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Chapter 196: Escape

When the two arrived at the hall, Antomu was already able to get up. At this moment, he looked up at the ceiling of the hall with a surprised expression.

"Bang, bang, bang...!"

It sounded like something was tapping on the roof. Each noise wasn't very loud, but they were frequent, so the sound seemed quite loud.

Antomu turned his head to look at Biscuit and Luo, who were coming out of the palace. He remained silent, yet his eyes conveyed a sense of gravity.

It was unclear what was tapping the roof, but it was definitely a creature, something Antomu deduced from the roars he had heard earlier.

His injuries were severe, and although he could sustain himself with his body's resilience, it would be dangerous if they encountered a formidable, unidentified creature.

Luo and Biscuit looked up at the ceiling, seeing large amounts of dust fall down with the noises.

At that moment, the ceiling was smashed open, and debris along with dust fell to the ground. Immediately after, a blue vine-like light shot through the hole.

Seeing the blue vine, the three inside the hall immediately realized what was happening and had the same thought - to leave as quickly as possible.

If that light-like strip could move and even had the strength to smash through the palace roof, then the number they had seen before was not small, scattered throughout the entire cave.

With that thought, there was no reason to stay any longer.

"Let's go."

As soon as Biscuit shouted, Luo and Antomu didn't need any more urging; they started running.

In a critical moment, Antomu, despite his injuries, forced himself to move, though not quickly.

The three ran straight for the main entrance just as several more holes were made above, and vines shot through these openings.

The incoming vines did not attack them, but instead first coiled around several bodies lying on the ground, lifting them into the air, then began to writhe as they greedily absorbed the blood from the bodies.

More and more vines came through, fighting over the blood from the corpses.

Seeing this, Luo gritted his teeth slightly; he was running low on aura and couldn't mobilize much to boost his speed. He was merely running on physical strength, which was exhausting and painful.

Seeing Luo's speed decreasing, Biscuit knew what was happening. He turned and grabbed Luo's clothes, lifting him like a chick, and dashed towards the main entrance, leaving Antomu behind.

"Actually... Biscuit, I don't mind you carrying me," Luo shouted. He felt like a kite being tugged along in the air by Biscuit.

"I'm too delicate to carry you," Biscuit replied without turning his head.

"Then transform!" Luo said, nearly biting his tongue as he was filled with the wind.

In the next second, Biscuit forcefully threw him forward.

Luo screamed as he was hurled to the front of the main entrance. He landed softly, maintaining his Ten, but oddly didn't feel much impact.

Using a skillful throw, Biscuit sent Luo right to the entrance, then glanced back at the increasing number of vines inside the hall, her brow slightly furrowed, considering there might be even more outside. But for now, they had to rush out.

If it were just her, she could easily make it out, but with Luo, it wasn’t so sure; she had to keep an eye on him to ensure he wasn’t caught by a vine. Judging by the speed at which the vines were draining blood, it wouldn't take more than ten seconds to drain someone completely.

Now, with Luo's dwindling aura, if caught, he would be close to death.

With that thought, Biscuit sped up, charging straight to the main door and used 'Ko,' punching the wall beside the door.

The loud noise as the solid wall was punctured by Biscuit's small fist was another close encounter with her dazzling punch. Luo’s heart tightened, knowing he had to learn that technique. Just then, Biscuit's hand reached out for him.

"Or holding onto you works too!" Luo looked down at the small hand gripping his clothes, earnestly.

Without a word, Biscuit pulled him along, then ran out of the palace. Outside, hundreds of vines quietly floated in front of them, hanging down like willow fluff.

Inside the palace, Antomu, despite his injuries, ran with all his might to the entrance, while the vines in the air took a turn, chasing after him.

Without needing to look back, Antomu knew the vines were targeting him, so he burst out of the entrance, and immediately saw the many vines in front of him. His face grew solemn, but it was fortunate that Biscuit was clearing the path.

At this time, Biscuit was protecting Luo while breaking the

 vines coming at them.

In this situation, she couldn’t just rush out with Luo; he had to stay close behind her.

Each vine unfolded sharp barbs, but they couldn’t penetrate the defense before Biscuit’s fists and were smashed apart.

With numerous vines attacking relentlessly, Biscuit handled them with ease. She didn’t need to transform, but her speed was hindered.

Antomu wasn’t foolish either; he swung his fists, breaking several vines, and followed behind Biscuit.

The trio, amidst the vine assault, slowly made their way back towards the stairs they had come from.

Luo stayed close to Biscuit, not idle, occasionally swinging his sword to cut through the attacking vines.

"Good thing Biscuit is here, or else these vines wouldn’t be anything compared to that dumb cat."

Luo glanced at the numerous vines wreaking havoc in the air. If he had enough aura, he could instantly annihilate all of them with his domain, instead of having to continually swing his sword and exhaust himself further.

The strength and toughness of the vines posed a significant threat to ordinary people, but in front of Biscuit, they were as easy to handle as tofu, unable to stir up any trouble.

Biscuit was experienced, although she didn't recognize what species the vines were, she still kept her distance from potential threats, like avoiding the blue liquid splashing from the broken vines. She preferred to move slower rather than get splashed.

The three were getting closer to the stairs, and the vines’ movements became increasingly aggressive.

At that moment, the stone platform suddenly shook, followed by a screeching roar near the trio.

Looking towards the source of the sound, they saw black jointed limbs extending from the edge of the platform, illuminated by blue light, resembling greatly enlarged crab legs.

Just as Luo thought this, the limbs embedded themselves into the rock layer, and the next moment, the creature making the roar jumped up from below, landing heavily on the platform, causing it to shake violently.

Biscuit paused her movements, and Luo, lacking enough aura to enhance his balance, slightly tilted to one side, while Antomu, with a foundation as stable as Biscuit's, was not affected.

Luo’s slight tilt took him out of Biscuit’s protective range, and a vine took the opportunity to coil around him, pulling him into the air.

"Bad news!"

Luo’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly used his remaining aura to activate his domain, cutting the vine that had wrapped around his body, then fell from the air.

At that moment, the surrounding vines, like pythons, came at him all at once.

Luo’s face grew solemn as he swung his sword a few times, but the sheer number of vines quickly enveloped him, wrapping him into a thick zongzi.

Below, Biscuit’s gaze sharpened, ignoring the massive unidentified creature. She gathered aura under her feet, preparing to leap up to rescue Luo when suddenly, the layers of vines wrapped around him split open all at once.

A creature that resembled a black leopard, holding Luo in its mouth, landed from the air, then opened its mouth, dropping Luo to the ground, and said, "Really useless."

"It’s all your fault!" Luo got up from the ground and immediately swung his sword at the black leopard, but it had no effect.


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