate it temporarily. However, the former perfectly matched what Lynn had just stated: the more macroscopic an object, the weaker its wave-like properties show.

After all, the larger the divisor P (momentum), the smaller the resulting wavelength value, making it trivial compared to its mass and volume.

Only quantum particles, also in a microscopic state, would exhibit wave-like properties that are particularly noticeable compared to their mass.

Or perhaps, this conclusion itself was deduced from this formula!

Pondering this, Alade quickly thought that this wavelength formula and probability cloud model might be one of the entry points for studying the quantum field...

Wait, weren't they here to oppose the theory of probability?

Alade suddenly realized this.

Damn, almost got roped in by this Star of Magic!


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